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-Your best investments for 2024 and beyond-


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We are getting close to the new year fellow investors, and I am wondering where you see value in the market right now, feel free to share your best investment ideas for the year 2024 and beyond 😄


Whats value to me: 









Maybe MET Coal but i don't dare to say I can know where commodity prices will be long term, same counts for OIL


Cheers 🙂

Edited by Luca
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Even though it’s had a monster year, I still think APO is well positioned to keep performing well in 2024 (certainly not as well as 2023). It still trades at a very reasonable valuation, and will still continue to grow its earnings over 15% annually. 

Also, as always, I think KKR is a nice complement to an APO position, also reasonably valued despite the recent run towards all time highs. If we get more of a sudden drop in rates, I suspect kkr would outperform APO at least for the short term. I think BN would be a good play on falling rates too, but my personal preference is KKR. 

Well located single family homes, for all the same reasons stated a million times, there’s a housing shortage, and cost of replacement is going through the roof. Plenty of new apartments being built, but not nearly enough inventory of SFH. The “lock in” effect will persist unless rates drop dramatically, but even with mortgages in the 6s there’s going to be significant deferred demand as millennial and gen z buyers begin to qualify for mortgages on low end sfh. It’s probably easier to buy the reits, but the options to leverage these positions aren’t as attractive to me compared to controlling the real asset myself. 

JOE - I’m all aboard the Joe train, but have nothing to add to more clever posters about this topic. I have a large position with half as August 24 options that I predict end up getting exercised next August. 

FFH - I think the major outperformance is taking a breather finally, but it’s still valued attractively compared to peers, and I’m planning to hold on. 

I have almost all of my wealth outside a closely held business in the above (except KKR since I’m heavily invested in the residential re space and in the middle of value add projects on 4/5 investments, ie I’m short on cash and all in). 

I think if all my capital wasn’t tied up, I’d probably have some more good ideas, but these are my current conviction ideas. 

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LUV - easily has $4+ in earnings power and even after this run up is at 2014 prices or the "end of air travel" covid prices. 


FFH  - should add 15% this year if P/BV ratio remains the same. 


HUM - new add for me, but I've followed it for a long time. Last time the P/FE ratio was this low was October 2019 and it has returned 15% CAGR since then. HUM today is leaner and more focused than 2019 after dressing up for a sale that fell through. 



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2 hours ago, Paarslaars said:

I think it's going to be Bitcoin... sorry guys. 🙂 


I'm also 50/50 shares/calls on Joe, though I won't let calls (60$'s) get exercised, position is too large for that.



I don't like saying it but I think you may be right about Bitcoin



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6 minutes ago, rkbabang said:

I think a good 2024 portfolio could consist of:


Bitcoin by far. Then:

MSTR (because of the above)










That looks like mine if you swith PRB/AIV with OXY/BRK.


Except MSTR though, never heard of it... will look into it.

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25 minutes ago, rkbabang said:

MicroStrategy (MSTR) is a mediocre but profitable software company that holds 174,530 bitcoins. https://buybitcoinworldwide.com/microstrategy-statistics/

So basically you're buying bitcoins at a slight premium without the risk of holding them yourself?

Sounds like the blackrock ETF with extra steps to make it legal. 🙂 

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12 minutes ago, Paarslaars said:

So basically you're buying bitcoins at a slight premium without the risk of holding them yourself?

Sounds like the blackrock ETF with extra steps to make it legal. 🙂 


With a fanatical Bitcoin Maximalist founder dedicated to using all company profits to increase its Bitcoin holdings.  He resigned as CEO so he could let someone else run the software side of the business so he could focus on Bitcoin.


“I believe that splitting the roles of Chairman and CEO will enable us to better pursue our two corporate strategies of acquiring and holding Bitcoin and growing our enterprise analytics software business,” Saylor said.





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1 hour ago, rkbabang said:

I think a good 2024 portfolio could consist of:


Bitcoin by far. Then:

MSTR (because of the above)









How about ETH. I thought you were holding that for a long time. 

I am thinking while BTC has the “halving” catalyst going for it in 2024, maybe ETH has more crypto-beta in the tank and might overshoot 

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2 hours ago, Xerxes said:

How about ETH. I thought you were holding that for a long time. 

I am thinking while BTC has the “halving” catalyst going for it in 2024, maybe ETH has more crypto-beta in the tank and might overshoot 

It might and I still hold a bunch of it. Long term I’m not a fan of ETH though. I don’t like Proof of Stake. It has a centralizing effect giving a small elite control. If ETH does better than BTC in 2024 I’ll use that as an opportunity to convert more of my ETH into BTC.

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16 minutes ago, newtovalue said:

this may be a stupid question - but how do you guys own your crypto? do you self custody or through an exchange or through derivatives?

Buy on an exchange (Coinbase) then move it out to self custody.  I don’t move it out every time I buy a little, which has been multiple times per week all of this year, but every time it gets to be about 0.25 BTC or so, I get it out of there.

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