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Sweet last won the day on March 7 2023

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  1. Sweet


    Lol, not a biggie until it is a biggie. It's a ludicrous thing to do.
  2. If your at 306 million, why oh why wouldn’t you put even 30 million aside and say this never gets traded? Greed killed his account and it seems he may not have been intelligent enough to override that greed and do the smart thing.
  3. Sweet


    Only insofar as I recall it being one of the better run oil companies from my days investing in that sector. Large footprint in Permian I believe.
  4. Sweet


    Quite a few surprises on this list:
  5. In ten years time, I see prices of the oil sector relatively the same with swings higher and lower. Not an industry I’m interesting in owning, only ever renting at bottoms and playing mean reversion. I gotten bitten once here before I made a killing, but I learned my lesson. If you had decent management just sloshing cash back to shareholders it would of course do much better than the average oil company. Shame there aren’t that many of those.
  6. Yes it’s cyclic but finding the bottom in these cycles can take years too. Hoping for breakouts to new highs for many of these companies is a big mistake. There was some dangerous talk in this thread an about 2 years ago that this was a slam dunk from here - it seemed obvious to me the easy money had been made. You can buy good companies for sure, but there are many more which are terrible and are ran in the interest of the board or founders. The sector is something you rent but never own in my opinion - not anymore at least. Exxon Mobil would have been a great hold decades ago, think there are so many better options now.
  7. Lol, always the way. Glad I got out of this POS sector two years ago. It would take a covid like crash to make me touch it again. Look at Oxy, even Buffett can’t get this space right. Not only are you looking at the long-term secular decline in oil use but many companies are not run in the interest of the shareholders. And the oil investors are addicted to gloom and doom and wishing for world war three or some shit to pump oil up so they can make bank. Or they blame politicians for keeping oil low - no shit they want low oil price. It’s a wild sector. One I do not miss. But dam I made a lot of money in it.
  8. Sweet


    Love the interview but still not gonna buy China - even though he is probably correct.
  9. Many companies, not just the big tech ones, will only allow themselves to repair a device and provide unique set of cables for their devices. I disliked the lightning cable ban... I mean really, we can't have different ways to charge and move data onto our phone? Imagine if the EU made this law years ago with USB cables, there would be no innovation to USB-c cables without regulation first. No.
  10. Is there a space for a general discussion thread that isn’t trying to predict tops or talk about war, but also isn’t worthy of a thread in its own right? If you think it’s already too crowded I’ll delete the thread. I was thinking that I’m surprised that the bank stocks like BAC aren’t ripping higher off the back of a 0.5% cut. I’m also thinking that Powell has to be one of the best Fed chairs.
  11. On no planet is Thierry Breton funny.
  12. Maybe the last few years, but the past decade or more it has been comparable if not higher in the EU.
  13. There has seemingly been a lot of buyers of bitcoins, between those who offer etfs, and even govenments. So why isn't price ripping?
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