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Xerxes last won the day on April 17

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  1. Beautiful. Stelco and “trump trade” giving it a boost over $1,600
  2. it SHOULD be mourning. A father and a husband died trying to protect his family. Don’t worry about Trump. He is a tough guy. He can take the jokes.
  3. https://x.com/stillgray/status/1813139025642893768/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1813139025642893768&currentTweetUser=stillgray this is so funny
  4. My god, Blackrock’ chieftain, Larry Fink, has been Red-pilled ! This is the Establishment. Can’t wait for him to start making personal memes and podcasts. But i bet you never see Blackrock making a directional bet. He just wants to be the pipeline for whatever the market is buying and selling. And maybe the good PR of it will help offset his ESG PR “issues”.
  5. is there a hidden message about Kraken Robotics ? the only one not in capital letter
  6. Shetland Police Department better get on the case of “vanishing” cables
  7. Worry not folks. We, Canada, are on it. You just wait and see. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7260649 Trudeau says Canada can meet NATO's military spending benchmark by 2032
  8. You are bold sir. I recall your portfolio's largest component was Berkshire at 40% (if i am not remembering wrong.) with the rest being ETFs (i think) Now the largest is MSTR at 50%
  9. @Viking if you have any take on TheHub it would interesting. They are an insurance broker. https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/industry-news/hub-intl-to-sell-subsidiaries-to-fairfax/ @dealraker brought it up couple of times.
  10. From the article on Walter Schloss " .... On December 12, 1941, immediately after Pearl Harbor, Schloss enlisted in the US Army and served as a code clerk in the 833rd Signal Company. He was then transferred to the Persian Gulf Command in Iran, which constructed Studebaker trucks in an Iranian truck factory. These trucks were loaded up with supplies and driven north to the border, where they were turned over to the Russian army for use in the siege of Stalingrad. ...." I hope he liked the kebab when he was in Iran
  11. Yes. In fact Apple 7-1 share split some decade ago was to get to DOW as a candidate.
  12. Berkshire ‘ case might be due to its very high class A shares given Dow’ unique methodology.
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