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  • 7 months later...

I'm posting here - instead of in the Tesla topic in the Investment Ideas forum, which topic I'm actually reading on a fairly regular basis. I'm posting here, because the angle of this post is human.


Tesla & Teslas, rockets, roof tiles as mini solar panels/elements, batteries, hyperloop and I don't know what ... - money, stock prices, SEC cases ... & money again!


I think no human being can withstand this kind of pressure and workload for sustained periods, without durable damages to health and mind. It's called burnout, in short. It's a very efficient way to shorten life expectancy.


The common denominator of all those surreal events involving Mr. Musk lately is, that they are symptoms of progressing burnout.


What would you do, if you were the observer of something like this evolving over time for a dear and close friend to you? - I think you would - at least try to - do something. So, in short - I speculate that Mr. Musk is also friendless now - at least to some extent.


So, to me, this whole thing going on right now is indeed sad to observe. [in the end, a judge is called a judge, because it's up to that particular person to do exactly that: judge.]


What would you do, if you were the observer of something like this evolving over time for a dear and close friend to you? - I think you would - at least try to - do something. So, in short - I speculate that Mr. Musk is also friendless now - at least to some extent.


He's probably not friendless, but he likely does not listen to friends.


How this ends, who knows. It could end up well or not.


My best wishes and support to Elon and everyone in his companies.



"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly, Elon."


What would you do, if you were the observer of something like this evolving over time for a dear and close friend to you? - I think you would - at least try to - do something. So, in short - I speculate that Mr. Musk is also friendless now - at least to some extent.


He's probably not friendless, but he likely does not listen to friends.


How this ends, who knows. It could end up well or not.


My best wishes and support to Elon and everyone in his companies.



"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly, Elon."


He is close friends, at least he used to be, with Larry Page. I would think Page would be a great source of advice both for personal and business issues.


I'm posting here - instead of in the Tesla topic in the Investment Ideas forum, which topic I'm actually reading on a fairly regular basis. I'm posting here, because the angle of this post is human.


Tesla & Teslas, rockets, roof tiles as mini solar panels/elements, batteries, hyperloop and I don't know what ... - money, stock prices, SEC cases ... & money again!


I think no human being can withstand this kind of pressure and workload for sustained periods, without durable damages to health and mind. It's called burnout, in short. It's a very efficient way to shorten life expectancy.


The common denominator of all those surreal events involving Mr. Musk lately is, that they are symptoms of progressing burnout.


What would you do, if you were the observer of something like this evolving over time for a dear and close friend to you? - I think you would - at least try to - do something. So, in short - I speculate that Mr. Musk is also friendless now - at least to some extent.


So, to me, this whole thing going on right now is indeed sad to observe. [in the end, a judge is called a judge, because it's up to that particular person to do exactly that: judge.]


Yes.  Last week I think it was I watched the live feed of him announcing the manned moon mission purchase by the Japanese billionaire and I thought Musk just looked extremely tired and exhausted.  He needs a vacation.  He should take a month off and relax.  Then maybe never go back to Tesla.  Focus on SpaceX and getting us off this rock.



So, to me, this whole thing going on right now is indeed sad to observe.


I think so too.  In fact I bought my TSLA puts partly because I wanted sadness insurance.


I'm posting here - instead of in the Tesla topic in the Investment Ideas forum, which topic I'm actually reading on a fairly regular basis. I'm posting here, because the angle of this post is human.


Tesla & Teslas, rockets, roof tiles as mini solar panels/elements, batteries, hyperloop and I don't know what ... - money, stock prices, SEC cases ... & money again!


I think no human being can withstand this kind of pressure and workload for sustained periods, without durable damages to health and mind. It's called burnout, in short. It's a very efficient way to shorten life expectancy.


The common denominator of all those surreal events involving Mr. Musk lately is, that they are symptoms of progressing burnout.


What would you do, if you were the observer of something like this evolving over time for a dear and close friend to you? - I think you would - at least try to - do something. So, in short - I speculate that Mr. Musk is also friendless now - at least to some extent.


So, to me, this whole thing going on right now is indeed sad to observe. [in the end, a judge is called a judge, because it's up to that particular person to do exactly that: judge.]


As mentioned above in the thread, Ashley Vance's biography of Elon Musk is a good read and gives a glimpse of what it must be to be him.

The biography is easily available for download but here's an "official" link:



Interesting that "burnout" syndrome is mentioned.

"It's better to burn out than to fade away" is a key line in a classic song written by Neil Young in the late 70's. Neil Young was not referring to the "burnout" syndrome then and later explained what he meant: "it's better to burn out really bright than to sort of decay off into infinity", which may reflect how Mr. Musk feels in general. Also interesting to note that the social definition of the "burnout" syndrome has evolved. Before it became associated with stress and heavy extrinsic demands, in the 70's and 80's, classical burnout cases were manifested by people, typically idealists, who failed to reach unrealistically self-imposed intrinsic high altruistic goals, possibly a better potential depiction of Mr. Musk.


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”  George Bernard Shaw


Whatever disease or syndrome considered, Mr Musk's "problem" is that he has been unusually unreasonable.

Mr Thiel has said of him: "To the extent that the world still doubts Elon, I think it’s a reflection on the insanity of the world and not on the supposed insanity of Elon.”

He indeed may need help but this may not be an option for him.

Hope he does well.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I'm bumping this topic up - for general discussion - based on what's been going on with regard to Mr. Musk since last post in this topic. Personally, I don't know what to think ... - what do you think?


hey all:


After what has transpired in the past few weeks with Mr. Musk...I've really got question his judgment and sanity.


They are going to 1mm self driving taxis in the next year or so?


They've pretty much got autonomous driving down?


TSLA is going to raise capital because now they are doing so well?


It is one thing to "puff" and promote...this is another whole level.


I think Musk has attempted some audacious things in his career and certainly moved forward the timetable for EV adoption. Yet, Tesla is trying to tackle a business with a reputation for terrible economics.

Musk has played himself in his conduct and behavior. He didn't need to go for the "short burn of the century". He didn't need to overpromise on production figures, semi trucks, or the autonomy timetable. His social media showmanship and potential violation of securities, highway safety, and other laws are entirely his own doing. Ostensibly, he could have recently raised capital at $300+ a share. So Tesla's lean budget and coming cash crunch can be attributed in significant part to Musk's poor strategic decision making. The man is bold, but he isn't well and should have been removed as CEO months ago..

  • 2 months later...
  • 5 years later...
6 minutes ago, Gregmal said:

Yawn. Same people whom always whine about same things whining about same things. 

It's whining to try and get the father of your child to respond to medical emergencies?  Is that really what we've become?


Musk is absolutely losing it I'm afraid. His brand is taking a terrible hit at the moment. Will be interesting to see how tesla sales hold up. 

He is making lots of enemies. Would not be surprised if he gets whacked. 


@Gregmal it's okay to be a republican while at the same time calling out shitty behaviour. Team politics is stupid.

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