Awesome watch, Jeff [ @DooDiligence ]!,
The more I think about it, I'm likely to come to the conclusion that this Rolex of his may not even be be his own buying decision.
Perhaps one of his wifes decided to 'dress him up 'suitable'' [at one of his birthdays or whatever] more in accordance with the man he really is, pulling the payment for the watch on a mirror card of his personal Amex card, so he ended up paying for it himself!
- Women / wifes / men / husbands / better halfs / significant others / mistresses / lovers [<-?] can some times be so bold and ballsy risk takers so that one gets scared just thinking about it!
- - - o 0 o - - -
I once was as a youngster on an audit of a quite complex private holding company, and in the process I ended up in an open office to ask the CFO why there were entries in the general ledger of utilities costs related to an appartment at a certain adress in Copenhagen, which appartment I coulden't see nor find in the balance sheet / books for the holding company. Furthermore, no rental income from it booked anywhere.
So I had to call the boss at end of normal working hours to tell him that I had f**ked up dearly during the day, at least unintentionally.
Answer from boss : No problem, John, - let it go. He [the controlling shareholder] called me two or three weeks ago, where we talked about nothing and everything. He actually complained to me, he had not been getting any sex lately with his wife [and he felt that he coulden't really take the freedom to go to Copenhagen anytime soon, so he was dearly frustrated!]
[- so what do you do when you're in deep shit and are frustrated about it and don't know what to to ? - You call your CPA for guidance and advice, naturally! ] ,
Because he had been to a meeting with a reinsurance company in Copenhagen during a day some time ago, and when he dressed off that evening to go to bed at home, his wife just asked him : 'This morning, when you dressed for going to work, you had an undershirt under your shirt. Where is that now?' <wifey pulling for checkmate in one move>.