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Everything posted by Luke

  1. Lufax as an example is sell only now and untradable. 300k volume...
  2. Interactive Brokers stopps retail investors from buying stocks in Hongkong with "low liquidity" possibly under pressure from FINRA. Meanwhile i can yolo my Life Savings into a leveraged ARK ETF in NY. What the hell is going on?
  3. Someone will have to own these bags when the selling starts
  4. It literally is collusion. "Apes buckle up and do your part" "Shareprice will be 2000 USD next week and shortsqueeze will be massive"!! Trick is that they all dont know each other and its just done via the internet. So SEC investigation is very hard...crazy...
  5. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/ecb-begin-cutting-rates-even-inflation-fight-continues-2024-06-05/ 0.25% rate cut to 3.75% deposit rate by the ECB!
  6. Luke


    The US population distribution is a lot more even than in Germany so you wont have that much of a problem when the "boomers" go into pension I guess. China will face the shrinking of work force with older population.
  7. On the other hand, this is what the new Prosus CEO said regarding AI lately: "We have lots of impacts in other more fancy things, so we have like interface to people talk, through share to make orders to share it. We can do interface to do the chat, to not only make orders, but to talk in the call centres. So even our internal call centre team, they use AI to get recommendations about how they should serve better the customer. The external customer and the drivers. We deliver around 3 to 4 million orders per day. So most of the feedback to the customers are done through an AI systems. I want to highlight one or two things specifically, fraud detection. All kinds of fraud assistance, the level of improvements on AI were dramatically, so we really can operate the business much better in terms of costing less to support the customers and to reduce bad behaviour of customers. Other funny or interesting ways to do that, for example, when a restaurant joins iFood, they can take a picture of… This user generated AI, the picture of their existing menu. We automatically import everything. We prepare their whole menu. We put the pictures, and we improve the quality of the pictures in terms of lights and the descriptions. We can even help them to describe better their own food, just taking the picture of their menu." So there is also a case to be made that it can really improve businesses in many areas...: "So it increases sales of the restaurants, reduce the time for the restaurant to get into the platform and increase the experience of the customer better. I have 30 examples like that. So most people hear AI, they think about how this robot is going to change my house. There is no robot. Everything you do is simpler, faster, and cheaper. And that's the approach we have to have. Have very good people improving all the business every week, enhancing models." Koos Bekker said why having an engineering background for management positions is more important in today's world due to AI etc: " And what makes the engineering demand especially acute is what's happening with AI. So, in my life, I went through a few transitions. One was open advertising supported television, moving to pay TV. And eventually pay TV knocked the stuffing out of everyone else, because it was the revenue model that worked. Then mobile phones taking over from fixed line. You remember a time when AT&T was running the world. The most solid company in America, and fixed line completely disappeared as an economic entity, and then later, the commercial internet. Now, what's happening with AI, at least in my assessment, something of that scale and order. The way we look at it, either we attack with AI as our friend, and we invade other people's territory, and we grow, or we'll get wiped out. We won't be the same company five years from now. There's no chance, the technological switch is too huge. So there's definitely been a shift in our thinking towards an engineering stance, to say firstly, we've got great assets, they need to be run. Let's run them as well as we can, stay close to the customer, close to the product, provide a really good service. The money will follow the customer service. And then the second big consideration is that at this historic moment, AI is impacting, it's an explosion, and we need to transform our company for the new world. And that's what we hope Fabricio will help us to lead us in." I am angry folks, had a huge position in TSMC but sold it for more China haha...guess what performed better..XD Nvidia was also pretty straight in front of our eyes and was not THAT hard to understand at 30x earnings...
  8. Luke


    Yep, and they are also way cheaper, nobody has to spend money on education, school, they are fine with way lower standards of living and housing space, are fine with lower wages, disrupt union building and conformity in traditional labor jobs...it is no wonder to me why the west is such a fan of migration and it is no wonder that the native population hates it and votes right.
  9. Luke


    US birthrate isnt looking good either. Whats happening there?
  10. That many workers are replaced which adds to the bottom line margins of big tech is delusional IMO. Before that happens the capitol will be highjacked again or simply most consumers will become addicts and homeless because what happened to the rust-belt will happen in many western regions. I could very much imagine that happening but society will face a depression for the short term and then the government will come up with some "new deal" to provide the people a basic income who don't have to work anymore which will be financed by corporate tax hikes, capital gains tax hikes or wealth tax hikes. Or more of a deficit haha and the USD will then slowly implode leading to similar breakdown outcomes. The language models are how profitable now? The short-term winner is Nvidia but Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Tencent, Baidu, etc are not paid to make Nvidia rich but to increase shareholder value which is not realized by going on an infinite capex spend to buy Jensens GPUs. Is someone an electrical engineer here? Apples chips have been a monster and their semiconductor design team is top notch. How long will they pay Nvidia for what they can order from TSMC or Samsung themselves? Will they allow Nvidia to have a software monopoly and have their margins impaired? I don't think so. This was a brilliant window for Nvidia and it will be open for a while but as you said @mattee2264, it seems implausible that this 3Trillion winner spawned and will be allowed to take this much money back home indefinitely, as the stock price suggests.
  11. Just a pathetic troll
  12. Ignore that fucker! @Parsad Cheers!
  13. E*Trade Considers Kicking Meme-Stock Leader Keith Gill Off Platform https://www.wsj.com/articles/e-trade-considers-kicking-meme-stock-leader-keith-gill-off-platform-f2003ec4
  14. Haha, i just need one Share in my Acc haha!
  15. Bought 1 Share in the company Gamestop. EDIT: Ticker is GME
  16. Yep but many apes took profit instead of hodling!
  17. Yeah, it's insane, pretty much the same is true in Germany right now. If you have a different opinion than the current government you get cancelled, verbally attacked, not invited, slandered. The level of balls you need to put yourself out there in public and stand for different opinions never had higher personal costs since the DDR in my opinion. Thanks to Tucker Carlson who really provides extremely high quality journalism with risk taking (like going and talking directly with Putin). Obama should give Tucker his nobel peace price.
  18. Great Stuff, listening right now
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