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  1. Luke


    I meant no offense I can weather the storm!! Cheers!
  2. But they are totally dependent on China now!
  3. It's interesting how "unimpressed" Putin was about Western sanctions, etc, and focussed on China as the more important partner anyway based on economy size, manufacturing base, etc in the Interview with Tucker. I think also Russian Leadership sees the downfall in the EU with their current policies, lack of natural resources, climate targets that are only attainable with degrowth etc. They also see the bad manufacturing base in the US which makes it not as attractive of a partner as China.
  4. Luke


    You underestimate how deep and cheap we already have been, and I was a buyer also then!!!!
  5. Luke


    Stocks are dirt cheap, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Tepper doubles down, honestly! EDIT: As he said in the interview.
  6. Important to remember that the statistics here are not adjusted for purchasing power parity. But americans can just move to thailand and live like a King while they can not do the reverse Greets to the retirement thread!
  7. Many many people eager to join todays middle class lifestyle, own their own appartment/property, eat out in restaurants, have consumer gadgets etc, lots of growth left!!
  8. Amazing when it happens, thanks for sharing.
  9. If you have a portfolio of a 100k-1m you are in the top 12% of wealthy people on this planet, above 1m is top 1.1%!
  10. https://www.credit-suisse.com/about-us/en/reports-research/global-wealth-report.html Good stuff to stay grounded.
  11. Luke


    Picture of @RichardGibbons
  12. He occasionally wears a gold Rolex, but that's it. He couldnt care less about LV clothes, Gucci etc. If you are really wealthy than you shouldnt wear that stuff because it attracts attention you dont want!
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