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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. I've seen them on my travels in Australia and Thailand, even a truck stop in the UK. Though I don't see many people queuing up to buy them. As someone from the southern US, I've obviously grew up on them. The secret is to get them when they are hot, usually in the evenings. Barring that, reheat them for a couple of seconds in the microwave.
  2. Wonder what the price of the autographed first edition has appreciated in price the past month?
  3. Don't think 25 year average is a great comp. Guess let's you capture 3 different bubbles in action.
  4. Just got off a transatlantic cruise last month where I purchased wi-fi for 2 days. I presume it was starlink and it was insanely fast especially when you consider there is absolutely nothing out there in the middle of the atlantic. I streamed quite a bit and don't think it cut out once. I was super impressed.
  5. can always cash out and he gets an expansion team back in DFW. That same article off ESPN which is the third quote mentioned the Adelson’s were the biggest donor for the governor’s campaign so maybe them becoming majority owner greases the wheels a bit to get gambling and the casino build but no doubt they’ll probably leverage the Vegas arena as an option
  6. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-11-22/utah-jazz-streaming-service-is-a-test-for-nba-nhl-post-rsn-model Also, what's the odds the Mavericks move to Vegas? Their lease expires in 2031? New owners are from Vegas who have a nice arena available. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/mavericks/2021/11/11/mark-cuban-likelihood-of-mavericks-staying-at-american-airlines-center-is-less-than-50/
  7. 99, nearly made it to 100.
  8. lol, the truth hurts I guess. #1 in the sport but haven't won a trophy since 2011. So congrats on being the Tottenham Hotspurs of the sport.
  9. replace Russia and Ukraine with Israel and Hamas and I don't think people would be ok with bombing refugee camps (multiple times!) and The Hague would be busy writing up war crime charges on the heads of the Russian military.....but when Israel does it, "it's just them defending themselves...."
  10. just have to get rich once
  11. Cricket team going down in flames
  12. Up there with Druck top ticking the tech bubble.
  13. between the corporate board seats, speaking fees, consulting fees, and thinktank salary he'll be taking in, he'll be making hunter biden money in no time flat. but he's been biden's conduit for a long time so if he resigns you can bet the ship is sinking behind the scenes.
  14. been messing around with ChatGPT to do some data aggregation and calculations based on the aggregated data. Going to be a long while before it starts stealing people's jobs if you are dealing with important numbers or had to tie to some type of reconciliation. I finally just took the aggregation piece which was maybe 80% correct and just did the calculations myself.
  15. oh yes, i'm sure it will be a great thing for society when 80% of people don't work. What's the old proverb? idle hands are the devil's workshop? But given our current society that revers technocrats, unpunishes corruption, and doesn't really stand up for workers rights, I don't see the "societal safety net" holding water....It'll be the usual tax dodging, union busting, political bribery, the "I'll get mine and you'll get crumbs" that's been the status quo for the past nearly half century. More likely this leads to more polarization of society even more than we currently have, uprisings, wars, and human suffering. Sorry to rain on the kumbaya utopias discussion.
  16. Guess if that’s the case it’s also set for another Great Depression then
  17. yep, and with the bailout comes regulation to the industry
  18. makes sense they were probably juicing short term earnings via the trading business that was probably a short term gain and a long term loss. Haslams get more for their shares and stick it to the old man. Berkshire takes control and now taking the chance to stick it to the Haslams.
  19. only so much blood you can put on the front page
  20. The tax deferred nature of the ibonds is why there is the limit I would guess
  21. lol, have to love the Haslam family, everything they touch turns to shit.
  22. Chevron buys Hess, consolidation is a go
  23. Sounds like the norwegian cruise I did this summer.
  24. forget what article I was reading that mentioned that all the corporate loans that companies took out in pre-covid/covid at 2-3%, they can put the cash in money markets accounts and capture the spread. Basically don't have any issues until the loan comes up for renewal. So early days still.
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