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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. I wonder if we see another couple of banks get taken down next week if companies start tapping their revolvers to insure they have ample liquidity. Would be the start of a vicious circle for the banking system.
  2. Will be interesting they shuffled a lot of the old guard after the pandemic. CFO is new, also of note the Treasurer that instituted the strategy is out of the role as well.
  3. How many tech companies working the weekend trying to raise capital? These guys almost blew up during the last tech bubble. Had recently been doing rapid expansion. Had opened an east coast office and also had an office in Phoenix. They at one point had recruited me for a job. Talk about dodging a bullet!
  4. Think their ad campaign by Peggy Olson did them in.
  5. His brother is also purchasing the Nashville Predators hockey team in a slow series of investments that will see him become the sole owner.
  6. Ignore it being Sky News but Michael Clarke has done an incredibly job analyzing the nuances of the war, did an hour long Q&A (just skip over anything that isn't him talking). Learning something new every time he speaks.
  7. they're called mergent manuals now. have a database called mergent online. not sure if it's the same but similar in type
  8. Australia is in a similar boat. 23% of households will be getting mortgage rates resetting by roughly a 2% increase in Q2 and Q3. They're already have one of the highest household debt in the world.
  9. (Reuters) - The Biden administration said on Monday it is selling 26 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, a release that had been mandated by Congress in previous years. https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-oil-reserve/update-2-u-s-to-sell-26-mln-bbls-of-oil-reserves-as-mandated-by-congress-idINL1N34T23T purely coincidence, i'm sure..... Might make a nice buying opportunity if WTI gets low enough. Also, energy related Ineos announced they having funding secure to build a new cracker 3.5 billion euros. Guess those crack spreads were just too hard to resist. https://www.ineos.com/news/ineos-group/ineos-secures-3.5-billion-financing-for-project-one---the-greenest-cracker-in-europe/
  10. Yeah, when the consensus is 'mild recession', you can count on it being something else. Plus have you ever heard someone in the public domain prognosticate we're going to have a bad recession?
  11. Traveling - gets you out of your comfort zone, exposes you to new perspectives, different types of cultures, religions, foods, etc.
  12. yeah, that's how I read it as well. Guess will be interesting if they continue to sell it down. Also, they're still on the hook for the litigation piece. It's been a blackhole as far as reaching a settlement. There's usually a quarterly/monthly payment associated with the derivative to compensate the counterparty for not being able to convert from B to A shares. Which interestingly enough, Visa just made another payment to the litigation escrow at the end of December. So pending on when the sale happened, JPM might already be in the hole if they sold before the conversion rate changed. https://investor.visa.com/stock-information/class-b-c-stock-info/default.aspx https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1403161/000140316123000003/v-20221229.htm
  13. Interesting that JPM sold 7.5% of their Visa B shares this quarter. Last time banks were doing that was back after the GFC when they were all hurting for money.
  14. Because they are incentivized to do so. There’s certain ETFs you only can get into by paying dividends. (Dividend Achievers/Aristocratic). Keeps a floor on your investor base if you can keep the ETFs in your corner. Also once a dividend is issued by a company it’s hard to get the genie back in the bottle without a massive hit to the share price.
  15. to be fair if the stated hurdle rate in the original post is 10% THIS year, Altria has a dividend yield of 8%, BTI is even higher at 8.6%, throw in a 2% buyback and you are there.
  16. -3.74% which is disappointing given my fairly large exposure at the beginning of the year to commodities. They all preformed well but were more than offset by my large positions in Liberty Broadband and Liberty SiriusXM. Activity wise for the year just did add-on investments in Liberty Sirius in the first half of the year, along with sales of Scorpio Tankers and Liberty Broadband in the second half of the year. Big winners: ATUSF, GENGF, MO dividend Big loser: LBRDK/A, LSXMA 2022: -3.75% 2021: 19.9% 2020: 12.0% 2019: 33.0% 2018: -15.5% 2017: 35.0% 2016: 17.3% Over 50% of the portfolio is currently sitting in ibonds, short term tbills, and money market funds. So well positioned to strike if a fat pitch gets hung out over the plate.
  17. Did any of these Canadian O&G announce going to 75% buybacks for this year? Or is it all 55% and below?
  18. Things that people get legally addicted to: Nicotine, Alcohol, Sugar, Gambling, and Caffeine seem the most stable. Smartphones, Social Media, Harder drugs, and the internet seem a bit more harder to lock down.
  19. The 2% figure was arbitrarily chosen by the kiwis back in the in late 80s.
  20. Depends if governments want to take their medicine now or kick the can down the road as far as they can.
  21. Protests going to lead to a spread of the virus only for all the protestors to go home for a relatively early Lunar New Year in January and spread it amongst the elderly.
  22. You can always count on Greg doing things right before he's about to get chewed out.
  23. Inflation has peaked as the US is pumping out 1MM barrels of oil a day in artificial supply from the SPR. What happens when they stop?
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