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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. Absolutely gruesome, ugly and meaningless seeing young men - Russian or Ukrainain - does really not matter to me! - loose their lives like this - In Europe, anno 2023! It's a disgrace for Europe.

  2. @Luca,


    Yeah I know, but this topic is not about Swedish conglomerates in general, but about Swedish Investment Conglomerates, who are applying the special Swedish tax feature of "skabelonindtægt" [translated to English : "Template income"] while investing in listed companies, as I have explained upstream in this topic, where the company gets a deduction in its taxable income for dividends paid to its shareholders, while at same time not subject to tax on  the received dividends from its listed investees.


    To me, a crazy tax practice, but I'm certainly happy to take advantage of it.


    Teqnion AB is not such a creature.

    • Like 1
  3. 31 minutes ago, John Hjorth said:

    Thank you, Mike [ @cubsfan],


    I appreciate the advice very much, to get back on top.



    Perhaps I should add, that going totally berserk buying  Berkshire in the early days for me [and my familly] simply has been a life changing condition for my family and I. Talk to me about the psychology of averaraging up! - Those were the days of picking the B below 90!

  4. 25 minutes ago, cubsfan said:

    ^^^ Now that is pretty damn awesome John!


    The real joke here - or tragedy, or what ever you may chose to call it  , Mike [ @cubsfan ], is that I still have to work with my inner me , to become a better me, a less jerky me, also here on CoBF.


    It's actually pretty embarrassing  for me here, now that I think about it.


    Thinking further and deeper about it, I'm sure it's about I'm not getting kissed enough.  From here it spirals into circles : Who want to kiss an old jerky man?


  5. Same here [, as what @rkbabang said above, and I have posted my age earlier in this topic upstream, now years ago], right now 64], with a huge thank you, for getting a lot of help over time to get less dumb by being an active CoBF member, by reading my fellow board members posts here on CoBF since March 13th 2013. The first three years here on CoBF I spent almost all my time online here on CoBF, reading the board all the way back to the moment, when Sanjeev [ @Parsad] folded the board out! Something like 100 posts from me [low quality, mostly, I may add] within the first three years.


    My investment on that date [Paying the nominal CoBF registration fee, to get online access, later the Lady of The House joined too, as a matter of pure respect and decency for what Sanjeev [ @Parsad ] is providing to us all, ] is the best investment I've ever made, and there will never be a contender to beat that - It's simply impossible, for a cheapskate and whimp like me!


    For the Lady of the House and I, we are actually at about 20 times what I started with back then, not only because of the content of CoBF [which for sure has mattered a lot], but also because all that shit I know about how to handle capital in a family with regard to taxes, gifts among generations, etc. 


    We are both of pretty modest origins, I would say. The Lady of the House retired officially in 2015, and I personally haven't had a paid job since that year, too. Snowballing compounded. Works absolutely great. If "old" / former acquaintances approach me with the question : " John, What are you doing today?", my answer is : "Nothing." - It always triggers an interesting conversation!

  6. Respect for a very good post of yours, Mike [ @cubsfan ],


    We all have to pay up, to get this *thing* /*evil* to go away / disappear from the surface of the Earth.


    Under the auspices of NATO, or whatever. It is about freedom, or the lack of it.


    I have a personal friend, who has spent almost all his time , starting short after the war started, collecting [legally] funds for the support to Ukraine [millions of DKK], locally here in Odense [Kyiv is actually a friendship town of Odense, Denmark], and during the last cold period taking massive actions to gather and collect generators from everybody who was interested to contribute, taking care of all the logistics challenges related to getting those productive assets to Ukraine, too.


    In short : Personally I can't see a better alternative.

  7. Perhaps time for a revival of this topic started by @rkbabang, now AGES ago. Makes communication among members here on CoBF easier, I think, and provides supplementary perspective on posts by fellow board members. Naturally optional, in respect of your privacy.

  8. 12 minutes ago, MCR said:

    The Rational Walk has an open call for questions about the Annual Meeting and Q1 results. He's taking questions through the end of today (6/18). He says he plans to respond to questions he receives this week: https://rationalwalk.substack.com/p/ama-1-call-for-questions-on-berkshire


    Ravi is obviously severely hit at the moment by the syndrome that haunts many long term Berkshire shareholders. The urge to do something. Sit on your a$$ investing doing nothing is actually very hard. Pretty good initiative here Berkshire related, if someone asks me, as alternative to start trading.

  9. I ordered the book Thursday at saxo.com as I always try to do, to circumvent separate bills for customs and that includes a fixed fee for a customs declaration as such, that  always upsets me, as I consider it a PITA, and it can distort the price of a book delivered to Denmark to the sky, relatively.


    Saxo coulden't deliver.


    In stead, I ordered it at amazon.de yesterday, which can deliver, but a bit pricier.

  10. Today, I've gone back, reading this topic meticulously, including provided links in posts, of all posts after tuesday this week.


    I have to say It's great to have other CoBF members taking the time and energy beating the crap out of my personal cognitive biases, thank you. All I can say further is I hope this helps. 😅


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    Here, it's hot, and the sun is shining from a clear blue sky! Stay cool! 😎

  11. 38 minutes ago, Spekulatius said:

    ... Why would NATO extension be an issue for Russia? At some point Yeltsin and even Putin contemplated joining NATO. There is absolutely no reason why Russia could not have joined NATO just like Poland etc.


    I simply don't get the above quoted. Please elaborate.

  12. Yet again an absolutely awesome post just above by you, @Viking!,


    Thank you very much, and thank you for all the hard work on FFH you have shared with us within the last few years or so here in this forum.


    [I am one of those guys who got it wrong with FFH in the first place, meaning in the past, one had to be trading in and out of it, like you, @Crip1 and @bearprowler6 [among others, nobody forgotten here] have said, but I also really did not give up on FFH [likely because of modest position size] at any time, where a lot of other shareholders did.]

  13. This topic has changed name recently, to a name of a topic that has actually been discussed on ongoing basis since I joined CoBF now more that a decade ago, in various shades, actually almost back to the day of what I call "the CoBF Big Bang", the day that Sanjeev [ @Parsad ] installed and folded this board out, getting it up going and running from an infant and modest start. That date was February 1st 2009 according to our Common Era.


    The only exception beeing the first short period in this boards existence untill the market buttomed out under GFC, where the pendulum stated to swing forcefully backin the opposite direction. [I have real all posts on CoBF for the period before I the date I joined myself.]


    Trying to time the shift between each state of the market in the cycle is waste of time, because you can't. The only way on a constantly basis to take advance of this is to stay consistently fully invested all the time.



  14. Lars Bangert Struwe :


    Putin and some Russians and followers of Russia often claim that NATO did not want to expand, but there is no agreement.
    There was no treaty stating that NATO could not absorb states located in Eastern Europe. It was discussed, but never implemented. All NATO expansions took place on the basis of the individual states' independent desire to join NATO.

    On the other hand, there is an agreement concluded by, among other things Russia, which Putin and his people like to forget everything about. It is the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which was ratified in 1994.

    The agreement was signed by the President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, John Major, and the President of the United States, Bill Clinton.

    According to the agreement, the parties undertake to respect Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and existing borders. Russia's attack on Ukraine is a direct example of this.

    Almost every time someone brings up the Russian myth of NATO expansion, ask for documents documenting the claim via official treaties. And remember the senders of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. His entire text is available via the UN's website. The text is available in Russian, English and Ukrainian:




    So much for your word and signature, when your predecessor fucks you when you are out of the political game caused by age, or even death, your predecessor chosing own personal modus operandi based on old maps, and what do I know.

  15. Slap on top all that this very unpleasant - and also yelling, like the mercenary - personallity with the name Ramzan Kadyrov, sometimes wearing a Cossack hat [as if he did not already have enough hair in his face and on his head] into the cocktail, and we get something stronger than Stroh Rum to speculate away on. It so friggin' *pretty* - not!

  16. Things appear gradually over time to show cracks in Putins ruling system and chain of command, likely created by subcontracting in the first place with a person [and his folks] that appears more of a thug, gangster and war criminal than the man himself.


    Reuters [June 11 2023] : Prigozhin says Wagner will not sign contracts with Russia defence minister.


    Don't be surprised if we one day see this man [Prigozhin] shift side like another turncout, -Well, Ukraine is so corrupt, and has recieved tons of outside help in the form cash [, also!]  since the war started. Why not! - and just saying.

  17. A bit more here to describe the sentiment in the Swedish part of #fintwit :



    This kind of really morbid and extremely sarcastic humor fits my own personality perfectly!  Mental survival by joking and poking things around - but never forget that is actually also a serious matter! Among Danes i's called "Skæg for sig, og snot for sig", which translates to : "Separate fun from snot", each need their own separate time.

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