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Everything posted by Luke

  1. He needed to uphold that this thing will MOASS and that he will use one of the billions he will make to make a US tour with a gamestop style bugatti chiron or whatever...just something super delusional and FOMO inducing...show his ass with a gamestop tattoo and just keep the party alive. He totally ruined it with his "rational investor" approach because everybody knows that the stock is not rationally priced and that its bullshit. As soon as he talked rational people started to sell because they are here to make money with new buyers and not owning a part in this business Absolutely. Yeah, final execution lacked and it was not as well thought through unfortunately. If I were him id sell now and take the still reasonable gains.
  2. He showed his trading account and full positions during the livestream on the broker website BUT could have second accounts of course
  3. When he said he doesn't really know but he likes Cohen and the story but then again he doesn't really know and "just likes the stock" and then drinks his weird beer or whatever and just rambled on half mentally ill...what the fuck... And yeah the option position doesn't make sense to his story...honestly, I think he tried to pump it but then got surprised by the massive offerings and the effect it had? Then he started the stream and I think he was under insane pressure because he had to keep up a happy face but had the inner panic of it going down further etc
  4. From Hamburg, enjoy France!!
  5. Was he caught off guard by the offering? That's why the live stream was delayed and why he was clearly stressed and nervous?
  6. I am waiting for IBs reply. Concerning...will update you guys
  7. He should have exited when he more than doubled again. Greed... 700m or whatever close to 1b is enough for me to retire. Should even be enough for @Dinar
  8. Bags and Bags and Bags and Bags
  9. Would have been so badass if the stream starts in his trading account and he liquidates all the GME positions. Then shareprice collapses 80% and he was made a billionaire. "I think the stock is fairly valued now, good luck everyone" SELL. When moon?
  10. Haha holy shit does he look unprofessional. Just an ape! 20k yolo at 60 USD this morning on german WSB
  11. No idea why they are doing this. The reason I am at IB is to be able to buy on foreign exchanges and also in low liquidity small caps.
  12. You are right, especially shareholders who bought at 3-5b are now sitting on quite the cash pile compared to the price paid. The crazy thing is that the stock isn't going down much due to the issuance so yes, this is quite a weird phenomenon. They should continue to issue every share they can at these valuations.
  13. Yeah, its insane. I contacted IB to ask for a justification. I can not believe why they would do this, considering all the legal gambling on Robinhood. Maybe professional accounts can still buy in HK but retail is certainly closed. I might try to get access to it that way.
  14. Your ownership of the company also goes down significantly with all these dilutions but it certainly is going to be interesting to see them with this huge cashpile. Wild.
  15. Livestream comments from Kitty
  16. Literally anyone who buys GME is in it for the money and wants to sell their worthless bags to the next dumb ape. I saw so many people who traded around these spikes the last week and then posted it on all these different boards. It's a Casino and no investment. Yes, some have doubled their money but there are some now that bought at 60 and sit on a -35% loss, hoping that new apes come in to pump it again!!
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