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I was also curious why would guys like Wilbur Ross & Carl Ichan, two folks who are accomplished business people would support him if he is as dangerous as some claim. 


Cause obviously "accomplished business people" cannot be wrong. We just need to clone their opinions. Oh wait.



Some of you liberals need to get it though your head that when someones ego is bruised facts dont matter..its a shame but quite often facts dont matter especially in "human" systems....who was it Ben Frankilin who said "If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect."  Its shocking how uneducated some of you liberals are when i comes to people skills.



The reason I call the left out is because for the last 8 years its been "cool" to be liberal. You guys need a lesson in humility, Neil Tyson can deliver: https://www.samharris.org/podcast/item/thinking-in-public




Luke 6:27-36 - Love for Enemies 27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.


Did you really just reference Neil Tyson and the bible in the same post?

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If it is not Hillary, then I think that Joe Biden jumps in. A nice, charismatic guy without Hillary's baggage. The big supporters that you are referring to will never endorse crazy Bernie.


Oh god, please, please let that happen.  I'd love to see a Trump/Biden debate.  Biden is the Democratic Dan Quayle.  He's an idiot of the highest order.  Nothing would be funnier than seeing these two try to duke it out in a battle of wits. 



"Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see ya." –-Joe Biden, to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008


There's a million of them, if he was a Republican you wouldn't be able to pick up a paper without reading about the ridiculous things he's said and Saturday Night Live would have had a skit on him every week since he started running for office.  I'd love to see it, it would be entertaining as hell, but I doubt the Democratic Party will let him run.  They aren't that stupid.





LOL. I didn't say that I would vote for him and I was aware of some of the foolish things he said and gaffes he made.


However to my knowledge, he didn't lie as Clinton and he doesn't raise money from individuals and countries that undoubtedly get something in return. That is what I meant by baggage.


I still do believe that there is a high probability that he jumps in if Hillary is indicted. He is the VP after all and liked by Democrats. Stupidity doesn't count. It is agenda and popularity.






We are picking out dumb things Joe Biden said while we have Donald Trump around? I’m sure we could fill a couple of pages with some of the dumb, stupid and just plain outrageous pronouncements of The Donald and he’s like the gift that just keeps on giving...  At least Joe seems like a likable guy




We are picking out dumb things Joe Biden said while we have Donald Trump around? I’m sure we could fill a couple of pages with some of the dumb, stupid and just plain outrageous pronouncements of The Donald and he’s like the gift that just keeps on giving...  At east Joe seems like a likable guy


He was really likable in 2012 when he told a black audience the Republicans were going to "put them back in chains."



Amazing there wasn't hell to pay for that. ( That said, it is true he has relationships across the aisle, so in private he must be OK to work with).






We are picking out dumb things Joe Biden said while we have Donald Trump around? I’m sure we could fill a couple of pages with some of the dumb, stupid and just plain outrageous pronouncements of The Donald and he’s like the gift that just keeps on giving...  At east Joe seems like a likable guy


I thought that was a given and didn't need to post examples.  That is why I would love to see them debate each other.  The best comedy on prime time.





We are picking out dumb things Joe Biden said while we have Donald Trump around? I’m sure we could fill a couple of pages with some of the dumb, stupid and just plain outrageous pronouncements of The Donald and he’s like the gift that just keeps on giving...  At east Joe seems like a likable guy


I thought that was a given and didn't need to post examples.  That is why I would love to see them debate each other.  The best comedy on prime time.


The Onion has a rather extensive coverage of Mr. Biden.


One of the funniest pranks I ever played....


I had a salesman once who was an Intelligence Officer in VietNam.  A real "straight shooter" and patriot.  A great guy!


Anyway...there was an Onion article about how Biden was out & about one day in the presidential limo.  He saw an abandoned sofa by the side of the road and directed the Secret Service to stop the limo, put the sofa in the trunk, and help him bring it back to the Whitehouse.  Unfortunately, it was infested with bedbugs....the Whitehouse had to be fumigated, and Obama was furious with Biden.


I copied the article, got rid of the Onion markings, and pasted an AP byline on it.  Gave it to my sales guy.  He read it and his face turned read.  He started yelling obscenities about Biden.  I had to calm him down by telling him it was fake.  That is what sometimes makes the Onion so funny.  The stories, while fake, are close enough to the truth to be believed.






We are picking out dumb things Joe Biden said while we have Donald Trump around? I’m sure we could fill a couple of pages with some of the dumb, stupid and just plain outrageous pronouncements of The Donald and he’s like the gift that just keeps on giving...  At east Joe seems like a likable guy


He was really likable in 2012 when he told a black audience the Republicans were going to "put them back in chains."



Amazing there wasn't hell to pay for that. ( That said, it is true he has relationships across the aisle, so in private he must be OK to work with).



Don't forget that Biden said that Obama was an "African-American who is articulate and bright and clean" and "I promise you, the president has a big stick.”


Trump has his Mexican, and Biden has his smart and clean African-American with a big stick.  Those two are made for each other.  Maybe if Hillary gets the nomination Trump should pick Biden as his running mate.




“That said, it is true he has relationships across the aisle, so in private he must be OK to work with.”

And therein lies the problem with today’s politics - and not just in the USA.


How will any progress ever be achieved if we keep having society - and politics - so divided. We have the extreme left and the extreme right and some of those characters are becoming every bit as dangerous as those extremists in the Middle East. It seems like the middle ground is declining with every election.


How can any country progress if their political parties concentrate their efforts on trying to destroy each other rather than work for the good of their country?


Look at how Chris Christy was regarded by his own party when he expressed his support of how Obama helped New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. Obviously in the Republican's mind, if Obama did it than it must be wrong. Tip O’Neil must be rolling in his grave.


LOL. I didn't say that I would vote for him and I was aware of some of the foolish things he said and gaffes he made.


However to my knowledge, he didn't lie as Clinton and he doesn't raise money from individuals and countries that undoubtedly get something in return. That is what I meant by baggage.


I still do believe that there is a high probability that he jumps in if Hillary is indicted. He is the VP after all and liked by Democrats. Stupidity doesn't count. It is agenda and popularity.





Can you answer my question about the judge?


Since no one wants to answer Palantir’s question, the question I would pose is this:


Trump believes a Hispanic judge should not be eligible to rule in his case because Trump has made anti-Mexican statements and says the same would apply to a Muslim judge.


Therefore: does it not follow that American born judges should recused themselves from hearing cases related to Hispanics, Muslims, Canadians, Englishmen, Irishmen, Frenchmen, etc, etc.? White judges should not hear cases involving Blacks and vice versa?


Of course this becomes even more ridiculous when you consider that Curiel is just as much of an American as is Donald Trump, who's mother, by the way, was not American born. 


Wow, only two choices in the poll. The best option is third party. How does a ticket with two former governors on it whom no one seems to hate sound? Well, compared to the two clown options in this poll it sounds great to me. The Libertarian party has two former Republicans on the ticket this year. I think they are objectively better choices than Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. You know, Gary Johnson seems like a genuinely nice guy, which is a stark contrast to our current choices. Unfortunately, I don't think they will have the backing, infrastructure, or time to pull off a serious challenge to the major joke candidates everyone is going to vote for.


Her actions go totally AGAINST what she has held herself out as, and claimed to be a member of (feminist movement).


While I would argue that "cheating" is a problem for BOTH Trump & Hillary, it is doubly so for Hillary.  Her actions go against her "principles".


I get it.  If you are a feminist, and your spouse cheats, you must immediately and irrevocably divorce your spouse because feminism is all about who sleeps with whom. 


Judgement and rational thought are absolutely forbidden to feminists. Feminists should never decide for themselves what sort of life they want to lead.  Rather, they have to always follow feminist ideals (as interpreted and dictated by a man) because doing otherwise would be hypocritical.


What's more, if you're a feminist, the ideals of feminism must be the most important issue to you, to the exclusion of everything else you might care about.  Feminism is everything--compromise and thought are off the table!


Got it.



Thank you Richard. The line of reasoning that Hillary isn't into woman power because of staying with Bill is ridiculous.  Ridiculous as well is the thought that she is a bad example to young women. Who is a better example to young women; Hillary or Donald?


Hillary is a damn good example to Women. You can be a Mom, a Wife, a First Lady and a Presidential Candidate. While at the same time being someone who had to deal with marital problems, etc. etc. She certainly is flawed, but compared to Donald???


If Hillary gets elected, it will do more for Feminism than anything since the time Women got the right to vote.


For some months now I've assumed that Clinton would ultimately win simply because she was an established Washington presence who at least sounds at least sounds presentable on a stage.  However, I recently heard a presentation by David Landers at MFA (a Republican admittedly) who described Trump as a 3rd-party candidate who has formed a provisional alliance with the Republican Party.  According to him this enabled Trump to partially split the Democratic vote.  He went through a fairly detailed analysis of the electoral districts to show how the votes might fall, and said he thought a Trump win was more likely.  I am guessing if he had to put a probability on it though it would have been 50-60%.


My personal experience is that people I consider rational conservatives have rationalized Trump, although I consider him a demagogue who has engaged in questionable dealings with lenders.  Clinton of course is a demagogue as well and had her own history of corruption.  This suggests to me that Trump can hold the Republicans.  That makes it an offensive fight for Trump.


I'll probably vote for Trump because his positions are less well defined, whereas I disagree with much of Clinton's activist platform.  I think Trump will need to lean on his administration and Congress for policy development, which will enable Republicans to have a significant say in the provisional government.  However, I am watching his stance on the national debt.  If I don't vote for him, I'll probably abstain.


As many here have said, there are no good options among candidates, reflecting the fact that we have few good options as a nation.


For some months now I've assumed that Clinton would ultimately win simply because she was an established Washington presence who at least sounds at least sounds presentable on a stage.  However, I recently heard a presentation by David Landers at MFA (a Republican admittedly) who described Trump as a 3rd-party candidate who has formed a provisional alliance with the Republican Party.  According to him this enabled Trump to partially split the Democratic vote.  He went through a fairly detailed analysis of the electoral districts to show how the votes might fall, and said he thought a Trump win was more likely.  I am guessing if he had to put a probability on it though it would have been 50-60%.


My personal experience is that people I consider rational conservatives have rationalized Trump, although I consider him a demagogue who has engaged in questionable dealings with lenders.  Clinton of course is a demagogue as well and had her own history of corruption.  This suggests to me that Trump can hold the Republicans.  That makes it an offensive fight for Trump.


I'll probably vote for Trump because his positions are less well defined, whereas I disagree with much of Clinton's activist platform.  I think Trump will need to lean on his administration and Congress for policy development, which will enable Republicans to have a significant say in the provisional government.  However, I am watching his stance on the national debt.  If I don't vote for him, I'll probably abstain.


As many here have said, there are no good options among candidates, reflecting the fact that we have few good options as a nation.


If a year ago you offered a bet that Trump would be the Republican nominee and you gave 1000 to 1 odds they would have thought they were stealing from you. So nothing will surprise me with this election.


I think that the odds of Trump becoming president just went up significantly with what happened in Orlando.


Florida is a major swing State and I doubt that its citizens will feel safe with status quo.




Sadly I think you may be right. And this is how liberty dies.


It is unfortunate how tragedy always appeals to our darkest instincts.  :(


I think that the odds of Trump becoming president just went up significantly with what happened in Orlando.


Florida is a major swing State and I doubt that its citizens will feel safe with status quo.




You might be right, given it was a Radical Islamist shooter.


On the other hand, maybe, just maybe, people might wake up to the fact that the bigger problem was that there was an assault rifle used which made it so much more worse than if it had been a regular gun. Or heaven forbid, had there been no gun at all.


There are many things I hate about Hillary Clinton but I have great respect for her stance on gun control. As someone who hates both candidates, this attack made me lean a bit more towards her.

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