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Everything posted by Castanza

  1. Yup a quick look at the Federal tax brackets shows just how poor the incentives are to earn more at the lower brackets. Especially when you stack it against what jobs and wages are actually available/attainable out there for the average person. That jump from 44k/yr to say a job at 55-60k a year is not worth it in many cases. Especially if you take into account education costs/requirements which is probably required for most jobs in that 50k+ income bracket. Most people probably don't see north of 80k for at least 5-10 years in their jobs if ever...So when you add in those 8-9% student loans on 40-50k, general cost of living, housing, vehicles....it's almost like it makes sense to just be poor and go after handouts in those lower ranges lol 12% bracket after tax at 45k a year is: ~40k 22% bracket after tax at 55k a year is: ~47k 22% bracket after tax at 65k a year is: ~59k And the IRS wonders why there are so many people doing under the table work in those lower brackets...
  2. Urban warfare is a major bitch, especially when civilians still occupy the area. What Israel has to do right now is like taking a jar full of red and green M&Ms; mixing them up and then trying to remove only the red ones by opening the top and shaking them out one by one (impossible). Between Israel and the US (consulting) you couldn't ask for a more capable force at doing exactly this. But yes, it's a slaughterhouse anyway you slice it. Now imagine another force (not US or Israel) trying to take this endeavor on. I do not think Israel has a choice here. Very similar situation to the US with Mosel and Raqqa where ISIS was deeply intrenched and roughly 12k civs lost their lives. War is never black and white and people should stop discussing it in such terms. There are always pre-cursors, prerequisites, causes, effects, other doors (open and closed), impossible choices, justifications, tragedy and suffering. _________________________________________________________ Regarding the Houthis.... The powers at be have never had a better excuse to do what they really would like to do... time will tell....It's a bad time for poor leadership (is all I have to say about that). Oil supply shocks are definitely on the table here.
  3. https://www.barrons.com/articles/alibaba-jd-com-stock-price-china-stimulus-2af87e63 "The People’s Bank of China offered commercial lenders a net 800 billion yuan ($113 billion) in one-year loans Friday—a record cash injection into the banking system through its one-year policy. In a bid to boost the country’s struggling property market, Beijing and Shanghai implemented new measures Thursday including cutting down-payment ratios to buy homes and extending mortgage repayment deadlines. There could be more, as state media reported this week that China will step up policy adjustments to support an economic recovery in 2024."
  4. The problem is rules of engagement for many of these piracy attacks. Not sure if it's still the case but for a long time ships weren't allowed to have lethal force on board. They were told to perform evasive maneuvers to create wakes and to turn on the water hoses. When the pirates figured out how to get by that you ended up with situations like Captain Philips getting taken hostage. Everything was reactionary instead of proactive. Parka few Merchant Marines on board with some small arms and your flip flop wearing chum bucket pirates would disappear.
  5. I added quite a bit on that 11/15-11/16 dip after adding a reasonable amount with it was sub $10. If it weren't for that my cost basis would probably be 12-13ish which imo isn't bad either as a long hold. Been slowly adding more as I sold off other position (HQI and M) for profits. Shares are held in my Roth and options in brokerage (not ideal) but is what it is!
  6. $SAVE This is now a 22% position for me not including options which is another ~3%. Share cost basis of 11.20.
  7. Trimmed my M position (calls and shares). Playing with house money now. Thanks @Parsad
  8. Harry Truman as a Senator in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible. ” This sentiment remains
  9. Rest in peace Charlie https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/charlie-munger-berkshire-hathaway-dead-74d476a8?st=pa3ju0m0ihbnwyz&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  10. Exactly, seems like a good dude on the surface with a framework I prefer; but the reality of getting these things done are slim to none. Maybe if he had the powers of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and then the honor to hand it back over as well.
  11. All I know is never put any one man on a pedestal as they are likely to disappoint. Seems like a step in the right direction for a country that once had a ton of promise. System issues are not easy to fix though; especially when the ship is this far off course.
  12. I mean if you’re going to suffer through drinking Fireball; you might as well go all the way
  13. Haven’t had fireball since the college days…I’ll second that “woof” just thinking about it
  14. At least he’s not quite as bad as Hillary who was requiring Foreign Heads of State to make donations to the Clinton Foundation before she would agree to meet with them.
  15. Sarcasm but it’s a very stressful job that has real consequences to his actions. I don’t think he can just resign and go on with his life as if he quit a job flipping burgers.
  16. Blinken went from Music Diplomacy to being throw in the fire with Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/Russia and now China lmfao....put the man on suicide watch.
  17. Why not just go to a straight flat tax then? Why all the extra hoops? People tend to forget that for the majority of this countries existence we never had a Federal Income tax. And it was supposed to be temporary.
  18. What a f&@$ing joke….we allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come across our border every month; put them up in hotels and give them food while we have thousands of Vets and citizens on the streets. We allow people to march in support of terrorist organizations, tear down our flag and wave the flag of the Taliban. Now we roll out the red carpet for Xi and brush the streets of all the homeless to appease a dictator who’s country was complicit in releasing a global pandemic causing ungodly amounts of financial and human loss. A country who sends chemists to Mexico to teach them the fentanyl trade which is ravaging our populace.
  19. DCA: 5% of available investment capital goes to BTC, roughly 2.5% towards Gold, 2.5% t-bills, 1% Other
  20. This is already false....You're looking at layer 1 transactions which is equivalent to funding and settlement type transactions. Lightning network can already handle 1-3m transactions per second. https://lightning.network/ https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-lightning-network-vs-visa-and-mastercard-how-do-they-stack-up No settlement period either for Lightning Network.
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