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Everything posted by Castanza

  1. Trimmed my M position (calls and shares). Playing with house money now. Thanks @Parsad
  2. Harry Truman as a Senator in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible. ” This sentiment remains
  3. Rest in peace Charlie https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/charlie-munger-berkshire-hathaway-dead-74d476a8?st=pa3ju0m0ihbnwyz&reflink=article_copyURL_share
  4. Exactly, seems like a good dude on the surface with a framework I prefer; but the reality of getting these things done are slim to none. Maybe if he had the powers of Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and then the honor to hand it back over as well.
  5. All I know is never put any one man on a pedestal as they are likely to disappoint. Seems like a step in the right direction for a country that once had a ton of promise. System issues are not easy to fix though; especially when the ship is this far off course.
  6. I mean if you’re going to suffer through drinking Fireball; you might as well go all the way
  7. Haven’t had fireball since the college days…I’ll second that “woof” just thinking about it
  8. At least he’s not quite as bad as Hillary who was requiring Foreign Heads of State to make donations to the Clinton Foundation before she would agree to meet with them.
  9. Sarcasm but it’s a very stressful job that has real consequences to his actions. I don’t think he can just resign and go on with his life as if he quit a job flipping burgers.
  10. Blinken went from Music Diplomacy to being throw in the fire with Israel/Palestine, Ukraine/Russia and now China lmfao....put the man on suicide watch.
  11. Why not just go to a straight flat tax then? Why all the extra hoops? People tend to forget that for the majority of this countries existence we never had a Federal Income tax. And it was supposed to be temporary.
  12. What a f&@$ing joke….we allow hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come across our border every month; put them up in hotels and give them food while we have thousands of Vets and citizens on the streets. We allow people to march in support of terrorist organizations, tear down our flag and wave the flag of the Taliban. Now we roll out the red carpet for Xi and brush the streets of all the homeless to appease a dictator who’s country was complicit in releasing a global pandemic causing ungodly amounts of financial and human loss. A country who sends chemists to Mexico to teach them the fentanyl trade which is ravaging our populace.
  13. DCA: 5% of available investment capital goes to BTC, roughly 2.5% towards Gold, 2.5% t-bills, 1% Other
  14. This is already false....You're looking at layer 1 transactions which is equivalent to funding and settlement type transactions. Lightning network can already handle 1-3m transactions per second. https://lightning.network/ https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-lightning-network-vs-visa-and-mastercard-how-do-they-stack-up No settlement period either for Lightning Network.
  15. Yes and no BTC is a hedge to me. If I can purchase it at a better price against USD then that's what I try to do. But in general I DCA and don't care about the conversion price. I think there is a non-zero chance that BTC will prove very valuable from a use case in my lifetime. It may not be the only one though. But it's utility and use cases are widely observable in many parts of the globe. - Governments are already discussing CBDC which they will use to limit your purchases of certain goods and services. - Canada engaged in freezing assets of individuals violating their rights. For political reasons - US Banks have engaged in freezing assets of individuals whos businesses they did not agree with. (very prevalent) - Banks are beginning to reject cash payments and are requiring knowledge of "what you plan to do" with your money before they will allow you to withdraw it. - Government wants a cashless society so everything can be tracked. - IRS is cracking down on smaller and smaller cash transactions - UN Agenda 21 is a real thing - The World Economic Forum is a real thing - USA Supremacy and USD hegemony is 100% not going to last. Americans I'm not a doomsday guy and I am by no means a prepper. I own a reasonable amount of BTC that I hold for potential future utility. I think governments fail, make poor decisions and no longer care about their citizens. I think the US specifically is headed in the wrong direction and is abandoning individual freedom. Higher spending more social programs and soon to be using 50%+ of it's tax revenue just to service the interest on it's debt. So for those reasons I hold a small amount of BTC. Could it be completely worthless? Yup! Could it never have it's use case come to fruition in my lifetime or ever? Yup....Would I ever sell some to pay off usd debt assets? Yup Same reason I lock my doors at night Same reason I keep a gun on my night stand Same reason I learn skills outside my career path Same reason I stay in shape Same reason I keep a few months of food in the pantry Diversify your assets, health, wealth, and skillset. Live your life as free as you can. “The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.” ― Albert Camus
  16. This doesn't work for me? Go to Investment ideas > "Content titles only" > hit search and nothing....Says you need to add a word to the search bar. If you type in a ticker that is only 3 characters in length it will not return anything. See second image when trying to search for BAC in the "Investment Ideas" forum. BUT if you search in the same manner for four character tickers such as GOOG you will get the correct topic (3rd image) The only way to get a list of the topics in Investment Ideas is to not search but to "Sort by Title" which gives you an alphabetical list. But then you have to randomly guess pages until you find the company you are looking for Appreciate everything you do Parsad, but this is my one gripe with the site 1.) 2.) 3.)
  17. We can’t search three letter tickers Unless there is some specific way you’re supposed to do this?
  18. You’re betting on the US system..BTC owners are betting on the global system. 2-3% who comes up with those numbers?
  19. And they'll pay for that Coke with BTC or Gold
  20. @ValueArb Pegging BTC to the dollar is a near-term view used by traders. Long-term the price is irrelevant. I think this is where a lot of people get mixed up. Paying 30k for a BNTC vs 19k does not change it's intrinsic value. It changes how much you've paid for the tool. If I buy a DeWalt table saw in September for $699 and my Dad buys one for himself on Black Friday for $399 is there a difference in usefulness between the two saws? No. You can make generally the same argument with Gold. Price is only relevant to how much you are able to purchase at that point in time. But if Gold ends up being used as the hedge it's claimed to be (dollar collapse) the price you paid is only relevant against the amount you were able to secure at that point in time. If the dollar goes to zero does Gold still have monetary value? History would suggest that it does. But that doesn't change the fact that Gold had many different prices against fiat currencies over thousands of years in different civilizations. Volatility is and is not relevant. Depends on your time-line and framework of "why" you're buying BTC. USD-BTC is simply a premium you're paying with what fiat you currently own. Nay-sayers think it's relevant because most things in the world are pegged against the dollar currently. This WILL NOT (it's a certainty) always be the case.
  21. No, not denying that. Just laughing at the "trustworthy" forces that underpin the dollars stability. Our government de-pegged us from the Gold standard, they constantly shift the goal posts on inflation and instead of pointing to purchasing power of the dollar they talk in nominal terms or "gas prices". They print and inflate in times of uncertainty, They spend like drunken sailors and tax us in just about any way they can. The US is about to begin using 50%+ of it's tax revenue just to service the interest payments on the debt. No empire in history has ever survived that. Things happen slowly then suddenly. The modern world moves much faster than the ancient world. I wouldn't be so sure saying the US is not like the Roman Empire. BTC requires no third party trust. It doesn't require a military to back your currency; and it doesn't fall pray to some idiot politician or government. I think anyone saying that BTC doesn't have intrinsic value simply hasn't put in the time or effort and looked around the globe at all the use cases (being used!). I think those same people also have some recency bias where they think the US will remain a super power forever and the dollar will always be top dog because that's all they've known.
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