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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Almost certainly touting Ackmans rate take. If there’s one thing the guy does well, it’s copy Ackman.
  2. Ok. But if we re talking about such small movements that intraday is make or break, isn’t that kind of “losing” to begin with? Like go back two decades on that chart and there’s like 3-4 years where maybe you got an acceptable return. Same number of year you would have got a horrendous one. These are basically just instruments for governments and pensions that wanna skim fees.
  3. Golfing so cant be as descriptive as I'd like but its similar to LII and CARR, next wave of the housing cycle beneficiaries.
  4. He said there will be pain and a year later I’m painfully 60% wealthier give or take. It’s been utterly brutal I’ll tell ya. It’s just that…..the stupidity and arrogance is breathtaking. He’s the worst breed of them all. A finance guy politician. It’s fun for us, sure. But like in March when this jackass almost blew up the banks he regulated and would’ve wiped out Americans savings accounts, you just have to wonder how deranged and clueless, exactly, they are? It’s just like Fauci with the COVID restrictions and guidance. How long is this asshat gonna keep jawboning for attention rather than just realize times up and move on?
  5. This creep just can’t let go of his 15 minutes in the spotlight. Fauci 2.0….inflation still too high? Jerry it’s all housing and you did that!
  6. Technical analysis is also synonymous with gut feelings. It’s just two things happen in finance. First is that these folks need to manufacture intelligent sounding rhetoric to explain everything even when it’s simple. And two, they’re all pricks who have superiority complexes and need to nitpick and diminish what others do which leads back to number one. Hence, “technical analysis” which as has been mentioned, is subjective. It does work for some. But if those folks were asked how they arrived at their conclusions for trading and simply said “it’s oversold on heavy volume and I think it bounces a few percent” the clipboard crowd would say it doesn’t count and they need something more quantifiable. So really, everyone should just do what works for them. I do find charts helpful to a degree because they show sentiment, psychology, and trends. If I see a multi year ski slope chart top left to bottom right, I don’t even look at stuff more often than not. Especially if there’s dilution. Whereas if I see a serial performer typically there’s something to it.
  7. Nah, you're pretty spot on with the negatives. Theyre all true.
  8. It’s cheap, good balance sheet. Pays out decently. Think less bad than historical bodes well going forward. Expect a big tailwind for these as auto prices remain high and people much like with their homes are forced to stay put. Bit more to it but I’m still doing some work.
  9. Idk I just recall that for years folks begged for a stock pickers market and now we have a pure stock pickers market. And? Bonds? Come on.
  10. From birth basically. Its easier that way. Keep a monitor in there, theyre good.
  11. Yea kids in the bed means bad things lol. No soup for you! Ours have occasionally done this even at older ages, but it’s not encouraged. Even tell my two oldest, 4 and 6, you have a nightmare, fine. Otherwise, go get yourself a snack and play in your room and then go back to bed. It also helps our bedroom is on the second floor and the kids are on the first.
  12. Just in general worrying about 25 to 50 basis point moves in anything is dumb. But their job is to generate interest. So it’s a big deal for us according to them, I guess.
  13. Catnaps. Adderall to stay awake and shift your productivity hours to early morning stuff. Coordination with wife on shifts lol. Been there. Done that. Totally doable if you don’t have to report to a cubicle from 9-5.
  14. Do you have a job that requires you to be somewhere for specific hours?
  15. I know nothing of the situation but is the playbook now really just anywhere you have a fire to blame and hold liable the electricity companies? Remind me to never invest in one.
  16. The hysteria never stops, the price targets just slowly get revised…generally upwards.
  17. We ve been hearing this since q4 2021. Eventually maybe it’s true. Last year some were asserting the Xmas trees were going on credit cards. Frankly I think it’s all bullshit. Anyone who still has COVID stimulus I admire. Cuz most Americans blew it within days or weeks of getting it. Remember it only went to people in the lower brackets. So following this story at this point in time imo is stupid.
  18. At least the “are they really this dumb” debate is settled. Awhile ago there was talk about “no they’re not stupid and they’re aware of the impact housing has on the overall inflation figures”….well it’s all housing now and they’re still jawboning about rates lmao.
  19. I remember last year around this time when it was reported to be a very big deal that Burry “sold all his stocks!!!”.
  20. But homebuilders should be trading for 1/3 of book value….
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