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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Yea but no different than any other day of the week. This is a shitstorm of conflicting everything that we live in and COVID is just another chapter, I suppose. Maybe the best move was to quarantine the 55+ population and let the rest of the wold function as normally. WHO knows? Truly the darkest timeline :D But we'll have to see I suppose. Not sure what power they are gaining from this - in fact we may see countries reduce their reliance on China as a result. But now we're all just talking out of our ass. Question going forward is what is the best way to (1) get a handle on the virus and then (2) reopen society. Crazy, crazy shit? China waits til peak infection(remember, this was engineered in a lab in Wuhan as a biological weapon and the problems in China were just a cover) and then launches military attacks on their weakened opponents... In regards to your real question, I think Mr. Blankfein actually had some decent ideas. Keep it locked down for a little while longer and then start releasing the lower risk part of the population back into the world.
  2. I'm going to troll here now because why not. Still got coffee in the mug. So, you're saying that the USA is just one of the bunch? No exceptionalism, just a mediocre country like all those countries? That the days of glory are over? That we shouldn't expect much of it and just surrender to South Korea? Is that what you're saying? I think the credit we assign to the success and failures of our leaders is astonishingly off base. USA has the best businesses and talent(in aggregate) in the world. Combine that with, on the whole, the best living conditions and human rights policies anywhere. But our politicians are entirely inefficient and basically just fake suits who game the system to enrich themselves. As we are seeing here, even in dire straits, these fuckers are still playing politics and trying to stuff self serving crap into aid bills and playing chess. Its sickening. Trump IMO is an ignorant, but well intentioned narcissist who wants nothing else but to go down as the greatest president in US history. He's massively flawed but ultimately if we had a solution or a cure available Id wager every penny to my name he gets it because being the hero would be the ultimate achievement for him. But on a more realistic and granular level, I dont see him as really having any impact outside of maybe the cheerleader or the overbearing coach yelling at the point guard to "shoot" even though he might not fully comprehend the situation.
  3. Well, I won't turn down a compliment :D But I will reiterate that Italy vs USA are two different cases. Adjusted for age the results are not as dissimilar and Italy did not have an extra 2-3 weeks of time to prepare. In other words, if we threw Trump as PM of Italy a few months ago, I'd wager their situation would be even worse. To me, I value honesty of approach. So while I applaud their efforts internally, I will say screw the CPC if they indeed withheld information from the international community about a global pandemic. No different than Trump with the hoax nonsense. In fact to the folks criticizing Fauci et al. for their initial comments, who is to say Trump didn't instruct the NIH & CDC to publicly downplay the virus' potential back in Jan/Feb? His administration certainly has a history of silencing any dissenting information from within the Federal gov't. Politics aside, I ve been bothered the entire time by the public statements from literally everyone, from WHO to our government to other governments, which just dont vibe with the actions they have taken here. Nor does it vibe with unsophisticated politicians selling all their stock after a closed and confidential hearing. The numbers are what they are but ultimately, not to be callous, but older folks with conditions dying isn't shut down the world worthy unless we all live in some moral utopia which we clearly do not. Theres clearly been a lot of lying going on, by everyone. A most sinister brainstorm led me to some Hollywood like plot where China deliberately unleashed this on the world in order to grab power. Thats Spielberg story shit though, I hope.
  4. There are several potential vaccines by now, some already under testing with human subjects. Real news would be if they find a way to determine the efficacy and safety within two months... Exactly. I would wager bigly, that we have something ready to go by September/October.
  5. So China knew about this in December and covered it up to prevent collapsing their New Year celebration and economic activity... Italy chose political correctness over the health of their citizens... Turdeau was so oblivious his wife got it... And our president, despite dealing with a bogus impeachment circus still managed to take some actions prior to some of the "good" countries, and people are still bitching and moaning? For the 100th time, I think anyone blaming or giving credit to Trump is off their rocker and pushing a narrative that really isn't necessary or productive at the moment. But by all means, keep the America bashing coming. I'd also point out how highly offensive the "My Ni**a" photo from Training Day is.
  6. https://nypost.com/2020/04/02/scientists-believe-they-found-potential-coronavirus-vaccine/
  7. IDK but given the previous interest in SRG, and the current concerns in the market, I wouldn't be shocked to see something done with a company like Simon. At the end of the day though, no one has a clue what the old man will do.
  8. I dont disagree he's gotten thing wrong. But who's gotten this perfect? Maybe, maybe you can make the case for some of the SARS countries who have been practicing for these things like school kids do fire drills? OK, but thats not us, not under any president. All in all, theres good and bad and always will be during unexpected times of crisis/panic. The least productive thing anyone can do is bitch and moan and be a negative. Ive stated plenty how I dont like Trumps credit grabs and he deserves the flack that comes with that. Like signing the stock chart a day before the 3,000 point drop. I just dont see how anyone wins playing games with political narratives in this situation, its really no different than 9/11. People pushing agendas during times like this are no different than the scumbags selling N95 masks for $50 on eBay...
  9. It is childish to provide a narrative for the thinking of others who are in disagreement with you. I’ll credit him with saving thousands AND with likely killing hundreds of thousands. Except for the fact that we as individuals have known about this since when? January? If other people didn't take precautions that some of us did, regarding their health and distancing, its kind of a silly move to blame the president, no? Donny didn't come to my house and give me good/bad advice... The issue again likely comes down to people either not wanting to take individual responsibility or much more likely, just use a tragic world wide situation to push political bullshit. Whatever. There were folks pushing their agendas during 9/11 as well. I just dont see what good it does anyone, especially with these fools who pretend to be "gravely concerned" yet use the veil of "concern" to promote a political agenda...
  10. Here was one of the great left actions taken! https://in.news.yahoo.com/italy-launched-hug-chinese-campaign-065339340.html But yea, no credit for the travel ban.... why? Well because at the time we cried about it and tried to claim it was a bad/racist/polarizing move, and now we just move on to whining about other shit.
  11. How simplistic must one's thinking be to think that because I'd like epidemiological/public health decisions to be made by people who know these fields that I automatically think that organisations like the WHO are perfect and can't be wrong or haven't been politicized (which they shouldn't be, as the US response shouldn't have been turned into a partisan thing by Trump for weeks). I also blame China's politicization of the science, just like in the US. The two can be bad at the same time. Repeating other people's mistakes isn't a good thing, it's bad, and if you held Trump to anything close to the standards that you apply to the things you attack you'd see that. That's about the dumbest thing I've heard you say here. "WHO is not perfect?" - seriously? well why do the hell do they even exist? But I TOTALLY get your point Liberty: IT'S Trump's fault! LOL And don't give the President ANY credit for savings thousands of lives when the cat got out of the bag and he slapped the ban on. Talk about disingenuous ! First, WHO has a remarkably flawed track record with quite a few major crisis responses. Anyone claiming otherwise is not informed. Second, its not about praising or criticizing a president. The entire thing should be about doing what one can to handle a bad situation and preparing the best we could as a country. The President has a hand in that, but there's plenty of other players as well. The issue here at least, is all the jackass lefties who completely ignore anything positive, deliberately cast blame in one self serving area when its never really that simple, and then run their mouths promoting things negative and counter productive. In many aspects, these clowns are no different the The Donald himself. Now isn't exactly the time for media misinformation and spin jobs. This should hold true for Trump and it should also hold true for the mouth breathing left. Unfortunately, there are two sets of rules they play by. Examples have been brought up before.... Trump does positive... "oh it doesnt count because he dropped the ball with xyz"/ ok then, name someone who's done a better job?...response? crickets... slants and lies. Its like the folks who think our cases exploded at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME we started testing! LOL, no dipshit. No tests = fewer confirmed #s. More tests = more confirmed cases.... But then these same folks who say, Trump is responsible for the delayed response, can't really seem to mesh the idea of "delayed" if there supposedly weren't any cases prior to March.... its all quite amusing.
  12. Consistency is always the best method. Don’t like it, don’t click it. Topic or section shouldn’t matter
  13. And..... if the OP was referring to politics there would be the usual suspects showing him step by step settings modifications to make. Amusing the change of heart!
  14. To be fair, I do think it’s reasonable for our liberal lecturers to criticize Trump for not trying to close the borders or ban international travel. It’s such an obvious and easy precaution to take. I’m actually shocked I have not heard more about this from them.
  15. I'm hardly a forex expert, but to some degree have always assumed our "reserve currency" status is not so much related to our genius politicians/system but to the fact that we have the best businesses in the world calling US home. That again seems to be apparent when we look to COVID leadership. It was companies who took the lead, not politicians.
  16. The context of the title is simple; a wee bit back I recall talking with a manager who recounted how he bet big on BP during the oil spill. I've heard countless times from folks who bought financials or real estate during the GFC. The is obviously a period cut from the same type of fundamental disruption fabric. So, for those willing to get their hands dirty, what names in the hospitality, restaurant, airline, cruise, entertainment biz are you looking at as the name you boast about buying during the coronavirus panic 5-10 years from now? If not a specific name, what investment are you making or looking to make? These are the scenarios where fortunes are made, if they arent lost first. For me, I've been long a shareholder of the MSG entities. Ive regularly stated I planned to sell the entertainment company upon spin off. However, it is becoming apparent as the April 17 date approaches, that the spin off will get an abhorrent valuation despite having no debt and over $1B in cash. I am very much intending to hold my existing shares, and flirting with the idea of adding depending upon where things stand.
  17. Working from my car as wife and young kids rule the house currently. This does not look like it will cease anytime soon. Managing money right now is tough obviously. The main reason, especially with investors, is everything, everywhere has gotten killed. Normally shifting from decently performing assets to depressed ones is easy. Right now, everything depressed. Many of the ones who have abundant cash, will continue to hold cash for the same reasons they have it in the first place, they are fear driven and scared of everything, thus never able to capitalize. Personally, I'm a younger dude and a historian at heart. I believe I can learn the past through studying and through the wisdom of others. As such, was spared a good deal of pain through the wisdom of many fellow investors, some here. Consciously(and loudly) bitched about valuations all Q4 and Q1, lightened up a ton, even shifted some stocks into new properties with favorable income/cash flows(and leased up great quality tenants, thank god) back in December/early January. Personal mix was about 40/60(75 % if you count margin) RE/stocks. Sold almost all of my speculative shit ahead of the crash. Shorted some dog shit. Then things crash and my shorts went down way too fast and I covered somewhat early or they became too tiny to matter. Was saved more than anything by kamikaze puts significantly out of the money on shitty companies that exploded in value. Started buying the dip too early in a bunch of stuff. Drawdown has been in excess of SPY. So yea, in hindsite, I played this as well as I think I reasonably could have and even got very lucky with some timings, and still got an ass whooping. There will be a lot of interesting data and psychological phenomena to study from all of this.
  18. https://www.nhl.com/senators/arena/covid19
  19. Bought a little more MSGN at 8.85. Who the f knows here anymore.
  20. I dont have as grim an outlook on housing as some, but you can certainly call me skeptical if the plan is to let the average bloke go 3 months without paying and then expect them to get whole in a one shot lump sum payment; even if most of that lump sum is given to them by the government. I just dont have a lot of faith in the honorability or financial discipline of most average folks in America or Canada. The odds of many of these folks maintaining large balances in their bank accounts for extended periods of time is not something I'd bet on. Only thing going for the other side of the argument is that restaurants and travel arent spending options for them right now...
  21. I think the current situation can create short term disturbances. But my feel was that things had already begun softening and one of the most under appreciated aspects of that was the SALT deduction ban.
  22. Well orthopa, that’s what I’ve been getting at. They(those you listed and a few others) say a lot, but don’t really say anything either. They just call you names and make up political narratives.
  23. So, theoretical question, but what exactly would folks here think if, when the next filings occur once this has passed, that WEB did NOTHING here but buyback stock at a similar clip to the previous quarters? By nothing I mean few new equity purchases, no major acquisition, not meaningful buybacks, and continued cash build?
  24. There is a reason the market fell as it did and that the fear index was at 80. Its all related. EDIT: to this I'd also add, just look around, here, everywhere. Almost everyone is panicking like hell, and those that arent are viewed as crazy. EVERYONE is currently a "short term trader" trying to predict what the market will do in the next 1-3 days....definitely a unique set of circumstances.
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