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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. This comedy just keeps getting better! So Cuomo, who did what exactly in January and February to "prepare" is a hero and did a great job now. While his brother Fredo sits around peddling fear and laying it on thick "ooh me tummy hurt, I see dead people!".... meanwhile, Trump, did an awful job managing the entire country; forget the fact that if it wasn't for disaster NY, the country's numbers would look significantly better. Got it! Again on a logical basis, a total failure. NY is by far the biggest mess in the country. It was(maybe LA gives it a run for the money) even before coronavirus. Cuomo picked up the slack big time and did a great job starting about a month ago. But to claim he did great while Trump did terrible is just so laughable. But thats how it works in leftyville. We do our own thing and when it turns into a mess blame Republicans, while also turning to Uncle Sam for help(where did most of NYs PPE come from)? Oh I forgot, they had it on hand and didn't need any right. Cuz they were just so well managed and prepared because Cuomo and De Blasio, your elected leaders, really nailed this thing!
  2. Bingo. The line from Ben Rickett in big short comes to mind. “For every 1% uptick in unemployment, 40,000 people die”. Or something to that effect when the kids are cheering the market crash. Let’s hope that isnt the case because this major overreaction could have been massively more costly than this super-flu with a social media following.
  3. It’s The NY Times, what do you expect? I’m just shocked you got to this bad boy of an article before Liberty or Dalal.
  4. Which is true, but the flu is not the same every year either. Sometimes it’s a really bad strain, sometimes it isn’t. How many times have we heard “make sure you get your flu shot, it’s supposed to be pretty nasty this year” or some variation of that? Sure covid19 is a significantly nastier virus, but holy fuck is this now a far cry and a major walk back from all the folks who manufactured and spread stories and narratives scripted for a Hollywood movie.
  5. Amusing logic here. The flu has a vaccine and still kills the number of people it does. Covid19 has no vaccine and no shortage of folks bitching and screaming about how badly mismanaged and how late our government was dealing with it, and yet the numbers...
  6. On the subject of cars, is there any incentive for anyone to buy a car right now? Between record number of leases coming due and the current economic situation, it seems like a no brainer to wait 6-12 months if you're looking.
  7. LOL, now! He wants to talk investments! Can’t make this shit up. How’s your city, with your elected officials doing “leading the charge”?
  8. Well lets answer that question! Personally, as a mid 30s(yuck) dude, do I look at stocks(specific ones of course) as attractive relative to the alternatives? You bet I do. If you have 5+ year time horizon, how isn’t this the case?
  9. I wager there’s going to be some in the areas hit worst. Maybe we get another AMRQ.
  10. Not a nice move by the US. But also, Canada should have been stockpiling in Jan/Feb. Yea, its an interesting narrative and application of responsibility from some here. The US/Trump should have foreseen everything months ago and had massive stockpiles of everything one would be able to think of after the fact. Everyone else who is unprepared is the victim of Trump being an asshole.
  11. I think detaining people is a better solution than escalating fines. Outside of hugging your children and f**** your wife, what reason, ever really, but especially given the current situation, do you have for getting that close to another person? Whats wrong with people?
  12. That is why I said, "assuming hospitals dont need them". This is why I think the WH and health organizations originally lied, to attempt to prevent that panic and hoarding...not that it helped. I am not aware of a retailer who's had masks in over a month.
  13. I posted about this a while back. I have some friends who are nurses/MDs at NYC facilities, they have replaced their morgue vans with trailers as the twitter thread mentions. I think I even posted the picture. This happened about...1.5 weeks ago? Not sure where he is getting the rest of the information (burial trenches in city parks?) but it seems the most effective way to manage the bodies would be cremation,but I am no professional in this area. Can they cremate bodies against the wills of the deceased/families, if they had wanted to be buried? Probably wasn't an issue in China, but here the law may prevent it. I don't know. Probably not a popular stance, but(outside of religious reasons) who TF cares about the body after death? Organ donation? sure. But aesthetics of a funeral Ive never understod. Even with close family, Ive always maintained that I dont like wakes and all that shit. I'd rather my memories be of vibrance and liveliness than a stiff log with makeup on...My ability to "pay respects" has zero to do with the presence of a physical body.
  14. Re: masks, is it really that hard of a decision? Assuming the hospitals dont need them, why take a chance? Worst case it is no different than not wearing one and you look like a paranoid idiot(ego bruising but nothing else), best case it helps keep you safe... We all wore masks on Halloween as kids...are we too grown up to do so again?
  15. IDK, fuck the energy investors. For the most part, sure its anecdotal, but they're get rich quick fools. And Lee Cooperman. Stupid liberals get rich quick in penny stock biotechs, conservatives try with penny stock e&p's.
  16. I think it just accelerates trends already in place. For everything else, things will gradually go back to normal over the course of several years, assuming those things are still around.
  17. --Rush Limbaugh, January 2009 (when America was in the throes of the GFC). Its telling that there biggest mess here is the cesspool called NYC where you live. You've got your mayor and your governor, both whom have handled things vastly differently. Both of whom you elected. And you blame Trump.... Here you are "rooting for America". What a patriot. How am I not? Ive stated plenty off times that now isn't the time to be bitching and moaning and playing politics... I just find it odd how the above works. If you want to assign blame how do you not even mention two guys you elected, responsible for running your city, that have more than their share of "issues"? Its just inconsistent
  18. --Rush Limbaugh, January 2009 (when America was in the throes of the GFC). Its telling that there biggest mess here is the cesspool called NYC where you live. You've got your mayor and your governor, both whom have handled things vastly differently. Both of whom you elected. And you blame Trump....
  19. This tells you all you need to know about some folks and outlets. Actively rooting against America and going out of their way to use a crisis to blatantly misrepresent everything they can in order to make a president they don’t like, look bad. Too many stories to mention but what’s the count now of the misrepresented stories? The latest being the “commandeered shipments in Germany”, just prior the whole sending equipment out of the country ban; while leaving our that 68 other countries already set precedent. And this is just the last 3 days...
  20. These are just politics inspired assumptions you’ve made. Should bailouts happen? The answer varies depending on ones beliefs. Will they happen? Absolutely. And if you can’t acknowledge that, or that it has little to do with who is in office, then there’s not much else to say. With bankruptcies and junk bonds tied to E&Ps, they should all be wiped out. But this obviously conflates Wall Street problems and normal every day normal person problems. There’s ways to wipe out one without the other, but often there is overlap. It’s just odd you can’t comprehend this. Trump really does seem to occupy quite a lot of space in your head and elicit some pretty severe expressions of those feelings. Let it go. If nothing else but for your own wellbeing. My life was good under Trump and good under Obama. I cant imagine running around fueled with such constant animosity over something that really isn’t in your control or worth festering over...
  21. They already do much of the same with utilities. So there’s steps that can be taken without completely turning everything upside down. Berkshire, the ultimate capitalist company, finds this setup compelling enough to represent a significant portion of their business portfolio. Bottom line is O&G is and has been a shit show for sometime. It’s volatile, for many actually massively value destructive, and probably outside of auto, run by the worst types of people. I don’t invest in this space for much of these reasons, but I mean to at the least, be able to understand why certain measures are currently being taken to protect things(irrespective of agreeing or disagreeing with the action) is not hard. But of course, here’s Dalal again with his Trump conspiracies and loudmouth rambling, foaming at the mouth just waiting to accuse all others of the same things. Governments, especially in times of crisis, have demonstrated they will do whatever is necessary to prop up the country. Yes, bailouts, subsidies, money printing, etc. You don’t have to like it, but you’re a fool if you don’t understand that this is what they do. Pretty much every time. Energy is on the brink, so expect them doing and saying whatever it takes.
  22. Isn't a lot of this missing the point that while $5 gas isn't healthy, neither is $1 gas.. There is a happy medium "range" which allows consumers to function and the energy industry to employ millions of folks. At $5 they can employ many more millions, but the net effect would be millions of losses elsewhere. At $15 a barrel hundreds of thousands, if not millions will lose jobs.
  23. The kids, 1 and 3 are oblivious to the world around them and both happy and energy filled all the time. While my job certainly hasn't ceased(despite sometimes wishes of such) it's still great having everyone home and together. Also, being able to help out others has been gratifying and further puts into context/highlights how utterly shallow and unfulfilling the pursuit of money is. Its given me thought of accelerating part of my life plan to transition to something like a non-profit or volunteer group. Money really isn't everything, and times like this, in a weird and fucked up way highlight whats important in life. Also, the boat is in the water and spring has arrived!
  24. I think this corona tide going out has shown many of us to be in full speedo mode. i intentionally have 2/3rds of my portfolio in cash since I never want to work another day in my life, but my 1/3rd allocated to equities is definitely sucking wind. the only guy who seems to have done well is ackman, who bought credit default swaps at an apparently very cheap price. warren for one seems to have sold airline stocks at a point in time when you would think he would be greedy and not fearful... Yup, anyone who has stocks right now "looks" bad. Thats just how it works during times like these. Remember all the market is rigged and investing is a scam talk from 2008-probably 2012? How "we'd gone nowhere since 2000" talk? Its just psychological and probably even counter productive to look at things from the angle of "here's what the returns look like after everything just imploded", no shit they look bad. Warren Buffett bought DAL at $48 and 3 weeks later sold at $24... His banks like WFC? Just as bad. It happens to everyone and its ultimately what squeezes out weak hands and creates opportunities for others.
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