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John Hjorth

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Everything posted by John Hjorth

  1. It's certainly a fascinating topic ... I mean, for the majority of the posters in this topic, I have absolutely no clue about, what you're doing with your capital, your positions, your returns, over the years etc. [because you don't tell fellow board members about it here on CoBF, and I read CoBF every day, now for many years]. Please note, I wrote "... the majority ...". Furthermore, I simply don't get why the doings of Mr. Tilson is even interesting, thereby interesting to discuss here on CoBF.
  2. Say it isen't so. I have to go back to this old post after observing the whole Berkshire AGM session on Yahoo Finance Saturday. Did anybody among my fellow board members take notice of how Mr. Jain's hand - at least the right one - the one not holding the microphone - was shaking? -To me, it seemed like he was actually leaning that hand - the right one - up against the microphone in his left to keep the right one steady.
  3. After sleeping on observing the whole Berkshire AGM thing yesterday, I think this is a precise description of the issue at hand. Depending on how the markets evolve going forward, my overall perception is, that Berkshire will likely be a company sitting on a cash pile north of USD 100 B for a prolonged period going forward while growing at a certain clip its businesses - also depending on how in particular the US economy & the global economy in general evolves going forward. Unfortunately, the specific tender question did not come up.
  4. Added today to BRK.B [partially with proceeds from NVO, ref. this post], BAM & SCHO.CPH.
  5. The "planting" of the Berkshire investment in Amazon Inc. at Becky Quick by Mr. Buffett released by CNBC within the last 24 hours may be an intentional effort of diversion from that fact.
  6. Reduced position a bit in NOVO B.CPH [NVO][in my father's account], to buy BRK.B, combined with pulling money off the table [money, that will never end up on the table again, but that will be allocated to one of his "high interest rate" accounts at Bank Norwegian ASA or Santander Consumer Bank ASA - those accounts are not part of my defined AUM]. I'm trying here to reduce risk.
  7. James, Take it easy! That "one guy at the office" "only" has an investment mandate of USD 13 B, at the moment -& counting! [ ; - D]
  8. CNBC - Tech [May 2nd 2019] : Berkshire Hathaway has been buying shares of Amazon, Warren Buffett says.
  9. Perhaps that may be because most the finance people in the big friggin apple are in the business of making sure customers aren't able to buy yachts. CoBF is pretty much global - which to me is quite mind provoking and awesome. I do however not recall having read a post on here with love from Russia or from Antarctica.
  10. This is just soo great! [lol!] - Dear fellow CoBF members - please keep them coming!
  11. Thank you for providing your personal point of view as a British citizen on this interview, Lemsip, It's really appreciated for my part. - - - o 0 o - - - Also, a very belated welcome to you here on CoBF. Please keep your posts coming.
  12. A friendly bump!, - Especially for new CoBF board members who have joined CoBF since the last bump at the beginning of September 2018, now a bit more than a half year ago. - You could put the information in your forum profile, too! [<- For my part personally, this action is highly recommended - that does not change the fact that this is your option!] I would argue, that this information is of importance for understanding your postings, as a basis for your living conditions, culture etc., thereby your way of thinking, the implied societal culture of yours that is embedded in your posts [that you mostly in no way are able to hide or suppress in the long run here on CoBF, if you are active here on CoBF.] - - - o 0 o - - - So, out of personal sincere interest for you, and out of curiosity, I'm hereby bumping this topic up - again! - Please keep them coming!
  13. I'm bumping this topic up - for general discussion - based on what's been going on with regard to Mr. Musk since last post in this topic. Personally, I don't know what to think ... - what do you think?
  14. Here is another one from FT : Financial Times [April 26th 2019] : Warren Buffett ready to buy in Britain regardless of Brexit. I think this article has root in the same interview referred to by gfp earlier, ref. the quote above. This is as close as it can get to an open and standing invitation to give Mr. Buffett a call if one has something to sell of size and value. My knowledge about British private businesses has no problem balancing on the edge of vertical stamp. Does any fellow CoBF members have any of knowledge what Mr. Buffett might have laid his eyes on here? - - - o 0 o - - - gfp's advice about how to read FT articles works great - thanks, gfp.
  15. I agree with Ballinvarosig Investors, That's a crazy story about Vadim Perelman, actually. I found this, this & this. I would argue that the section in the article about Vadim Perelman is misplaced, because the article header contains the phrase "the Pros" ... -I mean how can you be a "Pro", if the words "risk management" and "position sizing" aren't a part of either your active or passive vocabulary? [ ; - ) ]
  16. Thank you for the heads-up, Dynamic, I really appreciate your tool.
  17. If one study the last Berkshire proxy, there is a special voting agreement between Berkshire and Mr. Buffett in place. If I remember correctly, there was a special voting arrangement for Berskhire's shares in AXP back when Berkshire became a large shareholder in AXP many years ago. I don't know if that arrangement is still in place and effective. Edit: For AXP : Please see AXP 2019 Proxy Statement, p. 90, upper part.
  18. Yes, longtermdave, Exactly that appendix from Federal Reserve is key to understanding the shades of the proposal. It's not black or white related to an adjusted 25 percent threshold in the proposal compared to incumbent practice.
  19. Thanks, Dynamic, I tried it, - still no go for me. I suppose the WSJ net server is "tasting" the IP address, and that mine is included in a range, that is in a "pooh filter" on the net server.
  20. I agree with Dynamic, This could be a real game changer for Berkshire going forward in the long run. Primary source : Federal Reserve - Press Release [April 23rd 2019] : Federal Reserve Board invites public comment on proposal to simplify and increase the transparency of rules for determining control of a banking organization. [The WSJ article mentioned by SHDL is unfortunately not available for me - it appears that Outline does not work for WSJ pages any longer.]
  21. CNBC - Markets [March 28th 2019] : Buffett on the economy: ‘It looks like things have slowed down’. A bit outdated, but anyway.
  22. Added to LVMUY yesterday [bought in Paris as MC.PA].
  23. Danish Business Authority [April 12th 2019] : Danish Business Authority reports EY to State Prosecutor for Serious Economic and International Crime. Now I think every Danish possible & relevant participant has joined the party in the mud puddle by "invitation" - I think the DANSKE auditors were the last ones missing. Here it is about the 2014 financials for DANSKE, and lack of reporting about money laundering for 2014 to the State Prosecutors money laundering office. The DBA investigation of DANSKE continues.
  24. An example of what's going on here with DANSKE : Finans.dk [April 11th 2019] : Experts : Danske Bank is missing DKK 50 billion in [capital] buffer. So, two so called "experts" - university professors - [publicly] "telling" both the Danish FSA and the bank, that none of them can calculate the actual capital situation of the bank correctly ... [*rolling eyes*]
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