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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. On 9/10/2021 at 4:04 PM, Castanza said:

     "... Not an easy or simple situation and honestly I don't think there is a fix. ..."




    I have never in my life experienced an issue for which there hasen't been a feasible fix available. The concept of the "non-existense of a fix" is a political mirage, very well promoted, over and over again, here, there and everywhere. Everything can be fixed in a society. It's all about will and capacity to suffer.

  2. The topic here should be split. A part of it should go to the Politics Forum, another part of it should go to the Personal Finance Forum.


    Stop whining, [or post on the Politics Board]. 


    Instead, you could in the Personal Finance Forum post & share your findings, and how you have approached this issue [It should be by country, naturally].

  3. 2 hours ago, longterminvestor said:

    Why buy bonds?  Berkshire does not buy bonds for cash flow, they buy for store of value.  and interest rates can only go up which means the price of the bond goes down.  Agree, doesnt make any sense.  

    Agreed, longterminvestor,


    Over the last years, we've seen [almost relentlessly] posting from @Cigarbutt , indicating the "real bond portfolio" [understood as "non cash or cash equivilatents" is about USD 20 B - over time.

  4. 17 hours ago, Xerxes said:



    Repurchase of shares (when above BV) will push down the BVPS

    Repurchase of shares (when below BV) will push up the BVPS


    Of course, repurchase of shares above or below intrinsic value has no bearing on the accounting.



    YDRC, thank you.

  5. The topic title contains the word "herd" [, also known as the "crowd"].


    The question remains open for me: "Who am I?" [Understood as Part of the "herd", or not?]


    Up YTD ~31% [gross, with withheld dividend taxes added back] today.


    I can't really move the butt of my family [in total "the gang"][and the butt of my own] around any longer without incurring a capital gain tax of 42% for "socalled" taxable accounts.


    For tax deferred accounts it's even "better" here in Denmark: Pay a 15.3 procent tax [mind you, it´s called the PAL-tax!] on realized & UNREALIZED capital gains.


    I'm not a macro guy.


    Based on that, I'm personally seriously considering offloading every bank stock held in tax deferred accounts by any member of the "gang".



  6. 3 hours ago, TREVNI said:

    Which just goes to show how Berkshire has cracked the code in terms of motivating individuals to work. Weschler has won life many times over. He could be sitting on a beach having someone wait on him hand and foot for the rest of his life. Instead he chooses to read 12+ hours a day for the benefit of BRK shareholders. I count myself very lucky to have him working for us. 

    @gfp & @TREVNI,


    I actually coulden't agree more. Here is Mr. Weschlers response to ProPublica.

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