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John Hjorth

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Posts posted by John Hjorth

  1. On 11/18/2021 at 6:59 PM, JGBRK said:


    Thank you for sharing, @JGBRK,


    @Spekulatius& @Parsad have commented on this case in this topic. Honestly, it's really bugging me, after reading the primary source [, linked to in the article linked to by @JGBRK].


    Any other commments by my fellow CoBF members? - Thanks in advance,

  2. 2 minutes ago, MMM20 said:

    ... Reasonable minds can disagree on that point. But surely if you disagree there is a better use of your time than posting here?




    The purpose of CoFB is actually the crossing of swords [please read : factual based opinions] among the whole sprectrum between longs and shorts, to avoid group thinking and confirmation bias. 🙂


    A belated welcome to CoBF, @MMM20🙂

  3. 4 hours ago, Gregmal said:

    Amazing what happens when you get off your ass and actually do something. Like I said, fundamentals weren’t gonna do it. Market wants to see real, meaningful action. This is definitely a start. 




    To me, this is a transaction only for accounting purposes, ref. what @StubbleJumper has alluded to earlier in this topic today.

  4. Posted by me in BAM topic on October 26th 2021:


    "... It's a "tiny puppy" [ ;-D ], and ever growing - right now annexing 450 MB of your drive, and at the moment consisting of 19,409 pages. ..."


    Posted by Joel [ @racemize ] in the BAM topic on October 26th 2021:


    "... It is starting to get ridiculous.  My PDF program freaks out every time I add a new file to it, which happens pretty often. ..."


    - - - o 0 o - - -


    My comment to Joel here: "Take it easy, - at least you're "puppared"".

  5. On 10/22/2021 at 9:21 PM, StubbleJumper said:


    No, I have never had my father donate $1 billion so I could be hand-picked to run my own philanthropy foundation.  My guess is that somebody who climbed through the ranks of the non-profit sector, with successive jobs of progressively higher responsibility, to eventually be competitively selected to be the boss of a $1 billion foundation would be a pretty talented person.  But, that's not how Susie was selected for the job, was it?


    The culture of BRK will probably last one or two CEOs post-Buffett and then it will likely revert to a typical organization with an over-confident, self-interested management cadré.  Appointing a 68 year-old family member to the board is unlikely to forestall that process.







    I'm thinking about the content of your post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & line of thinking.

  6. Hi @Fundmanagerthrwawy,


    Welcome to CoBF!,


    Sure, it's hard. Today, it's now about 8 1/2 years ago I joined CoBF, after beeing "orphan" for about 1/2 year after the personal decision "to get serious" into this non-zero-game. 


    Today, I think I spent about 3 years reading the board, basically keeping my mouth shut [providing perhaps some 300 [low quality, I guess] posts during that time span]. During those three years, I sacrified sleep [<-!], to get "a hold" on what I was aiming to to do. [Back then, I was still in the "hamster wheel"]. During those three years, I've spent a lot of time - so to say - to read the board "in another dimension" - I was reading the board as posted by specific members during time - all the way back to the buttom of the GFC, when the recent CoBF was folded out [, to get "inside the mindset" and "modus operandi" of each individual CoBF member].


    Today, it strikes me personally -, that there seem to be a correlation - over the years - here at CoBF - between beeing a polite & rational person here on CoBF - and trying to achieve outsized returns, however I can't really prove it, and I won't try to.


    - - - o 0 o - - 


    No matter my own biases & assumptions, welcome!



  7. 9 minutes ago, StubbleJumper said:


    Another case of a marginally competent family member being given a position on the board.  Should we now call Buffett the Prem Watsa of the south?  





    You're killing me. If I could, I would quote your post into the "Jokes"-topic in General Discussion forum. Unfortunately, I'm still not able to do so with the new CoBF setup. Rest assured, I'll find the way to do so along the way. I'm not a "quittor".

  8. Just now, Munger_Disciple said:




    I've never succeseeded to read "The Snowball" to its end. From the fraction of what I've read of that book - before throwing it into a corner - where it still is right now - I remember reading something about the renovation of a kitchen, where "Dad" was supposed to "lift" the "plans" financially.


    "Dad"s answer - according to the book - was: "Talk with your bank about it", or something in that line.


    Disclosure: I'm biased here.

  9. Today, I had this off topic exchange with James in the BAM topic .


    Please, stay flexible.


    Kicked-in footnote here: Today, it's actually 37 years since I moved into where I live today. Please don't do that to yourself. It's an awful experience looking back. It's about gravitation, I think. All the hair you had on top of your head will eventually - because of gravitation, gradually move downwards, towards parts of your body - front & back - where you don't want it to be.


    Please, stay in motion - for your own sake.

  10. 1 minute ago, gfp said:

    I don't think it is in Berkshire's long term interest to see Greg Abel have a large personal stake in an individual Berkshire subsidiary once he is running the entire conglomerate. I think it is likely that once Greg takes the CEO job he would convert the BHE stock he holds into BRK.A shares.  He may even elect to do that before he becomes CEO.


    In the past, as the Walter Scott entities wanted liquidity, Berkshire Hathaway Energy would repurchase shares, which increases both Berkshire's and Abel's interest in BHE.  They may continue to do that over time or maybe Berkshire will buy large blocks of the Scott family shares over time.


    I don't think the Scott estate shares end up owned by Greg Abel.

    Thank you, gfp,


    Your  post makes lots of sense to me personally. Again, let's see.

  11. Viking,


    I recall back in April 2017, I attended the AGM of Vestas Wind Systems A/S i Aarhus, Denmark. At that AGM, the Lady of the House attended, too, and we met with @TBW. [He is just such an awesome guy in every aspect!] I recall Tim asked if I've ever looked at this Chineese behemoth of a RE developer, that was writing empty real estate up, up, up! Tim is a long/short guy. He was in self-occilation & mental overdrive. [ :- D] I had forgotten the name of the company, but now I think I remember it! Now I'm in urge to get in contact with Tim to hear if he ever found a way to short this darn thing! [ ; - D]

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