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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. Saw this on some site. Gaza demographics is of very young age: 61% under age of 24. majority of these were born after Hamas took over in 2006. That means the majority of the people of Gaza just happen to be born under Hamas rule. That is all they have seen and not exactly chose them.
  2. How ? because Iran is not an Arab country. my and your statement were about Arab countries, so I thought we were talking about Arab countries. Did we not ? so again, which Arab “government” do you feel wish Israel to be removed ? And again understanding that we are not talking about Iran (non Arab) and its minions. ps: don’t get me wrong Arab government are not exactly “thrilled” and in awe of Israel. But they know now that Israel is not going anywhere. It is done.
  3. yet in the very first line in my post I did say very clearly that it is not a genocide. … not yet anyways. That said, it is not comparable to the US case studies for the reasons I pointed out.
  4. US didn’t not commit genocide in the Middle East. But they committed war crimes. Can you tell me which Arab country (or countries) has design to eliminate Israel. I am not talking about Iran and its proxies
  5. Sanjeev i am many things but not naive or lacking knowledge when it comes to Middle East politics. I said it exactly as it is. Arab governments have been working hard to get close to Israel (to balance Iran) — only impediment is their own people that have a strong pro-Palestine point of view.
  6. Is that your only criteria for right and wrong
  7. actually this wrong as well. it is the reverse. It is mostly Arab government that wanted (pre 10/07) good relation with Israel but cannot get too close due to their people being pro-Palestine. and also I cannot think of any Arab country that has fundamentalist in power. Sure they have autocrats and dictators but not fundamentalist. Iran does however.
  8. Genocide is a dangerous word. From my perspective Israel is NOT committing genocide …. Not yet anyways. Me and The Economist are on the same page on this. but I am still dwelling on this. Was Germany committing genocide in the mid-30s (pre concentration camp era) or was it only in the 40s ? (When the action started) To be sure Israel is committing war crimes. That is for sure. And these are not few bad apples as you like to think. When your government is filled by right-wing messianic figures demanding the creation of “greater Israel”, well guess what ? Some “people” got to go. That view permeates some in the IDF as does the nonsense coming from Ayatollah permeating IRGC. Personally I always believe pre Oct 7th that IDF was a just organization. For years I admired their contribution, but I just cannot accept somethings that I see. But that is just me. Lastly Sanjeev, you got to stop comparing Israel with US. The United States rightly or wrongly did some things, but it never had designs or incentive in “eliminating” entire group of people. Why ? Because it was NOT from the region. Its ambitions was geopolitical in the Middle East. So your comment is not valid. Israel has a stake and interest in “removing” people. Now whether it actually has state-level design or not. That is another matter. I personally do not believe so. But like I said it has a racist government that is pushing that way.
  9. Zelenskyy must be going mad now. He is losing more and more of the spotlight.
  10. Palestinian are to be blamed. They had every chance. They had the best offer a “loser” can get. Thats their legacy.
  11. Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. Period. But this is more about “baby-Netanyahu has the right to keep his job”. Netanyahu knew exactly what was going to happen. Anyways. Screw him. Never like racist people. To me he is an asshole no different like the Ayatollah in Tehran. F&$k them both. PS: please, all countries in Middle East struggle over the last 80 years.
  12. very simple. you go to West Bank to shoot kids and give medal to the brave IDF soldiers. Straight from the mouth of the Israeli minister how much of this conflict are you actually following Sanjeev
  13. No clue Iran is not a saint but nor is baby-Netanyahu and his democratically elected racist government. Netanyahu is right about one thing, he knows he has the American by their balls.
  14. Oh Jesus, here we go again. Another thread for people to discuss their non-markets points of view and show us how much they know Do I really need to jump in here ? lol I am about f@&ing tired to hear about Israeli and Palestinean and how their “TrUth” is more superior. To think of it, maybe they deserve each other. They both only offer hate, only care about themselves and suck an outsize amount of oxygen, and they think that exactly “they” and no one else is special. I want I hear about the Yzidies, the Armenian and Kurds. They don’t even have sugar daddies.
  15. As someone who is into history, I really liked Prem comparing the opportunity in India to that of Singapore in the 50s and 60s. He was not saying that India will be like Singapore but rather that you could have bought (in Singapore case) the financials betting that it will be center of finance and trade in south east. He was giving the audience the opportunity to imagine what could the foundational bedrock industries that one can invest and hold in India. Much like how Michael Saylor likes to talk about owning the bedrock of the “digital Manhattan”, but just in the real world. Another big take away was for me was how big the privatization will be in India. I definitely like to increase my FIH exposure over time. Here is another example from our own Canadian business history. CN was a crown corporation that was privatize in the 90s and IPO at $3-4 a share. 3000% and some 25 years later it is close to $180. Having Hunter Harrison at later stage helped but the real bet was on the secular growth in trade in North America. If Harrison never existed it would have been another player.
  16. On TRS, my simplistic take is that it was there to lever and extract juice the “transformational” step-change that he was betting on. Said differently I don’t think he would have put a TRS if it was only discount to BV that was too wide for his taste. Share repurchases takes care of that. I believe despite what he said share being still inexpensive, the TRS was really a bet on the step-change on the NAV rather discount to NAV. The fact that it was placed when it was at a discount it is just a bonus. And since that NAV will continue to grow to the tune of $125 per share per year, than the TRS will continue to stay on as NAV will continue to grow. Suffice to say $125 is the figure publicly stated, but the insiders know more than what we know. The only cost on the TRS is the fees to the Canadian banks. And some cash flow management if the stock dips.
  17. Thanks Parsad for the flow of goodies. I ll just add that Prem emphasized a lot “transformational”, “operating businesses and less so trading”, “bigger size” etc that allows it to be less “wild” that was my takeaway
  18. I ll add a comment on BIAL, both because it was (to my great pleasure) mentioned on the call by the CEO of the airport, and as well in previous non-Fairfax related links that I posted in the past on potential wide-body overcapacity glut in the future. India’ underinvestment in airport capacity in the 90s was a huge tailwind for the Gulf super-connectors (I.e Emirates, Qatar and the failing Etihad). It helped them grow. India can claw back that passenger-traffic that is rightly theirs and take share from other destinations. This would be zero sum game for the Emirates of the world. As over the next decades both Saudi Arabia and India take up the mantle and build super-connectors. And not to mention their domestic markets. A secondly effect of that would be a glut at global level for wide-bodies. But that is not our problem.
  19. Eurobank and Fairfax India are already public. why create another holding company layer on top of each one ?
  20. same here ? comeone @SharperDingaan more context pls on that last paragraph i got the “good luck to all” bit, but the paragraph just before lost me
  21. I watched Dune 2 again. This time on IMAX. The theatre was packed. And i am sure they are mostly second or third viewings. speaking of which, this is funny.
  22. He is throwing Mud few days before the AGM. Wondering if he will show up in person like a man. If he is right, or strongly believes that he is in the right, he ought to show up in person in his battle armour.
  23. Xerxes


    to be clear, I have more faith in a liar and a asshole like Dick Cheney, than I do of Putin.
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