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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. The boosters for years were saying BHE is where you could just park that excess surplus get that 10% regulated return. Amazing etc. look at that negative tax rate. At the end of nothing is guaranteed with government and regulatory environment. I am not even sure I understand the full picture. I guess Greg did do the right thing to liquidate his BHE and redeploy into the greater Berkshire. in any case, I trust the management to continue navigating the headwinds.
  2. I think the Semper 2023 letter is released the day before BRK letter. So coming soon
  3. a fair point if I was talking about the season finale. This is just a random scene mid-season.
  4. the last scene when they burned the house down and realize they don’t have the car keys, and have to walk in the middle of snow, kind of reminded me of Pauli and Christopher from Sopranos getting stuck in the forest in the middle of winter.
  5. I think for True Detective it was depressing but perhaps that was the intent. After all, it was in a small town in the middle Alaska after that the “last sunset”. I personally liked it. what is not clear yet to me what was the back story about the “tongue” How it ended and the number of people involved reminded me of Murder on Orient Express. Very cool
  6. I was there in 2018. You just walk in and I think they took my name down. didn’t have to prove or show anything.
  7. that is interesting. both AutoZone and AutoNation have “hockey-sticked”, but one has 7x earning multiple while the other has 17x multiple. (Respectively) Diminishing return for AZ and prolonged hockey-sticking return for AN ? … Or simply put, the car part business (AZ) is more valuable than the second hand car business (AN). AZ: eddy steady auto part sales AN: cyclical auto retail Perhaps AZ is worth more than AN even if the note has lofty multiple.
  8. she plays herself https://apple.news/AaRx9UxS5Se61wCJPDB1uZg
  9. On Google Search, i simply typed: "Tesla performance since s&p 500 inclusion" Google Search answered the following as its first answer: "Tesla shares closed around $232 on Dec. 18, 2020, the session before the company joined the S&P 500. Today they're about $247, a 6.7% increase based on closing prices. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 has climbed roughly 27%, led by mega-cap technology stocks such as Microsoft Corp., Apple Inc." Who needs ChatGPT .. but that is beside the point. My actual point would that index inclusion is sometimes more about the journey rather than end goal.
  10. Henceforward MuddyWater shall be renamed as DummyWater
  11. There is 3-4 page Fortune article on the topic: https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/03/19/8402326/index.htm
  12. Maybe, it still take mindshare from CFO and CEO to prepare for tomorrow and deal with it. But what can I say: game is the game dawg.
  13. Xerxes


    The two of them make a great couple !
  14. clawed its way back and locked in a hair above $1,400.
  15. Maybe (just maybe) MuddyWater folks are actually geniuses. They are actually long the stock, but they know just putting a bullish call doesn’t do the trick on a dormant volcano.
  16. Hi Spooky, AKRE Management had removed the original article, all Google searches point to other people' content/review that they have layered on top of that now unavailable article. I thought I had found it, but it looks to be gone. I am going to try to find it. Somewhat related: i noticed that the gentleman who does the Business Brew podcast had an interview with the gentleman who wrote that article (Chris Cerrone) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chris-cerrone-a-simple-quality-discussion/id1540847053?i=1000549877526
  17. In contrast Apple has removed gobbs of shares outstanding at 30x earning.
  18. The Essay "The Art of Not Selling", which was mentioned on the podcast and elsewhere
  19. Xerxes


    I think we are talking pass each other. or I am not getting the subtle jabs. Like it or not, the media in India has tons of propaganda and biases, like everywhere else. Qatar’ Al Jazzera has its own agenda: the soft power of Qatar making waves against its rivals. Where the difference is that WION (or whatever is called) and the likes of it are there to “influence” the thinking of the domestic audience. In contrast, Qatar is an absolute monarchy. So they are in little need of local domestic brainwashing. So the intended audience is outward and they are more subtle. And more factual given their fractured foreign audience. Have you noticed that all (or most) of the English speaking hosts/journalists in Al Jazeera speak with the English accent. To capture the BBC aura, which is a global outlet. By the way, Modi is not perfect. Perhaps he is the leader that India needs at the moment but he is not infallible. And I realize I cannot be saying these things. And since you asked: I enjoy brainwashing myself on a weekly basis with The Economist. I read and watch a lot, but the subtle but yet decisive influence in my thinking comes from The Economist.
  20. I could only imagine how many people Prem pulled in to work over the weekend just for that note that came this morning.
  21. Xerxes


    My most trusted source … lol. you got to be kidding me.
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