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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Ive always said, keep me safe and you can read my texts, watch me shit, hear me react to a lousy earnings reports, or record me getting laid. These things are not synonymous with my freedom. I'd rather those "invasions of privacy" than shutting down my business, telling me when and where I can travel, and making me dress like its Halloween in order to get milk for my kids. To each their own though.
  2. https://medium.com/@tepper_jonathan/ground-zero-when-the-cure-is-worse-than-the-disease-3c513d91393d "The policies responses in most countries are not targeted, fail to tackle the source of the crisis and will do little to contain future outbreaks. Millions of workers are paying for this calamitous misunderstanding with their livelihoods."
  3. I know you guys hate him, but this is satire you realize, right?
  4. Yup, yup. This whole pandemic has become a convenient way to make(correct that, force) everyone to become more reliant on the government. Total power grab.
  5. SMBs already got money. What are you arguing? That this type of discretionary authority on the local levels and lack of spine federally is awful and dangerous. We write checks to them but at the end of the day it will likely still leave them brutally short changed. For instance, what about people with shore rentals? Governor Ass Hat decides to close beaches for the season. Morgtage payment is $3500 a month, which gets deferred, but off season rent rate is $1500 a month. You just lost peak season which is $7,500 a month. Who's compensating you? There's a million seasonal businesses and employees in spots like this. Wedding photographer...Spring is huge? Banning all gatherings. Many of these business owners are self employed. They arent going to get wedding season 2020 back. At least give them the fighting chance. Shit, the economy stalled out as a business owner but I fought and clawed is a lot easier to take then, the governor said no and completely shut down my business even though it wasn't totally necessary.
  6. So when safety comes to discretionary calls of elected officials, we hoot and whine about violations of freedom, ie the Patriot Act, because, you know, safety be damned they dont got no business reading my text messages, but we're willing to crush businesses and livelihoods in the blink of an eye over a virus thats effect on 95% of the population is negligible? Interesting.
  7. Profiteering? You mean running their business the same as they had the past 30+ years? Letting their employees earn a wage(and a good one at that as grateful patrons were tipping insane because they appreciated have this business open)? They arent contributing to the spread of anything. They're following rules and regs with regard to safety. They are meeting a demand(without raising prices). This is profiteering? You think the best measure to stay safe is to stay home? The YOU stay home. You have the right to make that choice. Dictating to others and ruining millions of lives in the process is disgustingly anti-American in every way imaginable. The amount of lives and businesses ruined because of this will greatly exceed that of the virus, which wouldn't you know, seem on pace to resemble a bad year of the flu! Its ironic, but the reason Trump supporters loved Trump was his ability to say F you liberal media. F you critics. And I guarantee the reason he is standing for this nonsense is because he doesnt have the spine to call out state governors and deal with the media heat he'd get. Because if he did, he'd have to take responsibility for the outcome. Which, as Ive said all along, doesnt really have anything to do with him since he isn't really responsible for the decisions being made. Personally, the steps I take, are the same I took in January and February. Maintain a little distance, wash my hands, use common sense. Works fine. Hiding in a box seems to work for others. Many different ways to skin a cat.
  8. How long really shouldn't matter(although now it does). America is about freedoms and businesses and the people risking their lives(even before covid19) to show up to work every day should be free to make that choice. The government stole that from businesses and their employees. All the liberals consistently do is whine and make up fake bs about Trump the dictator, Trump the swamp creature, but overseeing and allowing state governors to basically commander peoples rights is literally the worst display of Communist and dictator like tactics this country has ever seen. I used to frequent a small Bergen County deli in Paramus. This place was the last to shut down in Bergen County. They stayed open and fought and at one point the owner said they were doing 300% more business because they were one of the few ones open during the crazy stretch. The governor literally forced them to send their employees home and shut the doors. That is astoundingly anti American and 100% where the fault lies at Trumps feet. Give people the choice to chose the fate of their business, their employees, etc. Right thing to do is close? OK, make your choice and live with it. Want to stay open? Have the employee support to do so? Ok, go get em. And live with it.
  9. This whole episode has been an insiders wet dream. 2008/09 no one really knew what was going on. From China initially hiding this until after their New Year parties, to the congressional hearings in Jan/Feb, to the orchestrated shut downs, now with the stimulus, and then reopening, and yes, an eventual infrastructure or further stimulus bill, if you are in the loop this time around, its much easier than ever before.
  10. Boris Johnson was a big fan of heard immunity for the UK and wanted to get it done as fast as possible. You want to ask him about his thoughts on the subject again? He got sick.. wasn't that the point?
  11. Dont worry, congress will do plenty. As long as they can trade ahead of it. I heard Kelly Blowfer is buying X and EXP... get ready for an infrastructure bill! *(just kidding about individual stock names)
  12. After a good deal more reflection and analysis I think it is only fair for the government to pick up the tab(as it is doing) for the small businesses and people displaced by this. The reason being, is that everything was humming along just fine until THEY forced, as in deliberately compelled people to stay home and businesses to shutter. The socialists will call foul(or promote the now popular theme "capitalists want bailouts", but giving out freebies to those who are incapable, lazy, or incompetent, during times where the free market is prevailing, is vastly different than telling businesses "you have to close your doors". Its very similar to the logic behind the FNMA thesis. The government can not take control without compensation. In a lot of ways, I think Trump allowing this is a major failure of his. Let people live their lives and take their own risks. Open the economy up, and let people make their own choices. Oil, is a different story. But small business or restaurant thats been open for 40 years shuttering because the government imposes lockdowns of questionable constitutional legitimacy? The government should be on the hook for the cost of that business and the wages of it's employees, or at least, bridging the gap until those associated are whole again.
  13. Why not just go all out? https://www.pinterest.com/pin/228487381080921624/?d=t&mt=login
  14. As long as people's agendas dictate what stories get told, nothing will change. WHO is a bs organization, funded by handouts and run by bureaucrats. They probably mean well, but also fail on the same levels most other similarly run and structured organizations do.
  15. I would look at the occupancy rate, sure. But more specifically, what they are doing to get there? A while ago, SELF CEO was telling me a story about one of their acquired properties and how they instantaneously raised occupancy more than 10%. Prior to the deal, they asked the owner if he advertised. The guy defeatedly said, "yea", and pulled a Yellow Pages book out showing their ads. They acquired the property and bought some ads on Google and in months had results.
  16. I agree the rally was an emotional one, but so was the sell off. Somewhere in between, it’ll settle, making adjustments for virus risks as well as QE Infinity and a Fed that has basically said it will print us out of this. Well, maybe not everyone, but folks with assets...
  17. If it is 3-6 months or 12-18, it is still a short term event. Just avoid things susceptible to permanent impairments. Even better, buy durable businesses that get stronger during times like this. I've taken gains, but its just to manage the margin and rebalance.
  18. Is this your first time buying puts on dead companies? I've done so in the past, hilariously usually breaking even. I've had companies technically in BK with 100s of millions in equity value, buying 6 month puts and having them breakeven. It can be infuriating. It depends. On things too obvious straight short with some way out the money calls is how I do it. BURL is(regardless of eventual outcome) a beautiful trade because it’s off the radar.
  19. I actually agree 100% with alwaysdrawing. I’ll admit I was skeptical as his posts originally seemed sensational, but his detail given on the strategy is money. Has saved me big time on the draw down with certain names. It’s a value investors market. Hold longs that will weather the storm and buy insurance on the stuff that can’t hold fort for a few months at minimal outlays with large payoffs
  20. Yea they'll just ask for 3% of your capital. Probably EVERY year...
  21. So the assumption is what? The Ackman trade? Didn’t really see anything in the article detailing any specific trade. Just the same type of index and hedge stuff that’s been floating around like spam on twitter lately. Actually after checking, it’s from the same dude who is responsible for a lot of those tweets. This stuff is always cool but often it’s either inaccessible to most investors(the instruments to put these trades on) or its some wild awkward looking angle some guy sees that make him look genius when otherwise he s out to lunch. Kind of like John Paulson. Greatest trade ever and then lost most of his fund in an easy to see bull market over the next decade.
  22. Neat idea and hardly(to my knowledge) a crowded institutional idea either. How do look at structuring this in a cost effective manner? I gave it a quick glance and put it on the "take a look at" reminder list for later. But briefly, couldn't you construct a cheaper expression with an outright short and some calls to hedge? Or is this a "big expected downside so go really far out of the money" situation?
  23. I think it's a secular trend and why I hate office space based real estate companies. But it won't go away overnight. Think malls, except nobody actually likes going to work. People still like going to the mall. But logistically, its not really great. So many people have told me how their biggest problem during this shut down is getting anything done with their spouse/kids constantly interrupting them. Maybe some wealthy folks have real home offices, but not most normal workers. Good luck getting your spread sheets done in your 2000 sq ft home with your wife and 3 kids... Finance professionals should be able to no problem. But the egos need to be caressed with wasteful corner offices and trophy pictures on display for clients, so those will stick around. But really, anyone in accounting/finance should be able to. I work from home, and have several small offices in different cities for the purpose of accommodating folks and getting out of the house. Total luxury though as they arent needed one iota. Need to meet a client? Take the client out for a nice meal and write off the $500 and the experience will be better than wasting thousands on an office.
  24. Lol 100% this. They’ve lost it. Remember, NY elected officials are doing a heroic job overseeing the biggest Coronavirus disaster hub in America despite months on inaction, but Trumps response is the worst in history. Maybe Burry owns stocks he thinks are good values(value investing, you know?) and can also have an opinion. Maybe he thinks if the situation is handled right, things work out? How horrific he voice that or have money invested anywhere! The only opinions that matter are the ones from the circus crew. Who peddle fear and refuse to be transparent about anything, refuse to make ANY trackable projections or commit to ANYTHING...who run their mouths consistently but “don’t owe anyone anything”... yup
  25. Viking, I don’t disagree. There’s blame to be had pretty much everywhere. I’ve said as much. It’s typical of pretty much any situation; something goes wrong and people feel the need to point fingers. My greater point was to highlight how ridiculous we can get, on both sides, if we really want to engage in deliberate cherry picking, misrepresentation, and peddling of partisan propaganda.
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