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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. So last week or maybe the one prior there was talk about the stupidity of banning Russia oil and it’s effects on gas prices at home. It was said Russia is only a small amount of the supply and so it wouldn’t matter. How does this parse with the price movements in anticipation of the ban and even price movements on the ban?
  2. I think Bill is right that China comes out of this looking very good. But otherwise, yea, he's got another short bet and sometime in the future gonna boast about turning another $100 into $2B or something. Thats all I am reading in his war cries. Like alright dude, we know how you do this.
  3. Absolutely. 100% the media is scum of the earth. An enemy just like Putin except they effect more Americans than he does. If that isn’t evident even in the last few month with what’s come out of the Palin defamation case, Russia/Clinton fabrications, CNN problems, etc….don’t know what to tell you. What’s happening in Ukraine is tragic, but again another instance of the US meddling in foreign affairs and then just shrugging when their actions cause harm to others.
  4. MICHAEL BURRY Did you find it odd that when the tech bubble burst in 2001 the housing market in San Jose, the tech center of the world, went up? Yup. Gonna happen again. I sometimes, obsessively, look for reasons to be concerned about having concentration in housing. Haven't found a valid argument yet, not even close. Its always the same old dumb stuff about rates and new supply. Think we get round two of the phenomena Burry talked about in Big Short re:tech bubble and housing. Gonna be fun.
  5. Also thought this was utterly hilarious. Nevertheless they will still have some ratings when the next wave is published.
  6. So the demands are much more rational and more or less consistent with what should have been respected to begin with than the media and twitterers have portrayed? I’m shocked!
  7. More virtue signaling. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/07/nj-gov-phil-murphy-mulls-state-action-on-russia-linked-lukoil-gas-stations.html still “mulling it” even though he acknowledges the businesses are operated by NJ residents. But it’s cool. Phil worked at Goldman so he s got money. Fuck the peasants filling up at those stations or the people working the pumps.
  8. Won’t matter with all the money that will be running for cover from the glam stocks of last decade
  9. Nah. Only less usage by some. Guess who? This is why theyre losing their voting base.
  10. Does anyone know how to access trading in securities of Burisma? I heard the US is excluding them from sanctions and securities halts.
  11. Cut it on the option chain to your desired leverage. Put ~$200k in the Jan 24 $155 strike GLDs
  12. Anyone seeing massive tails for gold? Ww3? Nuke fears. Living in bunkers. Fed with no choice but to keep printing? Destruction of all currencies or a major financial market disruption? How high can this go after being neglected for so long? $5000?
  13. Everyone has said that when a giant experiment is conducted you are in unchartered territory. Over the last few years, from COVID to GameStop to negative oil, we ve seen things never before seen or probably thought possible. What you see going on in certain asset classes right now is following a specific pattern. The pattern is obvious. You just don’t know what you’re going to see that will shock the shit out of you. Which is why it’s a great idea to be chasing those tails. What happens if the futures market gets overrun with speculators the same way GME call options overwhelmed the financial world? $200 crude calls? Speculators breed more speculators. Position yourself as you sit fit, and then sit back and wait to see some shit you’ve never seen before.
  14. Brain starting to really go into ludicrous mode here because all this shit is creating a lot of moving parts but whoa is me it seems everyone has forgotten about the Fed raising rates. Or they don’t care anymore. 10 year treasury has come back big. Are we in a scenario where safe haven treasuries overpower Fed speak and action? If so, mortgage rates are tied to one, not the other. Commodity price insanity is only….making houses WAY more expensive. Rents have to follow. Both have no supply. Which puts further cement roadblocks in the home builder pipelines and stunts their building ambitions. I’d imagine we aren’t too far off from federal government floating gas subsidies for lower and middle class. While hard to fathom, could this all be still the early innings of what is to come? All I know is if I owned real estate, specifically residential(which I do) no way in hell I’m selling any time soon.
  15. Moving on from being offensive to being on the offensive….gold gonna blast through $2000 this week. 10x leverage is fun. Had the wife make some Poutine tonight, will chase it with some Beluga. Long love French fries and vodka. is there a scenario where gold does poorly? Not in my magic magic 8 ball.
  16. It’s a yes and no thing. Some companies rely on capital markets more than others. Correct that no company has even failed who didn’t have some responsibility themselves. But also true that people manipulating the capital markets can be a death blow for a company already in trouble. Real world example. You have a mortgage broker. Lives like one. Spends more than he makes. High on the hog. Life’s good. But he s a little behind on his taxes and relies on next paycheck to fund his past months extravagances. Ex girlfriend Sally goes on Facebook and says he’s abusive(subjective) and his employer cans him. He then loses everything because of the lost income stream. His fault, kinda. Not his fault? Kinda. Life? Yup.
  17. Printing $125. What’s hilarious is the end catalyst was unclear but if you know the game it was evident. Brandon and friends were fucked. Cancelling drilling permits and closing pipelines to virtue signal was already creating a disastrous message in the markets. It’s why in one year things went from 55-90. But you know how the politics game is played. They needed an excuse. Someone to blame. And damn well they tell us they care and will fix it but you KNOW they rather have oil at $150 and a war to blame than have it at $90 with no one to blame. Thankfully, the American people are largely short term and stupid. They blamed Trump for a virus and war be damned, democrats are going to pay BIG this November unless this gets reeled in ASAP. Except, supply and demand. No way oil trades back down to $70/80s ANYTIME soon. RIP
  18. I haven’t totally been keeping tabs on the car situation. But dropping my car off for basic service tonight after a long trip. And it’s like woah. This lot is typically packed with new cars. Packed. Now? Half a row is all the new car inventory. What the fuck is going on? It’s completely empty minus a half row of new and a bunch of shitty old trade ins maybe numbering two dozen.
  19. Agree. If you have trouble sourcing ideas or are one of the “cash” crowd members….I’d totally say it’s worth the $3k a year or whatever for KEDM. Amazing and extensive set of unique data for idea generation. Much of which is market neutral. Have also noticed the adjectives tending to change postmortem LOL but whatever. What do I care? I just like hearing unique ideas. No one determines my position sizing but me, so whatever he s doing or not doing isn’t something I care about.
  20. That’s the thing I think gives away people who get it and people who don’t. Everyone misses. The purpose IMO of investing is maximizing the risk to reward ratio. When you look for certain setups, sometimes the best ways to do it involve risks. If you can lose 100% but can make multiples, that’s what you want if you’re any good at identifying them. People who focus on “he got that one wrong” are doing the equivalent of walking up to a blackjack table, seeing one hand, seeing a guy lose, and exclaiming “he just lost everything”….technically true, 100% loss on the one hand…duh, that’s how the game gets played, but really not accurate in the grand scheme of things and really just revealing ignorance on the part of the observer.
  21. Timely bumpity, bump, bump. All you had to do was be open minded. Listen, read, connect dots. Question the current narrative peddlers. Easy peasy. In fact, all you had to do to make boatloads of money on this was NOT sit around peculiarly wondering about what a fund manager thought about vaccines, or whether or not he's ever had a losing trade LOL. And even there, chances are YOU were wrong again. Market constantly teaches us lessons. Be humble, internalize them, and make money on the next opportunity.
  22. Overall a great message to this documentary. The best defense against all the shit is to educate yourself. Be open minded. follow the money. And pretty much anyone can do it you just have to cleanse yourself of the framework that the system puts in place. Been saying it for ages, it’s no coincidence NONE of this shit gets taught in high school and what gets taught for $40k a year in college classes, MBA programs, etc, is a total waste of time and money.
  23. Nah. Buy a $7-10 bottle of Popov or Travellers or a $20 bottle of Smirnoff and a $35 bottle of regular Beluga. Or $100 for the Beluga Gold. It’s not even close.
  24. Agree. The car title analogy was great too. So many people, even financial professionals, fail to be even remotely aware of the “plumbing” of the system. Then they wonder why their fundamental research may be right but still ain’t making them any money. “Backstage at Wall Street you better know what’s going on” yup. Yet there’s people who willfully ignore the “non fundamental” stuff. And pay dearly for it
  25. That’s the thing. It wasn’t directed at you and I am unsure why you decided it was. It was largely in jest referring to folks in Canada making a stink about French fry names and in general, the larger issue, widespread, fully embraced xenophobia. But anyway, move on. Thread is what are you buying today and I bought some Russian vodka to hedge the possibility that the US bans vodka that happens to be from Russia. Good lord.
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