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Everything posted by Gregmal

  1. Midwinter Nights Dram. Salute to another redonkulous quarter.
  2. More PCYO from whoever the feckless piker is who's selling down with urgency.
  3. Last year available listings in my town were ~120. Previously this figure was generally between 130-180. Currently? 60.
  4. The truth shall set you free! Now we’re getting somewhere! of course the US is ok with civilian casualties and Ukrainian and Russians, innocents alike, getting slaughtered. That’s been the joke the whole time. We sit here and listen to these self serving fucks virtue signal and talk about how they’re “doing so much” and “standing with Ukraine”…while they openly ALLOW this as long as it doesn’t go beyond a certain level. Just keep it to a whisper over there folks! It’s all bullshit and so many people walk around in ignorance proudly thinking we re all on team Good Guys. Even senile dementia man has stated, pretty much word for word, as long as they don’t do anything too major, like use nukes, it’s ok.
  5. The guy forgot what he was even told to say and had to double check his cheat sheet notes.
  6. Yup. The only thing of certainty right now is that there's conflict and that unfortunately civilians are being harmed because of things they likely have nothing to do with. If you're believing or buying into all the shit on Twitter or MSM there is a high likelihood you are being duped.
  7. What I found hilarious is the medias role in attempting to manipulate people and how blatant it is. For instance, the other day I saw a headline about "Russia weaponizing energy" with all sorts of negative and condescending narrative attached...and thought, gee the adjective makes all the difference. Russia's energy prowess is like the US/EU banking prowess. Except when we weaponize the banking system its called "sanctions" and deemed an act of solidarity with peace! LOL so dumb.
  8. Nah Mark is super conservative. Been at the company for decades and has a lot of his net worth tied up in it. The track record is excellent. Total home run and definition of opportunistic. Look at what they paid for the 900 acres. But otherwise you’d have trouble finding further evidence bc they haven’t done much else. But I do think a buyback is becoming increasingly likely. The board has been reshaped over the years and is definitely shareholder oriented. But you hit the nail on the head. You can’t destroy the company and don’t need to do much to justify $250m EV.
  9. Yup. Harding is excellent as well. Candid and trustworthy, although a tad timid with the cash. But overall, an inflation proof company with hard assets that an idiot could buy and hold, and blindly buy the dip on at these levels and long term make out alright. Not the worst thing given the overall market uncertainty.
  10. There’s a thread on it and the story is still pretty much the same. Just treading through the whole “time” aspect of the story. Q3 we should really start seeing some fun stuff. But elevator pitch is simple. You’ve got enough water to support a few good sized cities. $1.8b in “eventual” dollars. And the Sky Ranch project currently in phase 2 which should generate cash in excess of the current market cap over the next 5-7 years or so. As the homes get built the recurring revenue from water services grows. Oh yea, it’s all happening in one of the fastest growing MSAs which also happens to be facing a water shortage; Denver. Basically a JOE Jr.
  11. That is indeed awesome. Kim is a huge closet Amerifan. Supposedly has like a 5,000 dvd collection of American movies, signed sports and movie memorabilia, and all sorts of designer clothing
  12. Yea you can tell someone is desperate so Ive just been hanging out and waiting for asks to come in. Under 12 been whacking 3,000-5,000 share lots all week.
  13. Bought a boatload of PCYO this week from whatever loser is trying to exit.
  14. bonds, garbage cash, garbage hard assets, good stocks, probably good enough seems simple enough.
  15. With this administration, its definitely possible. I ve made a fortune betting on their incompetence.
  16. Mainstream Media. NYT, Wapo, Fox, CNN, MSNBC. Under that is the smaller but even more insidious offshoots. Stuff like Huffington Post or Atlantic. Basically the storytellers who have 90% marketshare because of the herds/tribes. The truth is almost NEVER what these guys are peddling. Its either somewhere in between or often THE EXACT OPPOSITE. This matter is only made worse and compounded now by the censorship of big tech.
  17. The answers to most issues/problems are out there. The truth isnt hard to see if you want to. You just have to find it. There will always be differing nonsense available to feed ones biases, the internet in general and MSM assure this. Same as all the question marks with China, the Fed, Russiagate 2017, etc. There were people who hoarded cash and gold through the most glorious decade in investing history because they had sources they got duped into believing were credible feeding them what they wanted to hear for the entirety of it. They insisted on relying on those sources either out of fear or out of pride; but bottom line is they could have realized their thesis was shit when it didnt work for the first few years but they chose to stick with it rather than change course and start making money. Nonetheless you know you are getting taken for a ride when things just never quite seem to work out the way they're advertised. And its why people so often end up selling when they should be buying or buying when they should be selling. In a certain way, everything is kinda rigged.
  18. Yea I am a big fan of the lack of syringes on the beaches in Bermuda. Very underrated vacation spot
  19. People from all over the world go to Florida for the white beaches and turquoise water. The majority of folks in NY don’t get this because they’re told white beaches are racist.
  20. I mean this is pretty much what they’ve been telling us will happen the entire time. When we see the inflation numbers coming out and the Fed keeps saying they’ll do a single digit number of 25-maybe 50 basis point hikes….not sure what math folks as using to get to substantially higher rates.
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