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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Thanks. Yes, I'm sure the consequences of drone transportation are not fully foreseeable by us today. It could change how we live, shop, and work. As well as how and where we chose to live. Delivery drones could be as important as human transportation drones. I was getting a skylight installed a couple of years ago and they asked me if I wanted clear glass or privacy glass which he said is becoming more popular. I asked him why you would need privacy glass in a skylight and he said people are concerned about drones with cameras. This is only a small anecdote, but how and where people build their living spaces will change. Do you really need to have a road to get to your home?
  2. I can't read this because I don't subscribe, but any current company is far too early. We don't even have fully autonomous electric vehicles yet. A human driven flying car is a non-starter.
  3. These will be small lightweight electrical aircraft, not 737 jetliners filled with fuel that can take out skyscrapers. Also I don't envision many people owning these privately, and I really don't think there will be a way to manually fly these. The software will not allow you to fly them into buildings intentionally. Yes, they will be hacked, but over a million people die on the roads world wide every year, I can't see people hacking robo-taxis to murder people causing many deaths. Also since they will be electric motor, not engine driven, and maintained by large companies the maintenance should probably be much more like Americain Airlines and less like someone's hillbilly cousin Jimbo with his 1970s station wagon full of rust. I don't think you will see these falling out of the sky very often.
  4. Great list. I think 15 will be a short steppingstone to autonomous flying. Roads are too limiting in places you can go and the volume of vehicles they can hold. If you can control a autonomous vehicle then it is a short step to controlling a vertical takeoff & landing autonomous aircraft. In the future roads will be used less and less for vehicle traffic. Driveways will be used as landing areas for uber type drone services.
  5. Added a little to SRUUF. I followed Kuppy into this a few weeks ago. https://adventuresincapitalism.com/2021/09/02/the-new-gbtc/
  6. Agreed. I'm a bundle of contradictions. I'll drive new luxury SUV, but I struggled with buying an Apple Watch, it seemed like such a waste when my $50 watch told the time just fine. I compromised by buying the SE version last year instead of the expensive one. Every time I go out to mow the lawn my wife asks me why we don't just hire someone, but I just don't think of myself as one of "those people" who don't do their own work around the yard and house.
  7. Yes, but whether or not those payments amount to any more than about enough to buy your morning coffee is the question. The current plan seems to be to massively devalue the dollar so that it will be able to make those payments. Unfortunately you won't be able to live on them.
  8. 1/3 of my Apple and Amazon. Just raising some cash.
  9. That's what I've always done. I drove my 96' 4Runner for 11 years, then drove my '06 Sequoia for 10 years, now I'm driving a 2019 Lexus GX460 and I expect to be driving it into the 2030s.
  10. Agreed. It’s one of those shows where you hate almost every character, but still find it funny and entertaining. The ending was completely unexpected.
  11. Sold PSTHWS (bought at $3.30 sold at $1.45) and bought more APTS. I'm still holding PSTH.
  12. Keep calling the top, eventually you'll be right.
  13. Regulators are confined to the countries they regulate. DeFi is not. Americans sometimes think that the US is the world or is all that matters in the world. But it isn't.
  14. There is going to be a huge opportunity to buy ETH after the crash, maybe BTC too as I suspect it's price will crash hard when this happens just by association. Yes, the vast majority of the sitcoins will disappear altogether.
  15. I tend to agree with you. I'm becoming more and more a bitcoin maximalist. I still own a significant amount of ETH and a smaller amount of a few others, but the more I learn and think about it the more I think anyone who owns anything but BTC (and maybe ETH) could be in for a world of hurt. If anyone hasn't read The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous I highly recommend it. Some evidence just from the last couple of days that alt-coins are simply not safe: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/08/10/more-than-600-million-stolen-in-ethereum-and-other-cryptocurrencies-marking-one-of-cryptos-biggest-hacks-ever/ https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-sv-rocked-by-three-51-attacks-in-as-many-months
  16. The day I bought CRBU for $16.82 I set a sell limit order for half of my shares at $33.71 (just over double). It will probably get there soon.
  17. Exactly. I've been investing since 1996 or so, and in all that time my mistakes have fallen into three categories. 1) Holding tech stocks in 2000 with P/Es over 800. 2) Not buying enough of a stock when I knew it was a great company at a great price. And 3) Selling way too early.
  18. I agree with your teenagers. I'd rather pay to eat McD. I wouldn't eat at BK if they had an all you can eat for free promotion. BK is the TacoBell of burger joints, absolutely disgusting. Although I do prefer Wendy's to McDs.
  19. I was going to post this in the cryptocurrencies thread, but it’s just to ridiculous, even more so than Dogecoin. Hot Dodge Wieners https://www.ebay.com/itm/Oscar-Mayer-Hot-Doge-Wieners-/393486628826
  20. I'll give it a try thanks. I just finished an Australian crime drama on Prime Video that was pretty good. "Dead Lucky".
  21. I said at the time on this board and still maintain that his buying BB was simply because it was a local company ran by people he liked and hired a lot from a college he liked and had nothing to do whatsoever with any fiduciary duty to make a wise investment with his company's capital. There is simply no cogent reason for FFH to have ever purchased BB. This was the reason I sold all of my FFH and have not owned it for years until now. I think it is undervalued today, but I still will have a hard time holding it for the long term. When Buffett makes an investment mistake or invests in something for the wrong reasons he is quick to admit it, take ownership of it, and explain what he learned from his mistake. Not double down and let it go on for a decade without ever admitting he was wrong and invested for entirely the wrong reasons.
  22. Since my last post on Thursday: Bought: FRFHF (fist time I've owned it in quite a few years) & CRBU Added to: ALCO, ATCO, APTS, & NVDA Sold all: FB & GOOGL. Sold some: AXON, NTAP, PSTH, MSTR, & TRUP
  23. That is definitely the best case scenario, the market choosing less shady options, which could force tether to submit to an audit if they really do have nothing to hide or it will just be out competed if it does have something to hide. Also I think eventually there will be an official USD coin from the Fed. If that happens most or all of the USD pegged stable coins will go away, because if you want to convert a crypto to US dollars there will be a direct way to do it.
  24. Amazon is finally getting serious about crypto and hopes to bring it to customers 'as soon as possible,' as it looks to hire a new blockchain lead https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-cryptocurrency-seeks-new-blockchain-leader-customers-payments-ecommerce-2021-7
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