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Everything posted by rkbabang

  1. Wrote some cash backed Jan $55 ZG puts. That seems like a good price for Zillow, I don't want to pay $70 and if I don't end up getting put to I keep the premium.
  2. All players have been eliminated
  3. I've been watching FX's "Trust" on Hulu. (https://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/trust). It's about the Getty family in the 1970's. It's crazy. Highly recommended. Also, if anyone liked Squid Game watch "Alice in Borderland" (https://www.netflix.com/title/80200575). It's similar to Squid Game, but a lot better IMHO. It's in Japanese and takes place in Japan. But it has English audio as well as captions.
  4. The funny thing about investing is that to make money you have to consistently do what everyone else isn't doing. It is almost skewed toward the non-conformist. Thus it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone with outlandish ideas in other areas of life could also have some good investment ideas. Thinking what everyone else is thinking and doing what everyone else is doing is not a recipe for success.
  5. Impossible. For someone to have a good idea he has to have the same politics as you, believe current medical advice, and has never had a bad idea in the past. Just that fact that Kuppy mentions an investment idea is reason enough not to invest. Just look at Steve Jobs thinking that fruit juice smoothies can cure cancer, obviously one should never have invested in Apple.
  6. Another Black Swan purchase: AAL Jan 2023 $10 Puts. Thanks @Gregmalfor the idea.
  7. I wanted to also say I loved the book. I finally got around to reading it this summer. It was nice to read an in-depth history of just Berkshire the company without all the Buffet personal life stories you get in books like Snowball.
  8. Exactly. The fact that the people most enthused and/or knowledgeable about crypto refer to them as "shitcoins" should give this away. No where during the techbubble did the most enthused internet investors commonly refer to toys.com, et al as shitstocks, not until after the crash anyway. No one really thinks Shiba or any dog-meme coin is going to change the world.
  9. Sold my Jan $12.50 APTS calls (over 90% gain) and bought Apr $10 calls (safer and more time).
  10. Exactly. Everyone should have a few black swan positions.
  11. Jan 2023 $250 TSLA puts. Probably a total loss, but in the event of a market crash in the next year or the unlikely event that people coming to their senses about TSLA it could pay off.
  12. I find it impossible to empathize with such people (and I know people like this personally). I've been working more than 10hours per week since I've been about 12 and I had a paper route before that. I could retire now, but will probably work for the next 15 years at least. Saying poor me I've saved nothing my entire life and working 10 hours per week isn't for me is just unimaginable to me. Some people simply deserve the situation they've created for themselves. I'd much rather help someone who has tried and had some bad luck then help people like this. They are worse than useless to themselves and everyone else.
  13. Yep, they get to claim they "did something" to help "the poor" even though it will do more harm than good. "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." --Thomas Sowell
  14. I don't know, gregmal said "a new law", I assumed it was passed or at least rumored to have been. I don't own property in NY, so I'm not going to spend too much time looking into it. Just replace "passed" by "proposed" in what I said.
  15. Rents will rise to make up the difference and people will complain that their landlord provides the cheapest lowest speed internet that he can get away with providing by law and they have to buy internet on their own anyway. A stupid law passed by stupid people which will cause more problems than it solves, just like the vast majority of laws and regulations.
  16. This is the exact reason that upper management want everyone back to the office so badly. They don't want to be home with their wives. They want to walk among the cubicles of their underlings who at least pretend to respect them when they are around. It's basically a boomer power trip. As an engineer, I find that I love working from home (I actually like my wife) and I spend just as much time bull shitting with other engineers on video chat over teams as I did in the breakroom at work. I'm not on a power trip (and no man becomes a chip designer to look for women at work, LOL there is about 200 men for every woman in the field). I have no problem going into the office for an in-person meeting now and again, but I'll never work for someone who requires me to commute to work in a cubicle farm under florescent lights all day ever again. The power trip boomers who want fake respect and time to cheat on their wives are going to lose this battle, at least in tech fields.
  17. That man's a true artist. “The work of art is that I took their money,”
  18. Thanks Doo! I started watching Snowfall, I'm on the second season already. An excellent show.
  19. Anyone else considering trying a crypto rodent trading strategy? https://www.npr.org/2021/09/25/1040683057/crypto-trading-hamster-goxx-warren-buffet-s-p-500
  20. Yes, that is possible. I don't think so, but I still reduced my crypto from 40% of my portfolio down to 20% earlier this year. And increased my real estate exposure with the proceeds. As convinced as I am I don't want 40% in crypto even if it was almost entirely gains. I'm now at about 50% stocks, 30% real estate and 20% crypto, which is still a lot of crypto, but wouldn't break me if it all went to zero.
  21. Like I said in another thread, Steve Jobs thought he could cure his cancer with veggie smoothies and it likely cost him an earlier death than he otherwise would have had, yet I love my iPhone and Mac, and his hand picked replacement to run Apple has turned out great. We all have blindspots or beliefs that aren't true. I know cancelling people for every minor thing you disagree with is the cultural norm these days, but if you are ignoring good actionable information because someone thinks something you consider wrong on an entirely different subject, you are hurting no one but yourself. There is probably something that you could learn from almost everyone, and with someone like Kuppy there is probably a lot to learn. I enjoy his blog and have for years, I haven't invested in his shipping ideas, because he never convinced me, but sometimes I get a great idea from him. He's never struck me as an infectious disease expert, so I couldn't care less what he thinks about COVID19. If he wrote up a stock idea based on his belief that COVID was just a cold, I'd ignore it.
  22. Bitcoin and Ethereum will still be around 20 years from now and you will be sorry you couldn't see it. But that's just my opinion. Bitcoin is more analogous to the internet with Coinbase as AOL. Oh well, one of us will be proven wrong.
  23. Exactly. Steve Jobs thought he could cure his cancer with vegetable smoothies or something. Brilliant people can have wacky beliefs outside their circle of competence.
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