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Everything posted by adesigar

  1. Looks like it but First Republic did not go bankrupt in 2020
  2. This whole look thru earnings and apply some generic PE is dumb. It makes absolutely zero sense. eg Take 180 billion in Apple stock, which is at a PE of 30. Look through earnings are 6 billion on that. So using look through earnings and a PE of 15 we are supposed to value the 180 Billion of AAPL at 90 Billion. Yea no thanks.
  3. I think part of the reason the S&P is high and could stay high is all the money flowing into it from 401k plans? Nowadays most people I know are investing into index funds or target date retirement funds(which in turn hold index funds). So every month there is a constant flow of money from 401k plans into the stocks in the S&P 500.
  4. Best Bank in India. I remember when my parents bought this at the IPO. Its probably one of the best investments they ever made.
  5. I guess some people think that the US has installed leadership in all other democratic countries like Europe/Canada/Japan/Australia/India etc. The US doesn’t hate China. Some people seem to think that the CCP and China are one and the same but they are not.
  6. Costco thinks a recession is coming. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/costco-execs-warn-looming-recession-175906184.html
  7. Its something about the ingredients or manufacturing process. US chocolates are more grainy (maybe that's how they are preferred in the US I don't know, its just not to my liking) and often have cheaper ingredients. Even Sees uses Corn Syrup instead of sugar, vanillin instead of vanilla, etc. in some of their chocolates. For the prices they charge you would hope for better ingredients. They claim "We only use the highest quality ingredients - see for yourself!" https://www.sees.com/ingredients/ The best chocolates I have eaten was in Paris. It was a store called Patrick Roger.
  8. Sees is ok. It’s good not great. Buffett is just marketing it. Cadbury’s used to be decent till Kraft messed it up. Lindt manufactured in the US also doesn’t taste as good as the imported stuff. Most Hersheys and Mars chocolates just taste terrible especially Hersheys. Belgian/Swiss are our favorite. Now I need to stock up on some Lindt Gold bars.
  9. https://fortune.com/2023/05/18/china-belt-road-loans-pakistan-sri-lanka-africa-collapse-economic-instability/amp/ Don’t know what those countries expected.
  10. The best ones usually end up moving out of China/India/etc to the US/Europe.
  11. Here is a start. for New Zealand https://teara.govt.nz/en/death-rates-and-life-expectancy/page-4#:~:text=Māori may have had a,of women was just 23. Māori may have had a life expectancy at birth of about 30. After European contact, however, there was a major decline in Māori life expectancy. By 1891 the estimated life expectancy of Māori men was 25 and that of women was just 23 for India https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians Life expectancy declined from 26.7 years to 21.9 years. I’m done with this thread.
  12. I didn’t explain anything because you just made stuff up. Life expectancy declined during and because of colonialism. edit by roughly 5 years from about 28 down to 23.
  13. LOL I've heard the stupid old defense of colonialism before. I will be thanking the British empire when pigs fly. It happened over a much longer period of time but the total number of people killed by them was more than the Nazis and possibly even the Mongols. All the "infrastructure" was built to better control and more efficiently loot the countries in Asia and Africa and for nothing else. The only thing that could probably be said about them was they weren't always as evil as some of the other European empires. Good luck to people living in their fantasy where colonialism was a good thing.
  14. We can definitely blame her for the concentration camps, murder, torture and other atrocities that occurred when she was Queen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mau_Mau_rebellion You can choose to ignore what happened to your family but you don’t get to tell others.
  15. I personally don’t really care about the crown/queen/royal family. Just wanted to say most of the world doesn’t care about the queen or anyone in the royal family. Also beloved would not be the term used by anyone with even a little bit of knowledge about the atrocities done in Africa while she was queen.
  16. Disagree on the queen and the whole royal family for that matter.
  17. Won’t you need it again next year?
  18. I sold off most of my non core holding. Hope to buy at a cheaper price if the market panics.
  19. I just saw them on the CNBC broadcast but I thought they looked and spoke much better this year than last year.
  20. Anyone know if the Buffett/Munger squishimallows are only for sale at the meeting or also available online?
  21. it’s not that different. nifty went from approx 6000 to 18000 nifty 500 from approx 5000 to 15000 In INR returns look decent in USD the returns have not been as good.
  22. My issue with investing in India is the currency keeps losing value almost as fast as the stocks keep going up. Sensex went from 20k to 60k in the last 15 years. Currency went from 1 USD = 40 Rs to 1 USD = 80 Rs.
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