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Everything posted by adesigar

  1. Like I said billions of people earn less and pay more and do more than absolutely fine. Some people just parrot the drivel they hear on Faux News.
  2. Guess what people in 3rd world countries earning a fraction get by with paying more for Gas than people in the US. Tax the gas in the US to force alternatives and you solve Americas obesity, healthcare expenses, noise and air pollution, public transport, infrastructure issues, dependence on foreign oil, funding of countries like Venezuela, Russia, Middle East who rely on petroleum revenue and yes also reduction in greenhouse gases.
  3. I think there should be a minimum $10 per gallon tax on petrol/diesel. That would solve a lot of US problems in just a few years. But the Climate change is fake news morons will rather burn the planet before giving up their gas guzzlers.
  4. No way to tell what Buffett did with the market drop. He could have spent anywhere from 5-50+ Billion on stocks/Buybacks. He was buying AAPL at 150 and BRK at 320. My best guess is Stocks + Cash is down by about $55B which is about 10%. Last book value was $230 per B share so new book value is probably about $207. So I think BRK is trading at about 1.47x BV.
  5. Powells confirmation went through so maybe he will take the kid gloves off and increase rates by 1% at the next meeting. Probably wont happen but that would be great.
  6. ARKK down 75% from peak, Some of the ARKK holdings are down 80-90% from their peak. Stuff like BABA, KWEB, CPNG, ETSY, SQ, PYPL, NFLX are down 70-80%. Indexes are being help up by a few stocks. I have started buying select stocks. I hope the quality names drop another 20%. I want DIS under $100, BRK under $290, PSH is at my buy because of Ackmans Interest rate swapation Hedges. Have a lot of JOE already but would love more under $40. Would also consider ARKK under $35 preferably under $30. Gregmal ETF stocks if they dropped another 10-20%. Come on Mr Market.
  7. During the Q&A Warren Buffett seemed to be rambling.
  8. According to those charts, San Francisco and San Jose are undervalued and Panama City FL is Overvalued.
  9. If asked I don't think he will answer. Its got nothing to do with BRK and they don't answer questions about individual stocks.
  10. DJCO reduced stake to 300,000 shares. https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/783412/000143774922008649/xslForm13F_X01/rdgit041122.xml
  11. Neither did Steve Jobs
  13. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-bill-that-would-make-daylight-savings-time-permanent-2023-2022-03-15/
  14. Hobby board games. There’s everything from simple bluffing/party games and Cooperative games where you defeat Marvel villains or try to get Marty McFly Back to the Future or solve cases like Sherlock Holmes to running corporations competing to Terraform Mars, Train stock trading in 1800s US and Europe, Sid Meiers Civilization, Galactic Conquest, Historical games, etc etc. About 3000 new games come out each year. Walmart has some but Target and Barnes and Noble have a much better selection.
  15. Latest Hobby is It changes every few years.
  16. China manufacturing <---> Russia Energy.
  17. India buys over 50% of its defense equipment from Russia. They have China on one side. They have Pakistan which is funded by the US on the other side. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
  18. There is no way to predict the endgame. Its way out of my (and probably anyone on this board) league. So the only thing I can think of to do is to buy defense stocks in the US and Europe and buy PetroChina which will probably benefit from XOM/BP/Shell leaving Russia.
  19. I would say BNSF is worth more than UNP. UNP is doing PSR which forces customers to adapt to the railroad so BNSF is taking market share and volume from UNP. It’s not that BNSF can’t do PSR, it’s choosing not to.
  20. So what you are saying is that BRK at 1.4xBook is expensive and SPY at 4.43xBook is cheap.
  21. Depends on the size of the asteroid.
  22. My buy or add more at the right price list BRK, JNJ, COST, DIS, GS, JPM, ASML, NPSNY, SFTBY PYPL, SHOP, SQ, TDOC, COIN, ABNB, CPNG
  23. So since we are talking gaming related companies Here is an interesting company. Embracer Group https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embracer_Group https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/EMBRAC-B.ST/
  24. Well every day for the last week it seems like BRK is up while indexes are down so it does seem like people are moving to value.
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