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Everything posted by adesigar

  1. It is because pressure on hospitals has eased: [/img] How dare you use science and data to make decisions.
  2. Right it seems to be 6.5 Billion total and not 6.5 each. Just hoping it turns out to be like AAPL and not like the airlines.
  3. Dont know if this has been posted already https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8115879/COVID-19-Australian-researchers-CURE-coronavirus.html Edit The drug Chloroquine was also used in the french research posted earlier.
  4. SRSCQ - Speculative amount. Its either a Zero or a multiple of current price. Will know in a few days. Today is last day for bids.
  5. The only thing I want to say is its risky to lend/invest to friends and family. You can risk the relationship. Its best to assume that the amount has been gifted to them. If it comes back great. If not then the relationship is more important than the money anyways.
  6. Since you say they were "evil" mind explaining why you selected these 3? Hopefully you have a valid reason to call someone "evil" beyond the usual libertarian nonsense.
  7. That's not the full video though. I did find the entire interview on YouTube: Thanks
  8. Let me put it so you and Ericopoly will understand what I said better. I really don't care how successful he is and whether people want to ask him questions in "Ask Eric". Stay on topic of the thread that you are posting in. Stop posting irrelevant crap about you pet tax whines. You have polluted multiple threads with it. Start a tax related thread and we can discuss taxes all you want. I basically said the same thing a few months earlier to the other guy (cant remember name) who used to fill other topics with libertarian crap. The other thread is finally back on topic.
  9. I already know what they "have been trying to explain". Do you really? Firstly property taxes vary by state from like 0.5% to 2.3%. Secondly in my neighborhood (in south California) homes are selling for 500,000 and they rent for 3000/mo. If someone choses to be dumb and buy a Million dollar property with 40k in rent per year that's the problem. Finally please don't turn future threads into whines about taxes like you have a tendency to do.
  10. Your comment reminded me of this http://imgur.com/gallery/ZZvwcIo
  11. Theranos minilab http://arstechnica.com/science/2016/08/with-chance-to-soothe-theranos-critics-with-data-holmes-gives-sales-pitch/
  12. Semi Annual Report is out http://www.fairholmefundsinc.com/Letters/Funds2016SemiAnnualLetter.pdf
  13. And there I believe is the problem. I would any day prefer Clinton over Trump. I absolutely agree with Buffett on Trump and I'm fine with the Trump and Clinton bashing. BUT everyone here bashing Trump voters needs to think about who is voting for Clinton vs Who is voting for Trump and Why. Its easy to look at statistics and say people are living better. But remember when someone like Buffett compares how people are living they compare across generations and how the parents lived. When the average person compares he compares against the last few years and he compares himself to the others in the city/state/country. There are a lot of places in the U.S that haven't recovered. The country is moving to a service economy and left the manufacturing states behind. Just because the stock market is up doesn't mean people are living better than before the 2008 crash. When people are living paycheck to paycheck or living in debt or about to lose their home, job etc They really don't care about foreign policy(Ukraine/Europe/Asia) etc. They are angry at being left behind. They watched Wall Street rob them and not a single person went to jail for it while their communities got destroyed and they got ignored in the recovery. Its easy to judge the Trump Voters but we haven't lived in their shoes the last few years.
  14. Which is the better university for the specific subjects you would like to study? Will you continue there for a Masters? Also if the more expensive one is better, then how much better? Is it worth the additional cost? Will language be an issue? What about work after your degree? Which will provide you with the network to get a job where you want to work? It might help to think about where you want to be after the Bachelors/Masters and work your way back to making the choice.
  15. None of the above. But if I had to decide between one of the 3 it would be Scenario 3. You cant change the price you paid later but you can refinance.
  16. IO ? A few days ago I checked if Brexit had cause rates to drop enough for me to refinance. Costco Mortgage Services showed me 3.375 for a 30 year fixed. Wells Fargo shows 3.375 for 30 year Jumbo which is lower than the rate for conforming. https://www.wellsfargo.com/mortgage/rates/
  17. You could maybe try the poster print option. https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/print-posters-banners-acrobat-reader.html You can scale the document so it prints one PDF page on 2 landscape paper pages which is about 30% larger size. Not sure if that's enough. More than that and it will be printed on 4 pages. Alternatively instead of using the PDFs you can get the .HTM of the 10K from the SEC site and scale that.
  18. Well, all those people wanting to cut back on the 2nd Amendment rights & gun control probably have not had the experience of a home invasion, thefts of vehicles, etc. They probably also have not had to deal with AGGRESSIVELY incompetent police too! I wonder what the response of gun control people would be if they knew the police won't do anything? When they learn they aren't even INTERESTED in doing anything! I guess in their fantasy "la-la land" people don't have the right to protect themselves & their property when society & police start falling apart. I just hope things don't get worse. I & my father lived in Detroit in the 70's & 80's. I've seen REALLY bad times, I hope they don't come back... The police in some of these areas are busy dealing with the nuts and criminals running around with guns. I know some people think personal property like cars and wheels are sooooo much more important than other peoples lives.
  19. Silly Germans. I know someone who did precisely that. Missed exit on the freeway so backed up and took the exit.
  20. I'm invested in SHLD and LUK.
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