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Everything posted by adesigar

  1. Don't know why share repurchases would have reduced. Of the 6 Billion in 2nd Quarter purchases, 3.5 Billion was done in June at an average of $280 per B share. He was even buying in May at $286 per B share.
  2. And that’s after the buyback. Without the buyback P/BV would be even lower.
  3. At 80% of benefits won’t US Social security still pay out more than Canada’s CPP? What’s better in Canada is healthcare costs.
  4. It was the purchase from Weatherford. Accidents happen. 2 years ago there was the fire at the location in France and another Berkshire Hathaway insurance company was the insurer for Lubrizol.
  5. It started with the David Sokol issue. Then a bolt on acquisition in 2014 which cause a write down a few years later and the CEO was replaced then. His replacement has been replaced again within 5 years. If I recall correctly sales and net income are flat after 10 years even though there were bolt on acquisitions. I’m my opinion it was a bad purchase for Berkshire Hathaway.
  6. Lubrizol was a bad purchase for BRK.
  7. I have also been monitoring the Russel 2000. It peaked March 15h and seems to keep bouncing off from 2130. If it breaks below that the technical traders might start selling which might cause the market to roll over.
  8. Thats what he says but his actions are that he has been a net seller of stocks. Why does BRK have a 6 billion quarterly dividend in the form of buybacks and $140 Billion in Cash? He cant find anything to buy and hasn't been able to for a while.
  9. I’m hoping for 7 Billion in share buyback and $3 in per share earnings. portfolio went up approx $30 Billion till end of June and is up another 8 billion since then. Let the buybacks continue.
  10. Junk Bonds at 3.9%. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/14/the-junk-bond-market-is-on-fire-this-year-as-yields-hit-a-record-low.html
  11. Didn’t PayPal go public with about 60 million shares outstanding. If all 60 million had been from the first funding round (there were 4) and it was a 3 million funding round that would make each share priced at $0.05 as opposed to the reported $0.001 which is 50x.
  12. If you are talking about Ted Weschler I agree. He did the research and took the risk. As for Peter Thiel. Does anyone believe PayPal shares were worth $0.001 per share? Im sure everyone would like to buy shares at made up prices in Roth IRA accounts.
  13. Http://www.einnews.com/amp/pr_news/545161081/tower-16-capital-partners-announces-the-sale-of-ivilla-garden-apartments-for-30-million-after-a-16-month-hold-period
  14. Michael Burry, Jeremy Grantham, and other top investors are predicting an epic market crash. Here are their gravest warnings so far. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/michael-burry-jeremy-grantham-predict-epic-stock-market-crash-warnings-2021-7
  15. One other thing that seems to have happened during the pandemic. A lot of small businesses were hurt really bad but it seems the large companies are mostly doing much better. Some earnings seem to have moved to large companies. Recent revisions to S&P earnings estimates are $180-$190 for 2021 and $200-$225 for 2022. That’s a forward PE of 20.
  16. I’m not sure Bill Gates would care about the Nobel Peace Prize. It would be much easier and cheaper for him to start a ‘Gates Prize’. Personally the Nobel prizes, especially the Peace prize are a total joke. I have no idea why anyone cares about them.
  17. I am mostly fine with the new site. I do wish that the design was changed to remove so much empty space. Simple tweaks like decreasing the profile image size and reducing the post header and footer size would really help in my opinion.
  18. My issue is this doesn't adjust for the fact that corporate tax rates were 35% for 7 of the last 10 years and then 21% for 3 years (of which 2020 was one). If I normalize for 21% tax rate CAPE is closer to 31% which is still quite high but interest rates are going to be low till 2023. I am in 20% cash but will sell more if S&P crosses 4500 this year.
  19. My takeaway from the letter was he feels Berkshire is misunderstood/ignored and because of that it is undervalued so he is doing share buybacks. 1. Stock holdings earning don't come out on Berkshire Income statements. 2. BRK has been unfairly applied a Conglomerate discount. 3. BNSF Value as much as AAPL stock, Insurance value significantly higher. 4. Investors focused on coastal tech/finance and paying crazy valuations while ignoring/avoiding middle America and the boring businesses which BRK holds a lot of. 5. BHE is similar to BNSF from 10 years ago. It will pay out a lot 10 years from now when it done and will be almost impossible to compete against and this value is ignored. He had an indirect reference to GME. Berkshire has the ultimate group of shareholders with :D
  20. Hoping for another quarter with a decent amount of share buyback. I would expect comments on the pandemic, state of the economy, overpriced markets so not making any deals, inflation. Credit to whoever convinced Buffett to buy AAPL.
  21. Thanks
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