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Everything posted by sleepydragon

  1. This seems to be you are just buying the momentum factor. So you are buying the stock that has gone up the most for the last 6-12 months. first, you picked the top performing funds, which by definition must have been buying the stocks that had gone up. Then you picked their biggest holdings, which usually be stocks has had gone up a lot. You then equal weighted them, which means you will be buying dips of these hot stocks until the next rebalance buying momentum soemtimes works (ie in a bull market ) but once a while it gaps down huge.
  2. i don’t think the dumb ass Hama had the brain to stock up water and other necessities. Israel shall just cut the water and surround it for 6-12 months until everyone Will eventually come out theirselves due to hunger.
  3. Wolfe recently started covering insurance, and their two picks are Ryan and Kinsale. But JPM has underperform on Ryan and think it has earning quality issue
  4. Looking at Baupost's holdings. They actually are long WTW. But Baupost's holdings can be tricky, sometimes they have a short leg in credit or some other stocks.
  5. reading Fairfax's annual letters last night. I am new to this stock.. but they are writing insurance everywhere in the world -- like Indonesia etc.. Do they really know what risks they are taking on? It makes me a bit hard to sleep at night.
  6. he talks like Buffett and Peter Lynch. all 3 talks fast and very confident
  7. why is Fairfax down today? is there a downgrade or something? or is it Tbill yield is down?
  8. Brookfield just closed a hedge fund in July they started a couple years ago.
  9. Went to see a crapy house which was sold two years ago and now selling for 30% higher. It's a house with basement recently flooded due to heavy rain. 8 people shows up at the open house on Saturday. Got emails from broker on Monday night asking final bids from everyone. This is in CT. Because of covid, there seems a lot of family formations, and everyone seems is moving from NYC
  10. https://www.greenwichtime.com/business/article/m-and-t-bank-deposits-people-s-united-18386779.php?cmpid=fbsocialflow&fbclid=IwAR0REhrJD8R_kKLxPPKJ1OyL49aIN6qYQTYhxr1nJL3aHvj4ZCGW8iQ_zhE_aem_AehEO6xY7w2Ap0N3vFpra99cqVoYFC39dGB5k7R1L-0muhcJKkEgOrZnS1p0gSRd_H4&mibextid=Zxz2cZ
  11. Long short quants make bets each day on thousands of stocks, hoping they can be right 55% on each bet. That’s how they make money. When you make thousands of bets simultaneously and even though each has a tiny edge, you can print money everyday. In Canadian stocks, there’s only about 200-400 or so liquid stocks that quant can trade in size daily. The sharpe ratio will be quite low and so will be kept at a very small size. There is also less data to generate alphas (news, analyst coverage, social media etc..). In US, quant trades up to 3000 stocks daily.
  12. I am not sure quant or indexer will help much. Quant don’t trade much in CAN stocks as far as I know. And adding to index will boost maybe 1-5% max unless it’s being added to SP500. if Fairfax is listed in US exchange, then it will rise a lot I think.
  13. the higher interest rate resulted in higher income for some of the cash rich companies like google. Also higher interest locked up home supplies. A bit ironic that the higher interest is having the opposite effect wished by the Fed.
  14. I think what investors are getting wrong is most are expecting a recession, in particular a mild one, which will lead to lower interest rate, thus market hasn’t tanked yet. what if we don’t have a recession, just a very slow growth economy, and we keep have inflation and Feds have to keep raise interest rate? In that case, what will happen to the stock market? I think it will tank but who knows…
  15. If Biden had done nothing , I think China probably would have already started a war with Taiwan now.
  16. yeah, just like rare earth: China export most of it. But it’s not rare at all. America has a lot too. It’s everywhere. but it’s not profitable to mine them in America and so all mines shut down over the years.
  17. that’s also why I think EWBC, the Chinese bank Li Lu invested is interesting. It appears , though I am not sure, they are taking deposits from Chinese who want to transfer their USD to America and use them to invest in US stocks. According to the CEO, he was met by ZhuRongJi when he visited America and had lunch with a group of American CEOs( he was the only Asian CEO). I trust Li Lu must have some insights with this bank
  18. Just listened to this last night. Very informative and interesting: https://spotify.link/uCxoomTAjDb
  19. The economy in China is so bad, but political climate is becoming tighter, more policy regulating everything, and more war planes flying around Taiwan. Confidence on the country is none, capital is gushing out of China, and CCP is scared and policing everything even more now. I now feel this time it’s different. Xi is not prioritizing economy. He’s increasing his grips and he is going to prioritize his objectives first. I doubt they have the ability to start war now but I think he would want to if he can. What matters is without confidence, economy is not going to get back for next few years.
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