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Everything posted by Libs

  1. I've read the Koran. With all due respect, it's an endless, bloody diatribe against non-believers. It's miraculous only a small % of Muslims take it at its word.
  2. Guys, I get it. No argument on any of this. But I'm in the camp of 'take a small slice and gamble with it.' Unlike you soulless robots, I need the outlet! Given all the poker players on this forum, I doubt I'm alone in this regard. BTW I use options, I don't actually short. And so far I'm slightly ahead in this game........anyway this thread will doubtless die a quick death.....maybe deservedly so. P.S. Wayward -I am short TSLA, via puts, which is obvious and maybe stupid, but IMO Musk is playing the long con here but is running out of time. So it's kind of a fraud + overvaluation play.
  3. I couldn't find a thread on this. Someone mentioned shorting SBUX, which is intriguing. Any good ideas out there? I like to allocate 5% to this stuff, to satisfy my gambling needs while my coffee-can stocks do their thing.
  4. I hear you. On the other hand, he bought it at 10X earnings; now it's 33X and earnings are stagnant. Sometimes you gotta ring the cash register. Like he should have sold KO in 1998.
  5. I was never comfortable with how big the AAPL position got. Very glad to see this news.
  6. Depressing indeed. With all due respect, does it matter what western liberals / conservative think? All that matters is what the CCP thinks.
  7. A compelling analysis of the role culture plays in China's rivalry with the west. I think we focus on the economics and overlook this factor. In a nutshell, China views the west as decadent and in decline (so does Russia and Iran, BTW). The CCP is trying to take advantage of this, and at the same time keep the decadent influences out of their society. Some great background on the roots of this, going back to the early 90's. Would love to hear other's thoughts on this. Seems like China is playing their hand well, much to my dismay. https://www.restorationbulletin.com/p/china-and-the-global-culture-war
  8. A negative take on the subject. What do our resident experts think of this? https://garymarcus.substack.com/p/the-great-ai-retrenchment-has-begun
  9. If we want to just talk about the grid then that's a whole different game, one which I could write for days on. Edited 3 hours ago by Eng12345 Yes please. Not just from an investing standpoint. How bad do you think this will get?
  10. Alarm bells are being rung about this. Rolling blackouts seem inevitable. My question is- how does this shape our investing. What is at risk? Do we buy Generac stock? “I am extremely concerned about the pace of retirements we are seeing of generators which are needed for reliability on our system,” Willie Phillips, a Biden appointee who chairs the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), testified last year. According to fellow FERC commissioner Mark Christie, a Trump appointee, “The red lights are flashing.” States in the Midwest are likely to be among the hardest hit. In a February report, Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), a high-voltage transmission system that provides power to 15 states in the central U.S., warned of “urgent and complex challenges to electric system reliability,” citing a “hyper-complex risk environment.” NERC, which oversees electricity supply across North America, expects MISO to face a staggering capacity shortfall of 4.7 gigawatts (GW) — equivalent to above five average-size nuclear-power plants — by 2028.
  11. I think I paid $10 to register here, many years ago, and nothing since. I actually feel a little guilty about that! COBF has has been the greatest ROI of my life.....
  12. That's exactly what he might do. As described upthread..... a small incursion into a remote part of a NATO country. A test of NATO'S resolve. Will Germany risk nuclear war over such a small event? We will find out. It will be very tempting to do nothing. And thus NATO's credibility is shot. The result will not be good. It might be 1938 again.
  13. COWZ has pretty good results though. 3- yr 11%, 5 - year 15%.
  14. Thanks. You learn something every day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time
  15. Big day today. $71,600 now. I have a bit of a silly question. BTC trades 24/7. So when you read "BTC up 8%" what does that mean? 8% since when?
  16. have put in $1 increments in the 108-150 range. Schwab. I will give that a try, thx.
  17. I don't see a quote for the 138's , just 135's ($2.00) and 140's ($3.15). So that one (140/135) costs $1.15, and at $135 you make $5 or 4.7:1. Do I have that right? What about the 150/145. Cost $2.25. Stock only has to drop to 145 and you make over 2:1. Not bad. You might be on to something. Thanks.
  18. With TSLA the growth story is completely broken. No new models, EV'S slumping, layoffs, and all this for 60-70X earnings. The downside is huge and Elon's got nothing that will turn things around for at least 5 years, and that's IF robotaxi and FSD gain traction, which I highly doubt. So I have a fair amount of TSLS, which is great because I can use my IRA to short it. I'll hold TSLS for as long as it takes to deflate this $500B bubble. That's the long-term play and i can weather the volatility in TSLS. The options are short-term gambling, with earnings on 4/23, and expiry 4/26. Smaller in size. My bet is that this recent decline still hasn't priced in the earnings miss that is coming. Also early estimates on Q2 deliveries are really bad - down 10% Y/Y again.
  19. Very helpful, thank you.
  20. Can it be that simple? I thought the options market was a lot more efficient than that.
  21. I'm sure the answer is obvious, but I couldn't find a satisfying answer with a search. Obviously I'm an options neophyte. Example: Tesla stock price is $157. The April 26 $175 puts cost $20. Meaning I need the stock to be at 175-20= $155 to break even. A $2 drop from the current price. Right? Meanwhile, the April 26 $157 puts (ATM) cost $8...which is a $149 break-even price...now you need the stock to drop $8 to break even. What am I missing? Aren't the $175 puts a much better deal?
  22. Bingo. As a friend of mine says, "wow, Marxism is the unluckiest system; if only some country could finally pick the right people to try it out!" Karl Marx inflicted untold misery upon the world.
  23. Someone once asked if he knew how to play the piano. “I don’t know,” he said. “I’ve never tried.” Another classic.
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