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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. Gatekeep much? They're bringing publicity to a sport that most Americans have no idea what even the basic rules are. So yeah, it's *shocking* they're having to field immigrant talent.
  2. Kohli with a golden duck was quite impressive. If the US beats Ireland and they are shockingly into the Super 8 and guarantee themselves a spot in the 2026 world cup.
  3. Pretty self explanatory isn't it? You have a country difficult to move capital out of in China that will typically use Hong Kong as a conduit to get money out and you have illiquid stocks you can in theory manipulate the price of and layer those transactions more easily without anyone noticing. The broker is on the hook for anything nefarious that happens on their watch, I would guess a regulator started asking them some questions about some transactions and they just decided to pull the plug entirely.
  4. I hear the Boston Omaha guys are available
  5. a fool and his money are soon parted. same as it ever was.
  6. After having worked at banks in the past, I don't have any interest in owning bank stocks. I think he's also in that boat having been CEO of a bank.
  7. Think this will become more and more common given the Cov-Lite nature of loans made in the 0% interest era start having step-ups in the payments due and refinancing tough to come by. The next piece in the article goes on to mention a PE group investment where the equity got written down to 0, they moved the IP to a new subco and got more financing off of it. Extend and Pretend for all!
  8. See this would be a good use of AI. Drop all the postings of COBF into a dataset then flag for unique key words or phrases. Then see if you can match any other words to similar posters. We all have certain signatures when writing that are unique tells when combined. Voilà!
  9. When my grandmother got into her upper 80s she fell down stairs in her home. Very fortunate to only have broken her shoulder. My grandfather also had a similar type experience walking up some outside stairs after a rain storm. Usually any type of fall at that age usually leads to very negative consequences as I'm sure you are aware. Kind of like Munger's theory of avoiding things with negative consequences, a thing to start thinking seriously about as you age.
  10. Invert it and do the Americans. Basically just perpetually making the Ukrainians fight with an arm behind their back, only to acquiesce and let them have artillery/tanks/planes/missiles/where they can shoot those missiles whenever it becomes apparent they might start to be forced to fight with both hands behind their back.
  11. It just seems to be an ever increasing series of small escalations via 'red lines' that were previously forbidden, suddenly being allowed. So if you follow it to it's logical conclusion, where is the tipping point? Or the point of no return? I would posit it will be if/when NATO member countries are in Ukraine in an 'official' capacity as trainers, or some similar capacity, and they are attacked by Russia. Until that happens everything else is only building until that potential moment. And what the response of the west will be to it. The other immediate tipping point is the US election results and should Trump win and likely pulls the plug of American support, what is the European response? But I do think we are ever increasingly spiraling towards a larger conflict. Red lines are continuing to be violated with no parties even remotely interested in a resolution or a reduction in combat activities.
  12. No, not really. Santa Cruz is really spread out compared to most cruise ship stops so pretty easy to not be on top of people. Especially if you get a few blocks out of port. I hit the tourist sites in the morning and took the bus up to the infamous airport, then spent the afternoon at a cerveceria before hopping back on the boat.
  13. Just spent the day in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on a stopover during a transatlantic cruise but I liked it. Easy to get around via the bus/tram system they have there. Assume you'll fly into the south airport and spend most your time riding Mount Teide. Also if you have any interest in aviation, the north airport was the site of the worst disaster in aviation history.
  14. Yeah I prefer more pulled pork vs. chopped. Likewise more prefer SC mustard or ketchup based sauce. Usually just prefer vinegar based on sandwiches. Red slaw only if I don't like how the place does white slaw. Yeah that part of the north Charlotte 'burbs has really boomed the last 10-15 years. Kannapolis' baseball team used to be named the Intimidators after Dale Sr. but I think there was a falling out with the estate over the rights to the name.
  15. Lexington BBQ and that's Kannapolis in the last photo. Red slaw is an acquired taste.
  16. Starwood putting up the redemption gate to Sreit. https://www.ft.com/content/2b375114-049e-49f4-814a-2abce846f99d
  17. How are your student protests going? Btw, here's the latest from Myanmar:
  18. Both the big Milan football clubs owned by financial companies that took them over via debts defaulting is quite the story.
  19. I don't have to swing..... What's the saying about generals always fighting the last war, especially if they won? You haven't really seen any bankruptcies in the space, sure some of the big names handed back the keys to places, but there hasn't been the big shake out you would expect to see in a highly levered business where the cycle has turned.
  20. extend and pretend works.....until it doesn't anymore. I'm interested in the space but giving my lack of knowledge on the space, it'd take a big washout to get me comfortable investing in it.
  21. Those of us that follow Altius have heard the CEO pounding the table for the past few years that this was eventually going to happen. I've positioned accordingly.
  22. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in a nutshell.
  23. Not surprising between the way personal finance isn't taught and people's affinity to want to keep up with the Joneses.
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