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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. So obviously there is a huge problem in Molenbeek and it is a real life no-go zone. Incidentally the Paris and Madrid attacks alone account for more than 300 people killed and that is in a space of around 11 years. School mass shootings (>3 people dead in a single incident) in the US have a total death toll over 4 decades of less than 300. So all the lefties ringing their hands over US school shooting seem oddly complacent about the European no-go zones though they seem to be causing far more mass death and at a vastly faster rate than all the mass school shootings happening in the US. If Moleenbeek is a no-go zone, I'm not sure how I made the round trip from Brussels center city to the Atomium in one piece. Lucky, I guess.
  2. http://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/lotto-winners/ This story was nuts. Long read, but worth it.
  3. GECAS might fit the bill.
  4. Joe Kernen ruining the interview with his tangents.
  5. You're just going to be visiting the tourist sites? There's nothing to worry about.
  6. Margin Call
  7. Love it. I'll steal that! ;D Ernest Hemingway,The Sun Also Rises
  8. How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly. We're still gradual.
  9. GE for the first one.
  10. AVITAS publishes a blue book that you might be able find at a library. There are other similar aviation consultant companies who do something similar. There's also a fella on the airliners.net that publishes values every quarter or so, username is LAXintl Quick search last one I could find was spring 2017: http://www.airliners.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1361025&hilit=Aircraft+Values
  11. VGSH yields 1.1%, if you buy the 2 year treasury, it yields close to 2%. I'm more confident that I can sell my 2% 2 year treasury in case shit hits the fan than I can sell VGSH at $60 or whatever it trades at. I'm also more confident that the 2 year treasury will trade at close to a 2% yield or even lower in case shit hits the fan. I think that the ETF could trade all over the place. yields 1.1%? That's like the Vanguard Money Market fund. YTM and SEC Yield is 1.9%.
  12. Why not just buy VGSH?
  13. Still have 3 out of 4 left. Maybe next time, Charlotte.
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/13/style/bitcoin-millionaires.html At a jazz bar a few days later, I run into Mr. Fickel’s personal trainer, Alan Chen, who is now running in this crypto circle. Mr. Fickel had convinced Mr. Chen to put his savings into Ethereum. “I’m retired, man,” Mr. Chen said. “I’m moving to L.A. next week. I got a penthouse on Marina del Rey.” “Don’t say I’m retired,” he added. “I’m going into business now. I’m going to use blockchain to help personal trainers.” nuts
  15. Charitable remainder trust
  16. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be insulting. But if you think those prices are inexpensive you're delusional. I can walk into my liqueur store and buy high quality German beer for $2.10 (tall boys 500 ml). For $30 ($6 a glass) I can buy a good Burgundy. For $18-$24 I can buy a very good bottle of Cotes du Rhone. The quality of these wines are very likely much, much higher than what you get in your grocery store glass. These are regular price btw, no sales. I live in Canada where alcohol is expensive due to taxes. I'm sure the prices are lower in the US for these items. I should mention that I am someone who has plenty of money. I consider the prices you've listed as very high and would not pay. The idea that an average person would consider that very inexpensive is incorrect to say the least. Liquor store is the same as a bar in Canada? Grocery store is the same as a bar in the US? https://www.charlotteagenda.com/41470/theres-a-killer-little-bar-in-harris-teeter-really/ as someone who has plenty of money, you would have a ball here. I guess you could finish up with the $12 cocktails we have in town afterwards, no doubt you can get them much cheaper and better quality in Canada at the liquor store bar.
  17. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be insulting. But if you think those prices are inexpensive you're delusional. I can walk into my liqueur store and buy high quality German beer for $2.10 (tall boys 500 ml). For $30 ($6 a glass) I can buy a good Burgundy. For $18-$24 I can buy a very good bottle of Cotes du Rhone. The quality of these wines are very likely much, much higher than what you get in your grocery store glass. These are regular price btw, no sales. I live in Canada where alcohol is expensive due to taxes. I'm sure the prices are lower in the US for these items. I should mention that I am someone who has plenty of money. I consider the prices you've listed as very high and would not pay. The idea that an average person would consider that very inexpensive is incorrect to say the least. Liquor store is the same as a bar in Canada?
  18. The new thing here is having a bar inside the grocery store with a rotating selection of local craft brews. Very inexpensive, $3 high gravity beer, $6 glasses of wine. With daily specials taking the beer down to $2 a few times a week and the wine to $3.
  19. happy Gregorian new year!
  20. 35%. Primarily due to GNCMA, loaded up back at the lows of August 2016 and LVNTA bought them out in the beginning of Q2 2017 for ~2x YTD. Ditto FRMO, bought at the lows this year and their crypto voodoo had it as a 3x. ATUSF and OZM were also positives for the year. Sold HCOM for a decent profit after they got bought out by CBB. Took a loss on AIQ's takeunder. MTM losses on AWLCF and STNG.
  21. the bitcoin iced tea company
  22. Been to plenty of space shuttle launches (including the last one), if it's anything like that, it's spectacular...night launch even more so. Regardless, don't think you'll regret going.
  23. Happy Saturnalia
  24. might not be the cause, but probably will be a byproduct.
  25. Probably had the best experience execution-wise with Ameritrade. Merrill is probably more on par with my experience with Scottrade. Kind of barebones, though the research reports are of a decent quality, which is a plus. But put up with it for the free trades which makes up for maybe not getting a fill at the exact number I want.
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