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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate
  2. I did not think so at all. He was sharp as a tack. Munger even sharper. The meeting goes as well as the questions. The proportion of stupid questions is increasing. If not stupid, rather ordinary. The panelists were supposed to make it better, but in my opinion, it has gone worse. They represent the interests of the long term shareholder less and less. I rather liked the old format with audience only asking questions. Sorkin took the cake for the stupidest ones. I guess he represents the peanut gallery. He seemed to grab Munger's attention..."Let me take that question" it was hilarious.The only question he asked that had some gravity was the one about incentives for subs chiefs. It was a question I sent to all three journalists for the 2015 meeting. Not that it matters or am I willing to take credit for it (surely someone else asked it as well), he did not acknowledge who sent that question. (Loomis did with each question). Among the analysts, G Warren's were rather ordinary. He represents the run of the mill side of investing, the mediocrity-guaranteed-crowd, why would we expect anything more. Many in the audience asked better questions. Of course there were stupid ones there, as well as 3- 4- part and page long questions. WEB struggled with these. Anyone would. Truth be told, all those non-english native accents made it harder as well. It is amazing that Munger caught even those! I hope WEB does a poll of shareholders to see if they like this format. I will vote to go back. Maybe a shareholder proposition to vote on? I'd pick Loomis and Russo as the only two on stage in the current format. They'll vet the questions better and keep it long term oriented. Otherwise, the questions will be repeatedly stupid and the answers will appear canned. Ditto. I sent an email to all three of the journalist. The only one that responded was Loomis and this was over a month before meeting.
  3. Anyone know if there is a replay? Going to be out of tomorrow and interested to see if my question I submitted is going to be asked.
  4. Probably could do the same thing with a salad? Just easy on the dressing.
  5. The Council Bluffs area is pretty nice, I've stayed there when attending the college world series. Has everything you would ever want and a very easy car ride to the arena.
  6. no, what kind of idiot said it should happen? there's a reason it is called mortgage INTEREST deduction. And if you are taking out a loan for renting, you have bigger issues than a tax break.
  7. Some more background on this: the NBA kind of forced the 6ers' hand here because the other teams were starting to complain. NBA handpicked the guy to come in as president. The writing was on the wall after that...
  8. This is the more interesting part for me. Granted commodities, have spiked the last few days, but you get an unwind via a bankruptcy of Glencore/Nobel Group the exposure is going to bring someone down with them. I may have underestimated the role those commodity cos play for the European banks. Exposure to the debt of Glencore et al via OTC derivatives could well be the largest fundamental driver behind European banks' share price declines, NIRP and CoCos only adding to it. This would also explain why DB seems to be at the center of this sell-off. ;)
  9. A recession 'where' would probably be a good clarifier...
  10. A question based off what Dave Letterman asked Warren Zevon during his last appearance on the show: "Being 92 and living a relatively long life, is there something about life and death that the rest of us don't know?"
  11. Keep it in my mattress.
  12. This is the more interesting part for me. Granted commodities, have spiked the last few days, but you get an unwind via a bankruptcy of Glencore/Nobel Group the exposure is going to bring someone down with them.
  13. No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks. -Dr. Alice Cooper
  14. Just finished: All the Devils Are Here On Deck: Aircraft Finance textbook Devil Take the Hindmost: a History of Financial Speculation - Edward Chancellor Do No Harm - Henry Marsh
  15. What's been your biggest write-off?
  16. If you are eligible, can't beat the IRS Free File: https://www.irs.gov/uac/Free-File:-Do-Your-Federal-Taxes-for-Free I did H&R block last year, it was solid. Turbotax before that was good.
  17. someone has been spending too much time on zerohedge.
  18. Japan Rail Pass. 7 days, travel whenever and wherever you want for the most part on the bullet trains.
  19. Bag more broads
  20. Football Manager and Out of the Park Baseball for me. Used to play Hearts of Iron 2 and Crusader Kings 2.
  21. What, no mention how he's under investigation for insider trading? or the shady way Gotham Partners ended? I'm probably just jealous. Who knows, maybe Bill is just ahead of his time (like Copernicus!) and in the future everyone will be able to front run hostile takeovers.... http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/12/us-valeant-pharms-ackman-insidertrading-idUSKCN0T02EN20151112 "Plaintiffs must plead defendants knew they were in possession of material nonpublic information at the time of the trade and that they acted with the intent to deceive, manipulate, or defraud," Carter wrote. "Plaintiffs have alleged both elements."
  22. My cheapo HDHP through my employer is going up 75% from 2015 to 2016. Average for the entire company is ~30%. Ridiculous.
  23. Ditto. Pretty much all in 401k and HSAs that I've put in stable value funds/cash. Will be rolling them over by the end of the year
  24. http://www.wsj.com/articles/theranos-has-struggled-with-blood-tests-1444881901 Whoops!
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