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Everything posted by Gamecock-YT

  1. Oh..... They force people to liquidate penny stocks if the minimum balance is too low? That kind of sucks..... Have you seen any trade issues in ME? I Googled around and it seems like people really don't like ME's customer service. I have the impression that ME's customer service is as bad as IB? Yep. Seems silly. But guess you could always hold them somewhere else. No trade issues other than some questionable DRIP fills. Have only really dealt with customer service when moving accounts over but were helpful then...but could be a reason for that.
  2. just a heads up that merrill has a minimum balance requirement for stocks less than $1. They'll force you to liquidate.
  3. Between Gary Stevens and Calvin Borel for me.
  4. Philly and Raleigh don't have the airports but Austin does? :o
  5. Austin, Nashville, Raleigh, or Charlotte Think cities that currently or will soon have Google Fiber.
  6. The next generation of aircraft are already being developed for mid-2020s and the design requires 2 pilots. It will take 7+ years even after regulation changes for manufacturers to produce a single pilot airliner. Could you fly an airliner single pilot in an emergency? Absolutely. But the current design won't fly (haaah!) for everyday single pilot operations. Labor unions will fight tooth and nail to prevent this (because 50% less safe) and the traveling public will be on their side. I can't see this happening for 15-20yrs+, and even at that point it will be cargo carriers like FedEx/UPS first. Fly, by your handle you may know more about this than me. But as I understand it, a plane can basically already fly itself today including ILS landings etc. Pilots are there more as fail safe devices if something bad happens i.e. you need a brain in an emergency. Given the cost/reward situation this is worth it since the cost of the pilots is quite small compared to the cost of the overall flight. Also in an emergency it appears that you need two people - one to fly the plane and one to handle comms and checklists. So I don't see that one going away anytime soon. Plane does already fly itself except for the first/last ~500 ft of flight when the flying pilot switches on/off the autopilot, and yes modern aircraft are equipped for auto-landing. Here's a video of an A320 auto land in the sim: Seems easy enough right? Well factor in a crowded airspace, having to deviate for weather in the area, working with flight ops to come up with another alternate landing site, and things start to get a bit more difficult. Especially as all this in theory would be occurring closer to the ground, where any flying mistake is magnified. Hence why now one pilot focuses solely on 'flying' and the other pilot on handling the comms. But you can see why some more tech upgrades (I'm thinking air traffic control primarily) to simplify the pilots job in the first/final stage of flight, it is certainly possible. But was mentioned, the unions would/will throw an unholy fit. So more likely it would be one of the lesser known non-unionized cargo airlines being the guinea pigs. There is one thing on the horizon that could accelerate the development, a pilot shortage. Lots of the low cost carrier and especially the regional carriers are struggling to attract pilots with their low pay structures. With a dearth of new pilots coming into the industry since the recession, the prohibitive costs involved for training, and more regulation in regards to minimum flight hours to qualify for a professional license something will eventually hit a breaking point.
  7. Floyd is going to clown this guy. It's going to be a super boring fight, like the usual Mayweather fight. He'll score points and get out of danger. He wouldn't take the fight if he thought he would lose, he cares more about his legacy than another 200MM If ya'll want to watch a REAL top notch fight rather than this 'show', GGG vs. Canelo on September 16th. Both are knock out artist, could be decided by just one punch.
  8. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/your-2017-best-ideas/ Maybe given it's almost September, you should be working towards the 2018 thread...
  9. Just got to east TN. 2:40 of totality.
  10. Pretty good, a good bit of ego stroking as well but if you can look past that it's a quality read.
  11. poor greenhaven road capital's powerpoint includes all the edit comments someone left for an assistant to fix.
  12. congrats Keith/packer!
  13. Ditto Amazon. Signature Sleep. Been great for over a year
  14. You are also seeing this a lot in the finance sector with back office, middle office, and even a few front office roles being moved from the NYC area to places like Salt Lake City, Nashville, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Jacksonville. Most of it is coming about because of tax deals being cut by the state to the companies to relocate jobs (no doubt cheaper real estate/labor is the main reason, but the specific cities is usually for tax purposes) But for the employees, the ratio of income to cost of living blows NYC out of the water.
  15. Just waiting for the first sell in May and go away references
  16. This may sound more harsh then I intend it to be so don't take it the wrong way. But this sort of thinking is a big part of the problem along with "market prices" for tuition thinking. I'd say that the people going into these schools cannot make informed decisions. Part of the problem is the everyone is special and you can be what you want to be bullshit. But also that these students are pretty young and not all have the ability to make the right decision because of youth/inexperience/etc. Furthermore, the biggest part of the problem is that they don't have the information to make an informed decision. For example they think they're gonna make 80-90k 3 years out of school. As DTEJD said here often that's wrong they'll make 40. But they don't know that. Also since the schools became de facto business they market to these kids pretty aggressively and throw a lot of bullshit their way. The employment and salary stats they publish are also cooked which contributes the misinformation. I know a couple of very reputable business schools that flat out lie in their stats. If the reputable schools do it you can bet your ass the lower ones are doing it "bigly". But sure it's the kids' fault they don't know any of this. Why should the schools bear any responsibility. If we follow this path then why do the schools even need admission departments? That would be like graduating from Elon in SC with a 3.5 in Business Administration and expecting a job in investment banking at GS. That would be really difficult, especially since Elon is in NC, not SC. ;)
  17. Yeah no wonder he's flipping out. Late in the cycle and in deep.
  18. I ride the train everyday with these students....talk about a delusional bunch. Think their shit doesn't stink. Know a few grads as well, they all say they wish they hadn't done it. I've seen the latest thing the feds are wanting to do is give the schools some skin in the game. 5% of their funding being tied to students graduating and/or getting jobs after graduating. Sounds like the makings of a horribly perverse system of incentives.
  19. BTW the royalties on these ETFs would blow your minds. I can see why Pabrai wants a piece.
  20. It would not take 8 minutes nor 10. To this duration, one would have to add the time to get to the station and from the station to the final destination, waiting for the trains, constraints due to tickets availability and times etc. How is that any different from going any other option? The train once it starts takes an hour. The hyperloop once it starts takes 8 minutes. Of all the things to nitpick, having to show up early at the station or buying tickets seems kind of silly to complain about.
  21. I think it would be a fantastic idea to connect Vienna to Bratislava, silly that the best you can do is an hour one way no matter if by car, train, bus, or boat: "While it currently takes 1 hour to get from Bratislava to Vienna by bus or train, we should be able to cover this distance in 8 minutes by year 2020 when Hyperloop should be launched. The 200km distance between Bratislava and Budapest will be covered in 10 minutes. According to the Hyperloop company, the travel ticket should not be more expensive than 20€."
  22. thanks for the tips. Did you make the cut?
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