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Everything posted by boilermaker75

  1. As Thomas Paine said, "Those who expect to reap the benefits of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it."
  2. I'm 70, but feel much younger because as I mentioned before, in this thread https://thecobf.com/forum/topic/19734-which-activities-in-life-brings-you-the-most-fun/, I try to work out at least an hour every day. My work outs are usually intense with intervals, Tae Kwon do, weights, etc. Different things on different days. I wish I knew more about nutrition when I was younger. I consumed too much sugar in my younger days, and I hope that doesn't come back to bite me. Sugar is probably the cause of most western diseases—type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, and Alzheimers.
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/obituaries/gordon-lightfoot-singer-songwriter-dead-84-rcna82370
  4. It must be something Scwhab and Fidelity are imposing for some reason but the options actually trade in $0.01 increments because I too sometimes get filled at Schwab at other than something divisible by $0.05.
  5. That is what I thought. But for OSTK options I can only trade in 5 cent increments at Schwab while at IB I can trade in 1 cent increments. I know because I have done several trades with both brokers.
  6. I have been selling puts, and then selling calls when I have been put to. I have only been doing this with OSTK for a little over a month but it has been working well so far.
  7. Writing OSTK options on Schwab has to be in increments of $0.05 while on IB you can do it in increments of $0.01. I assume that means the pricing increment is up to the broker?
  8. How about a Lily and Madeleine?
  9. I too like Natalie and Tigerlilly is a great album. You probably are already familiar with it but 10,000 Maniacs MTV unplugged is good. @CassiusKing1 Thanks for the alert to her new album.
  10. Macron needs to visit this site in his own country to educate himself on who are France's allies.
  11. “A man’s gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it,” Jimmy Jones, horse trainer.
  12. And giving to Ukraine's war effort is a very effective way to do this.
  13. Writing OXY 57-strike, March 24 expiration puts, $0.31 per share.
  14. @Castanza Similar story for me. I started with a paper route, I caddied, worked for the parks department mowing and lining baseball fields, then the street department that included riding the back of a garbage truck. If I ever had a doubt about getting a higher education, which I didn't, riding the back of the garbage truck erased it. It has to start with the parents to instill a culture of hard work and grit. It is probably too late for the educational system to do it. Plus the educational system would need to be able to use discipline, which would require buy in from the parents. Edit: I would have loved to have a job like you did building cabinets counter tops. What a great skill to have learned.
  15. There was a study that showed a benefit to delaying specialization. The study was of the UK where there is a huge difference when students specialize in England and Scotland, but they essentially have a common labor market. (English start specializing in high school the Scots don’t choose their specialization until their junior year at university.) Not initially out of university, but in the end the Scots fair better. O. Malamud, "Discovering One's Talent: Learning From Academic Specialization," Industrial and Labor Relations Reveiw, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 375-405, 2011.
  16. I teach EE at a university that is probably >50% STEM. But I see value in STEM students getting exposure to communications, economics, philosophy, psychology, languages, etc., whatever is interesting to them. Build that lattice work of mental models. Where would we be if Claude Shannon had not taken a philosophy course as an undergraduate that talked about Boolean logic? Would technology be 10 years behind where we are today? 25 years? 50 years?
  17. Video showing the Russian jet spraying fuel on the drone and colliding with it. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/us-military-releases-video-taken-100212758.html
  18. I've been selling puts, 1-day to 1-week out.
  19. @Spekulatius All episodes of Anne with an A are great. You'll enjoy it all. This summer we are going on a Road Scholar tour of that part of Canada, partly because of seeing it in this series.
  20. I see some more suicides coming.
  21. I was a teen age boy when Welch was on the big screen, wow.
  22. When I went off to college in the Fall of 71 I stopped following hockey. So the Bobby I was familiar with was from the 60s. He and Dennis once were signing autographs at a promotion at an appliance store in my hometown. I waited forever to get their autographs. When I left the line was just as long and they stayed till everyone got an autograph.
  23. I grew up near Chicago watching the Black Hawks with Bobby Hull and Stan Mikita. https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/35557785/hall-famer-bobby-hull-golden-jet-dies-age-84
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