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Everything posted by boilermaker75

  1. John Mayall and the Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton,
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/john-mayall-pioneering-british-blues-012658395.html
  3. Wrote OXY 60-strike July 26 expiration puts.
  4. Guilty, but with this pop I am tempted to do it again.
  5. @Spekulatius I too saw Dylan and actually left before the concert was over. He sometimes seemed to glare at the audience. Like I'll do what I want to do and not what you want to hear. I prefer listening to the other Dylan, Jakob. Or others covering Dylan songs like Hendrix or Guns N'Roses.
  6. From a 4th of July concert in 2004 in Buffalo, NY, home of the Goo Goo Dolls. The song John Rzeznik wrote for the movie City of Angels.
  7. I am not familiar with that song. I will have to check it out. The Jam in the band's name Pearl Jam came from them attending a Neil Young with Crazy Horse concert and watching them jam on stage.
  8. @Parsad You mentioned some of my favorite musicians that I listen to all the time, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and The Doors. Plus, throw in Neil Young, my absolute favorite. Ray and Dave Davies fought even more than Liam and Noel Gallagher!
  9. Jimi did the best version of All Along the Watchtower. Plus he did it while holding a guitar upside down!
  10. Your Mom and I are probably from the same era. The Kinks influence can be seen in all rock bands that followed from Neil Young with Crazy Horse to Nirvana. Here is a mash up to show how The Doors’ (another great band) hit Hello I Love You was influenced by the Kinks song All Day and All of the Night. https://youtu.be/XSPQFD4FzZQ?feature=shared
  11. That should make it easier for the rest of us!
  12. How about "idle cash on the sidelines?" If I take my "idle" cash and buy a stock where does my idle cash end up? Someone else's sideline.
  13. McConnell's is fine ice cream, although I try to avoid anything with sugar in it these days.
  14. Just got back from Arcata, CA and visiting the state and national Redwood Parks. When I lived in Silicon Valley I always liked visiting Muir Woods. This is Muir Woods on steroids. Big Trees.MOV
  15. Here is something older, 1964, but an extremely influential song as it was the first hit based around the use of power chords and distortion. The Kinks were a very influential group that unfortunately were banned from touring in the US from 1965 to 1969. This song can't be that old because I remember it on my transistor radio!
  16. I think even before PayPal he had plenty with Zip2, which was sold to Compaq Computer for $307 million.
  17. GEICO reversed their position and ended up taking this to arbitration. The arbitration resulted in an 80/20 split, so I got $400 of my $500 deductible back. GEICO also gave me a letter that it was not my fault and would not affect my rates.
  18. I've had accounts at Schwab for over 25 years. Currently 6 accounts between me, my wife, and my daughter that I actively sell puts in every week. I rarely get put to other than at expiration. Maybe 1% of the time do I get put to early.
  19. @Parsad I know it is hard, but ignore him. No other place comes close to this one and I thank you very much for hosting it. I wish I had more time to spend here learning , but the day job gets in the way! I also wish I had listened to you about META! His statement, "This forum has lost some of its best contributors and dialogue since you've implemented the paywall," is false as everyone was grandfathered in when the $50 was implemented. Mike
  20. Lisa Mosconi studies the effect of diet on brains. She sees a huge difference in brain MRIs by age 50 of people who have been on the Standard American Diet (SAD) and the Meditteranean diet, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/excerpt-from-brain-food-by-lisa-mosconi-comparing-brains-on-different-diets/
  21. I don't have eggs everyday, so I probably average about one per day, always pasture raised as you get a much better omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. Edit: Do you limit your sugar and processed food (ie. vegetable oil) intake?
  22. @cubsfan That is a great article. Thanks for posting it. The father-in-law was in the 10th Mountain Division. I have cross-country skied a small part of the 10th Mountain Division trail in Colorado, but I never stayed overnight in a hut. My wife’s uncle had a great place in Pitkin Green looking out at Ajax, now called Aspen Mountain. Loved sitting in the evening looking out and seeing the lights of the snowcats grooming the ski runs having a beer instead of roughing it in a hut! I recently had PT on my knee, which I think I hurt doing sprints on my Nordic Track. My PT was great and she quickly did wonders for my knee. (I am sure if I went to an orthopedist, they would have tried to talk me into a new knee!) She got me doing a lot of weight work in therapy--RDLs, leg presses, squats, etc. My last day she put me on a wobble board and had me try to do squats. I was terrible. I have gotten a wobble board and doing much better. It gets all those little muscles activated you need for balance. I resonate with that mention in the article of that great feeling after a weight session. There is a spring in my step, I walk faster and I feel I have more energy even though I just expended some lifting. I agree there are many myths out there that are given as factual advice, such as not doing weight work as we get older because we’ll hurt ourselves. I have one myth regarding nutrition perpetuated by MDs who get very little training with regards to nutrition. (Plus you can find studies in respected medical journals to support whatever you want to claim about nutrition.) I had an EKG done and the cardiologist told me I had had a heart attack. It turned out he was wrong. But I wanted to be sure if I needed a cardiologist I had a top one. After research I picked one. He was at a top medical school and at the time president of the American Heart Association. I also looked at some of his publications before contacting him. When we were going over what I ate, he told me to eat less eggs and if I did eat eggs to eat egg whites to avoid the cholesterol. I asked him, “Isn’t >80% of the cholesterol in our bodies manufactured in our livers? Cutting out foods with cholesterol maybe I could reduce my cholesterol by a few percent? An egg has all the nutrients to build a living organism so aren’t eggs excellent foods?” He looked at my lab numbers, HDL 56 mg/dL, LDL 47 mg/dL, and total cholesterol 125 mg/dL and told me I could keep eating eggs!
  23. About 70% of the fats in avocado oil are MUFAs, so it is a good oil.
  24. Just make sure you are eating grass-fed beef and butter.
  25. I am not sure "smoke point" correlates with which oils are healthier to use. You will have billions of more trans fats and free radicals cooking with safflower oil than with a MUFA such as olive oil. Nutrition is very complex and difficult to address with these short snippets. You also don't want to cook anything at high heat as you will generate Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).
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