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Everything posted by boilermaker75

  1. I have a lot of BRK with a lot of capital gains. So I have no intention of selling, at least initially. I'll watch how things go with the new management. I am trusting that Buffett has selected the new management as well as he has selected companies to buy!
  2. My daughter used to have a condo near the Whiskey and on her way to work one day she took a quick shot of the billboard. One day I was walking down Santa Monica BLVD and I noticed this plaque. The Doors are one of my favorites. @DooDiligence is correct about Ray's left hand being the bass when they played live. They used studio bassist on their albums. The LA Women album bass player was Jerry Obern Scheff.
  3. “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it,” Thomas Paine.
  4. Attending a concert and watching Neil Young and Crazy Horse jamming is how they decided to put Jam in the band's name. Here is Pearl Jam jamming with Neil Young.
  5. Thanks gfp! I've heard a lot of positives from people with USAA, especially if they ever have to make a claim.
  6. GEICO dropped our umbrella policy, so that forced us to make the effort to switch. We had auto/home/umbrella through GEICO. So glad we did as our auto/home/umbrella cost dropped significantly. We are now with USAA and the other nice thing is you can pay monthly.
  7. With enough left over for a yacht!
  8. And what they are bringing might be the discipline and patience to hold BRK, which there clients might not be able to do if they held the stock individually.
  9. Because I don't want to pay $35k in taxes. It takes a couple of minutes to make the trades. And I don't have cash in that account to just buy higher cost basis stock to be called out.
  10. I have one account where I have 500 shares of BRKB with about 80% capital gains. I got cute and wrote some 420-strike calls. I have bought them back and resold at 430, then 435, and a week ago at 440. Each time I sell for a little more than the cost of buying them back and raise the strike price. If BRK does move sideways for two years I'll be able to do this till I have calls I can let expire, LOL! I am always worried someone is going to call me before expiration. (Edit: so I usually do this about a week before expiration.)
  11. Same here, GOGL and OXY. A few weeks ago I was writing MCD puts to acquire some but never got put to before MCD started taking off. Second time this has happened to me with MCD
  12. “A man’s (in this case wife) gotta make at least one bet a day, else he could be walking around lucky and never know it,” Jimmy Jones, horse trainer.
  13. I hope he registered to be an organ donor, LOL.
  14. My t-shirt
  15. Not surprised they are legal in the "Live free or die" state.
  16. @Spekulatius That is great your son is having a good college experience. Being engaged in college can really be a life changing time.
  17. I tend to agree the connections you make in college can be a big factor. But here is a study from a highly selective top-ranked university that is interesting about what in college is important for "success," https://ed.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/challenge_success_white_paper_on_college_admissions_10.1.2018-reduced.pdf
  18. I was in our undergraduate advising office the other day talking to one of the advisors. Students usually make appointments to see their advisors, but they also have "walk-in" hours in case someone can't wait for an appointment. They were told they cannot use the term "walk-in" anymore because it is a micro-aggression.
  19. With this thread becoming active again, I found this post of mine. "..and then one day you find ten years have got behind you," Pink Floyd.
  20. Wrote some OXY 58-strike Aug 9 expiration puts for $0.51.
  21. It must be from working out all the time! Edit: Plus getting the covid vaccine and the boosters.
  22. The exercise from bike riding would increase, and balance, your neurotransmitters. Also during exercise your heart excretes Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP), which has a calming effect. Maybe if you replace the lost bike ride with some other exercise each day. I usually work out about 6 days a week. That day I don't I notice a change, a lost bounce in my step.
  23. I also have never gotten covid. In fact I cannot remember the last time I had a cold, but it was well before covid. I'm also around 20ish-year olds all the time teaching. Of course for about a year I wasn't around students as we were forced on-line and after that to wear masks for probably another year.
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