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32 minutes ago, rogermunibond said:

That FT article is pretty inaccurate.




It seems that FT reported data from ITJUZI and the founder got a call from government :). Of course the data is probably not complete. But there is no doubt it is the trend for the last a few years. Jack Ma is still not back in China. Bloomberg reported some bankers got detained and passports are taken away from bank employees. On top of that, I saw some places real estate price is back to more than 10 years ago and there is no sight of bottom. Things will get worse before they get any better.

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This is the statistics of retirement fund distribution in 2023 from a local county in China.

It basically says: RMB785 million for 8778 Government retirees at RMB89428/person; RMB369 million for 13220 SOE retirees at RMB27912/person; RMB251 million for 119400 other retirees at RMB2102/person.


There is a reason the Chinese system collapses every a few hundred years. 



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I mentioned Anta a few times and their recent result were quite impressive given the state of the Chinese consumer. Mid teens sales growth and a 25% profit margin are quite good.


Its not deep value , but if the business grows and the share price stagnates or worse, those business get cheaper and more interesting. I also think they have the wind at their back, because the Chinese consumer increasingly prefer Chinese goods/ brands over the likes of Nike etc.


Edited by Spekulatius
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