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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. I'm guessing it's the "Ask Packer" thread
  2. I dream of a world where we can all take a Kindle into the can. ;D
  3. Richard Beddard tweeted this article about Jeff Bezos leadership qualities. Needless to say he thinks larger than someone who's just running a retailer or tech company. He's not just trying to sell a Kindle to everybody in the world. He also doesn't think like the typical CEO who talks about EPS. Embedded at the end of the article is every one of Jeff Bezos letter to shareholders.
  4. I didn't see it linked above, here's his letter to the WP employees
  5. The Ex is the 2 weeks leading into Labour Day. I weekend of Labour Day is when the air show is on. Even if you're near downtown on the West side you can get a great view for it.
  6. Like others have said, Centre Island and the CN Tower are must dos. There's an aquarium opening at the CN Tower, supposed to be the end of summer or fall. Coming from Washington I would say you have some pretty good sporting events and teams in your back yard so any Toronto teams may not interest your or your family and nobody likes soccer anyway :P ................Although I wish I got to see Stephen Strasburg and Bryce Harper play baseball. :D The Toronto P.A.T.H. is pretty cool also, especially if it's raining out. http://www.torontopath.com/view/Home.aspx It's an underground series of shops and restaurants linking offices, hotels etc. You can get from Union Station to North of the Eaton Centre all underground. You can also access 6 or 7 subway stations from there too. Harbourfront is a cool spot expecially after dinner. Although I've spent little time down there so I don't know any specifics.
  7. Netvibes. I chose it because it kind of combines my Google reader and iGoogle home page. It is lacking as a permanent home page like iGoogle is but I like the reader.
  8. I had forgotten about this one. I have the original he wrote in 2002, this seems to be the same one but with updated info.
  9. * I use Netvibes (free version) for my blog reader, google alerts and sec alerts. Netvibes allows you to add an rss or a url to create a feed.
  10. Born and raised in Hamilton, moved away when I was 25ish and never looked back. I would also second the Montreal game. Both Montreal and Toronto are in the heart of downtown, both very vibrant areas. Ivor Wynne, soon to be Tim Horton's stadium is in a shatty area, really shatty. Hamilton missed the boat on relocating to the Pier. I get why they did, hoping to gentrify that area and keep the stadium "local" so all the season ticket holders who walk can still walk, but there was a bigger picture they didn't consider. They'd rather have locals walk to the game than make it a destination for people from farther away. Sorry, my rant is over. ;D
  11. Yahoo only went back to 1990 for me.
  12. At some point, it becomes a rather small business expense relative to other things so I justify paying for it... Gotcha. I'm an individual investor but I see the draw for the investment business.
  13. I'm test driving Feedly, The Old Reader and Netvibes. I'm leaning toward Netvibes since it combines my Google Reader with my iGoogle homepage more of less. I just can't get all the same widgets that I had with iGoogle though.
  14. Just wondering what you get for that? I read it free everyday online. As mentioned above any articles I want to read in full I just go through Google's back door.
  15. I'm not a fiction reader but I may make the exception in this case. Good for him. As a former pitcher (I'm from Hamilton BTW) I can relate to the realization that your career (at least the aspiration of a pro) are nearing the end. Some days I would give anything to throw a fastball like I used to.
  16. Just finished; "The Big Miss". Assuming it's true, a big insight into the making of Tiger Woods. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41ITF7c4MBL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU15_.jpg "Wherever I wind up". Cy Young winner R.A. Dickey. Interesting guy who's had an interesting life and journey before and during his baseball career. Smoking hot wife too. ;D Just finished rereading; "There's Always Something To Do". Fantastic the second time around. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention the first time apparently. ;D http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51YYWfJWjKL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU15_.jpg Started reading; "Babe - The Legend Comes To Life". So far it seems to be the only complete life story of The Babe. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51QrwP4ytRL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU15_.jpg "Moe and Me" Arguably the most interesting character in golf. Never made it on the big stage, but played 2 Masters tournaments. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41bfRYvRBtL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU15_.jpg "D-Day : The Battle for Normandy". Heavy and the writer seems to assumes you have a Ph.D in WWII history already. I'm skipping ahead to the part for the Juno Beach landings. Regardless of your knowledge of D-Day, the book does a great job on conveying what the Allied forces went through. Next up a rereading of "The Most Important Thing". Since my retaining of what I have read seems to have really improved since I started taking notes. I'll be reading "The Templeton Touch" for the first time. I'm not sure which baseball and golf books will be on deck.
  17. That's the same one as posted above. :) Now I'm curious to see the original too.
  18. Apparently approval was given in April but now there are lawsuits pending, one of which is from The Ambassador Bridge owners. ;D
  19. Geoff Gannon wrote an article on Hidden Champion screening. He's also mentioned Copart in a few of his gurufocus articles.
  20. Delayed again this morning by over 3 hours. AM640 was saying the Bruins left Pearson Int. at 9:45 AM. Must be some Leafs fans working the ground for American Airlines in Toronto. ;D Disclosure: I am not a Leaf fan nor work for the Pearson Internation Airport grounds crew. Sadly my hockey heart lies in Northern Alberta. Call me in 2 or 3 years. 8)
  21. In 7 hours he already has close to 200k followers. ;D
  22. I used to work for HBC (Hudson's Bay Company) and I would always park where the Bay store was in the mall. Partially to do a casual walk through of the store but mostly because there was always lots of available parking at Bay entrances. Obviously not a good sign.
  23. ;D It's amazing how much happiness is brought to my life not having those in my pocket anymore.
  24. If it ain't broke.......
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