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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. I think it's somewhat impressive a kid that age knows who they are. Buffett looks like he's digesting a satisfying meal right there ................... or he's regretting that last meal. 8)
  2. Mo money, mo problems. 8)
  3. Business insider attempted to call the CEO and got, "Jason". ;D
  4. From what I can see, you may need to create your own. Use something like http://page2rss.com/ . Just input the company announcement page into the URL spot and it will create an RSS reference for your reader. I tried one for Toro Energy here. From here, http://www.asx.com.au/asx/research/companyInfo.do?by=asxCode&asxCode=TOE#headlines Result, http://page2rss.com/1bcca8570d74ae34ef5f9b44a4a6e355 On the right side of page2Rss there are links to put the newly created feed in your reader of choice.
  5. Coursera Social Psychology starts this week. Some of the course reading in week 1 cover typical behavioural biases (hindsight, confirmation etc). https://www.coursera.org/course/socialpsychology
  6. In case anyone else needs this I found the answer for both Excel and Google spreadsheets. Google spreadsheets Highlight the row your formulas are in (in my case row 2). Ctrl, shift and hold the down arrow until the sheet is highlighted. Control D populates the cells with each formula for every column. This is for the entire sheet when multiple columns have formulas, I haven't tried just 1 column at a time. Excel Highlight the column, type in your formula and hold down Ctrl while you press Enter. Now I can sleep tonight. ;D Edit: Apparently in Excel you can highlight the column and click "Fill" from the ribbon too.
  7. This post from Gamecock made me think of another question. Using my previous cell example; =Index(ImportHtml("http://www.gurufocus.com/dividend/" & A3,"table",3),2) If I have tickers in column A and this dividend example is in cell B1 and I'm starting a new sheet, how can I use the array function with the example so the reference to gurufocus will automatically populate all cells in column B? I've tried the array command with another set of parenthesis around the existing command but it didn't work. Clicking the cell and dragging the blue box down is a pain since I have a dozen or so in row 1 I want populated down each column. I may add more since I'm just messing around with portfolio and watchlist ideas for now. Still sitting at home nursing my achilles isn't good for my organization OCD. ;D
  8. I'd been thinking about the same thing recently. I can't vouch for any of them, I've had this stuff bookmarked for a while. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/training-courses-for-excel-2013-HA104032083.aspx http://www.skilledup.com/learn/business-entrepreneurship/free-excel-tutorials/ http://www.gcflearnfree.org/office2013/excel2013
  9. This should do the trick, where A1 is your cell. You're the best. :) I had tried the & A1 at one point but it didn't work, not sure why but that doesn't matter now. I may have misplaced the end quote after the url come to think of it. Thank you
  10. I'm pulling data into my spreadsheets but I'm not sure how to reference the ticker in one instance. If I have multiple tickers in column A, all my data is pulled in the remaining columns, price, p/e etc. But how can I reference the ticker in column A within column F automatically? Here's my example since I know I'm not explaining it well enough. ;D If I want to pull in dividend growth from gurufocus since they do this for 10 years, how do I make the cell reference the ticker in column A? http://www.gurufocus.com/dividend/csco It pulls the dividend page, 3rd table, row 2 properly but I need this for multiple tickers so the data is pulled automatically when I input a ticker in column A. This works for Cisco =Index(ImportHtml("http://www.gurufocus.com/dividend/csco","table",3),2) What do I replace CSCO with?
  11. You guys are killing me with interesting looking books, my "to read" list is the size of a phone book. ;D
  12. When I'm really stuck for ideas, I go to my mentor for all things intelligent, Homer J. Simpson.
  13. 12. Should I buy a condo in Vancouver before it goes even higher? I don't want to miss out..... ;D
  14. Thanks for all the info everybody. :)
  15. ........combination of Fergie and Jesus. ;D We need more cowbell.....
  16. I have avoided software, mostly because of the rapid change. But I did find these, http://www.morganstanley.com/views/perspectives/cloud_computing.pdf http://www.siemer.com/reports/SaaS2013.pdf I don't know who Siemer is, it was just a quick google search for software primers.
  17. In all seriousness the manipulation was my first thought too.
  18. couldn't it simply be insiders buying and selling to their friends to manipulate the price? I was making a joke. Regardless if it was a joke or not, I asked a question: is it likely that it is insiders that are on one side or the other of all these trades? I was looking for a Y/N answer..... Just to appease you I'll answer a definite, maybe.
  19. couldn't it simply be insiders buying and selling to their friends to manipulate the price? I was making a joke.
  20. Up 12.5% as of 10:30, who's buying? ;D Fifty-two week range from 6c to $5.40. That's almost a 10000% return, it's money in the bank. Google finance shows one rogue trade last July for 100 shares at $20. Damn market orders.
  21. The best thing I did was read every thread on this board. I started with the General section and I'm about half way through the Investment Ideas section. It is well worth your time, especially the posts during the financial crisis. Most of the long time posters here explained what they did and why they did it. I found on certain threads that I wouldn't really have an interest normally, I could find little nuggets of info. Some threads it was just one line or one thought from a poster, kind of an "aha" moment. Keep notes that you find important whether it's just someones reason for liking or disliking a company, certain things to look at in the financial statements or little bits of valuation wisdom. Some of the best posts/thread are the for preferred shares, which normally wouldn't interest me. But the wisdom from these guys here was priceless. There are also a couple of threads on reading 10K's and how some of the guys here read them and decide what's important. (Everything at first is important ;D , but with time you'll get better at what to read thoroughly and what you can skim) Yes, and this too. ;D This board can be intimidating at first but most here are very accommodating with answering questions.
  22. Lol, it's all good. Nate hit the nail on the head. It's amazing how surprising some people are when you regularly and promptly return calls. With contractors not returning calls for estimates or preliminary site visits, some contractors have tunnel vision. They see the money on this job, here, right now and aren't thinking about next week or next month. When next month comes, someone will call and they'll go to that job. They don't build a clientele, they work a job, one at a time. Sorry to hijack the thread. I'm sitting at home nursing a torn achilles and have way too much time on my hands. God forbid I should open a 10K. ;D
  23. I built custom homes for a living and I would always try to save people money where I could. Contractors are usually beaten down on costs by the home owners, changes done without a change order document (in the end our own fault).....................The home builder rarely gets the quoted amount at the end of the job regardless of how many extra hours are put in above and beyond................... And then there are people who believe contractors are out to screw everybody. If I had a dollar for every time I heard, "all contractors will screw you" or "all contractors are crooks". I wouldn't need this board for investment wisdom, I be set for life. Good contractors get the short end of the stick. Poor contractors find ways to bilk money from customers any way they can. (And yes, I know there are more of the latter in this world) Rant over. Sorry, it's a very touchy subject for me. ;D
  24. I spent the better part of 1990-1992 buying baseball cards.........
  25. +1. These links are great. Thanks! I found Alice Schroeder's great, pretty candid and she answered more questions than originally intended it seems. Gladwell's was short, unless he comes back but he made no indication he would. I'm a bit disappointed with his but I'm not sure I knew what to expect with his from the start. The problem with these seems to be the posters are star struck and like all things internet, they ask the same question over and over again. But I'm still glad they do the AMA's. Chris Hadfield did one while aboard the ISS. Bill Gates did one too. On the right side of the page about half way down they have a schedule of upcoming AMA's. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/ Canadian NBA "legend" Steve Nash tomorrow. You can also request an AMA. I'm not sure how successful the requests are but some may be worth a shot.
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