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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. Who can forget the classic, as narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. :D
  2. Right you are. I can still see the green box sitting in the basement next to the fridge they got when they bought the house in 1946. Of course, it was replaced with an avacado green fridge and stove.
  3. I remember candy buttons. :D I also remember banana seats for bikes. I forgot to mention, Grandpa's '76 Plymouth Fury was next to my Aunt's car and it had a case of Molson 50 in the trunk.
  4. One of those great childhood memories for me is being at my Grandparents, my Aunt had a Ford Pinto, playing ABBA on the 8 track and she drank Tab. ;D
  5. I worked at Kresge's in Hamilton until it closed (4 years part time during high school), there were 4 people who had spent more than 30 years working there. Woolworth's was the evil empire around the corner. I miss Chiclets. :D
  6. I had the same thoughts the first time I read through II. Giving current day examples was great, but too much was left to Zweig's views as a journalist. I thought for the scope and relevance of the Intelligent Investor they could get someone with more real world clout. Your reference to Security Analysis 6th was perfect. A former Graham student or Klarman etc.
  7. Oh no, the links are great, I wasn't questioning that and I think the technology is amazing. It didn't take them long to improve upon the technology that drives the Nintendo Wii. I was just thinking more in the context of the musician or aspiring musician. I'm a lifelong golfer and had my handicap down to single digits (hence my love of all things Augusta :) ) I couldn't imagine not using a club and a ball to simulate the swing. Swinging nothing has no appeal to me, virtual simulators have little appeal to me also. But I realize everyone is different, but swinging a golf club and playing an instrument are similar. You need to feel it in your hands. The technology itself phenomenal though.
  8. My only question about that clip is, why would someone want to play a virtual instrument?
  9. Those were my thoughts also when I read Parsad's post about Buffett's repetition. He does so many interviews, speeches and talks now he has no choice but to repeat. But, that also illustrates his conviction with his beliefs. He handles being asked the same questions day in, day out remarkable well. I don't think I would have the patience to answer the same questions over and over again the way he does. Mind you, he chooses his interviewers well. If Becky Quick asked me the same questions, I'd probably answer with a smile too. :)
  10. Keep an eye on Microsoft with Skype, XBox , and Windows Phone - Combine all with OmniTouch and you have a Killer! As someone who studied architecture in school, I wonder about the future of a program like Autocad too. You could take presentation drawings and conceptualize in the customers living room making changes right in front of their eyes.
  11. Also not Buffettesque. I think WEB drives an 8 year old Cadillac.
  12. Cool stuff. It'll be interesting to see how something like that shapes up over the next few years.
  13. Don't forget John Kruk, he juiced too. He was following the Babe Ruth diet of hot dogs and beer. From what it sounds like, Dykstra has let himself go and like you said, Canseco still trains. Who knows. The Baywatch kid is in there?! Kato is still beating the celebrity bag too? Was he ever a celeb?
  14. Hmm. If Canseco is still juicing he may destroy Dykstra buuuuuuuut, if Dykstra has an insider deal with the promoters it may be his night in the eyes of the "judges". 8) It also amuses me that these people are called celebrities.
  15. I'm going through all of Third Avenue's letters and found this in the second quarter of this year for the Third Avenue Real Estate Fund, My bold.
  16. Where do the cheeseburgers fit into that equation? Doesn't he eat one of those a day with a Cherry Coke? ;D
  17. If my math is correct, that's 0.007 of a teaspoon. Doesn't sound like much.
  18. Pepsi's throwback edition with real sugar tastes fantastic. ;D
  19. This is just me, but if Baupost is that secretive about their info and asked you to stop, then it wouldn't be a good idea to post it here either. Parsad does a great job at keeping this forum running smoothly and we can't jeopardize that.
  20. I had to do a double take of your title there. Good on him.
  21. I'm not sure if forex is an issue for you, but last I checked RBCDI allowed $U.S. inside registered accounts. This is anecdotal at best but I've read online from different sources that iTrade has frequent technical problems, I don't see the same from RBC. I'm not sure if you've seen Rob Carrick's rankings or not. I don't know how much info is really helpful. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/2010-online-broker-rankings/the-12th-annual-online-broker-rankings/article1790577/ MDJ seems to update his comparison regularly. http://www.milliondollarjourney.com/review-canadian-discount-brokerages.htm
  22. I had a similar poll asked on another forum that I go to. It was interesting to see the fields of study for everyone since some posts and viewpoints align with the type of field studied. It was noted there that those with an engineering or math background (which seemed to be the majority of that board) tend to lean toward fact and a more analytical approach to life and investing than those with other backgrounds. I studied Architecture so that's me. One of the tests done found I was an information gatherer and fact finder. (you know those personality tests they sometimes make you do).
  23. I was wondering the same thing. A rail seems like an odd choice for an activist investor, assuming like you allude to, he stays with him MO.
  24. A friend of mine who works in the media lucked out and got an advanced copy. His only take away from the book was that Jobs was a total and complete ass. In Kevin O'Leary's book he also eluded to that.........................but Kevin O'Leary went to California to ask Jobs for $50M. I may be a bit irate and start swearing too. 8)
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