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Everything posted by augustabound

  1. Yes, Architecture. The online courses are nothing more than a general interest for me. Of course there's always this, http://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/mit-challenge/ He tries to learn MIT's 4 year computer science program in 12 months.
  2. I'm on my 3rd and I'm confident that I'll finish this one since it has my attention and I find it really interesting (Dan Ariely's A Beginner's Guide to Irrational Behavior). It has real life, relatable examples and he's engaging. I've given up twice on Model Thinking since it just doesn't live up to what I had thought it was. I just see a bunch of useless data that neatly fits into a model that they create around it. The problem is more my own since I relate models to Munger rather than University math course.
  3. Just a reminder that the Dan Ariely course starts in 2 weeks. https://www.coursera.org/course/behavioralecon Also model thinking is being offered again but it seems the recognition for it isn't being renewed. In an email from coursera I was alerted to the course being offered again last Monday. When I look at the timeline for quizzes and exams it's from last year. So they seem to offer the course for us general interest people, but no credit. Which is fine by me. A new feature of Coursera is the signiture tracker. I think the cost is about $39 and you need a valid piece of government issued I.D. Drivers license, international student card, passport etc. I'm assuming that's so you can show a little skin and the instuctor will let a late quiz pass. :P Nah, part of the I.D. process is your face and also your typing and language patterns. (I find that interesting they can associate a person with typing, very Law and Order of them ;D )
  4. I see "Uncle Warren" has recommended this in his letter also, time to spend the $4 for the kindle version I guess. ;D Nah, for $18 I'll buy the hardcover. I'm finding that I really enjoy the book in my hand rather than an electronic device. They also look great on the bookshelf which seems to be a relic of the past.
  5. Just a random thought probably posted in the wrong thread :P I wonder how likely a spin off is after the dynamic duo are gone. With its size, Berkshire could spin Berkshire Insurance off of Berkshire Holdings................or Hathaway Holdings
  6. I don't remember them specifying a time. Can you imagine the traffic to their web host at 4:01 if that was the case. ;D
  7. No surprise in this graphic really. Aside from Charlie I guess, WEB mentions Ajit the most. Hover your mouse over the persons name to see the quotes. http://graphics.wsj.com/from-the-mouth-of-warren-buffett/ I guess the Journal is trying to warm people up for the annual letter. ;D
  8. Would he put his investors money up for a personal vendetta? Maybe someone like Icahn would.........
  9. Along with most that are already mentioned here I'll add Patient Capital and Trinity Bank. I have only read one of Trinity Banks shareholder letters but I seem to remember the letter was pretty good. I'll have to dig it up and read it again. Edit - Sorry, I saw Trinity on the spreadsheet but added Tweedy Browne.
  10. I can't think of a picture I've seen Charlie smile in......................must have been the cookie. :P
  11. Oh no, no, come on Sham. I've been a follower of his blog since he started it. Labelled an "Aggrevated felon". I hope for his sake this isn't one of those cases of the cockroach theory. (Where there's one there's bound to be dozens more).
  12. Four sources of buy ideas from The Aleph Blog.
  13. I've attempted Buffett's "Start with the A's" twice now. I even started with the Z's once (my thinking was his A's comment went viral through the investing boards, blogs and general media that lots of people would start at A). I have yet to make it to B...............or Y that other time. Adam at valueuncovered made it through the OTC market http://www.valueuncovered.com/a-journey-through-the-pink-sheets-3698-stocks-later . He's got a great blog if you haven't seen it. He's been pretty quite for a while now (lack of ideas) but his blog along with Nate's oddballstocks are my 2 favourite for sure. Always quality posts at both.
  14. I may have to add that to my list. ;D
  15. That was awful. How do I get those 45 minutes of my life back..... Carl Icahn seemed to me like the old fighter who knows he can't do it anymore but can't say no to a fight. Ackman is both arrogant and smart, those are the guys you don't get into an argument with.
  16. Me too. I just hope I can manage to watch the games this year. I'm in the under 5 hours since having our second daughter last January. Must see TV for me, 12 Saturdays in the fall for Notre Dame football and 4 days in April for the Masters. All the rest is hit and miss with the odd Jays game last year. I just found Boardwalk Empire last week while reading an interview with Mark Wahlberg. So add that to all the other shows I want to catch up on at some point, Breaking Bad and The Sopranos. Yes, years later I still haven't really seen much in the way of the Sopranos. And I still have to finish the last season of Entourage. My wife bought all 7 seasons of The West Wing before our first daughter was born almost 4 years ago and we've managed to watch the series twice through. Here's a good list of shows I found last week. http://www.imdb.com/list/BWXx2ZSNkjg/ I've added a couple of more shows to my wish list after seeing this. More shows I'd like to see that I don't have time for. ;D
  17. Google finance shows the $10 dividend for me. Current yield 2.77. https://www.google.ca/finance?q=PINK%3AFRFHF&hl=en&ei=eDj8UPDdGo2DrQHgGQ
  18. MGG piqued my interest last year and it wound up where all the ideas have ended up, if a favourites folder and partially forgotten about. I just started looking again this week oddly enough but got sidetracked again, this time with Sandstorm Gold. ................I'm in need of better time management obviously. :D
  19. There was a good thread on younger owner managers last year here. http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/general-discussion/who-are-the-owner-managers-to-own-for-the-next-20-years We could expand on that list perhaps.
  20. Amen. I didn't get much past the first paragraph. He's trying way too hard to sound smart. That almost never works. Same here. Granted, I only read it out of curiosity from globalfinancepartners post. The whole tone of the letter screamed, look at how smart I am and how much money I've made out of nothing in college..............I mean, how much money he's made for his "partners". ;) We all knew that kid in high school English class who used big words to sound smart for the teacher. He was a jackass that nobody liked. But ended up rich. :P
  21. Their first Canadian dealership is going in at Yorkdale mall in Toronto. I've been working on the Yorkdale site and wondered why that name sounded familiar. http://www.auto123.com/en/news/tesla-announces-its-first-canadian-dealership?artid=147876
  22. You know, in some cultures that's considered blasphemy. :P But I'm in the same boat as you. I was never fully comfortable with the thought of BRKs life after Buffett and Munger. But from what has been publicized of Ted, I'm getting more comfortable with it.
  23. ;D I'll have to remember that acronym.
  24. And giving a weekly update on his value of Berkshire.
  25. Looking forward to all 349 pages. :P Thanks for posting. No subscription, the pdf is directly linked from the blog post linked in the O.P.
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