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Everything posted by DCG

  1. Added to FCAU, BAC, VZ, and OXY. This selloff seems silly to me.
  2. ?
  3. You bought all those in one day?
  4. I guess my question is if someone is going to just buy an index fund (which is a good idea for most people), what are they really going to get out of a book? Bogle's main goal is to convince people to use Vanguard.
  5. I'm happy with Scottrade, but usually only make a handful of trades a year. Marks"et orders usually fill instantly, but I find trying to time buys/sells down to the penny/second comical.
  6. This thread is hilarious...and yeah...the passport is one of the most hideous looking phones I've ever seen.
  7. Just curious, what did/does your company do?
  8. Outerwall (the company that owns RedBox). DVDs are on their way out.
  9. There's a favorable write-up on American Express in this week's Barrons - which means the stock will likely now tank.
  10. Did your friend use the patel employee arbitrage system?( This isn't copyrighted... yet.). Buy hotel and fire all staff members. Replace staff with family members or friends from India. Creating a win/win. The employees make more money here in the U.S. vs India. Plus with hard work maybe in the future one of the patels can finance them a hotel of there own. The hotel owner now has a sustainable competitive advantage with the lowest cost of labor. That is the key element of the Patel hotel empire. Many new families to the US from Pakistan and etc are copying this blueprint. Interesting..How many hotels do you have?
  11. Ca$hvertising and The New Rules of Marketing & PR are pure gold.
  12. I've had a 'free' subscription to Barrons for the last few years (I cancelled the subscription, but they've still never cancelled my digital access ;) ) and it seems like the recent history of Barrons is this: -Publish a favorable or negative article on a company/stock. -1-3 months later: publish an updated article saying they were completely wrong. -Repeat this process for 90% of their articles.
  13. Do you mean because of the actual business or because of the valuation? Valuation aside, he invested in Walmart, so I wouldn't rule out him investing in Amazon at the right price.
  14. Fairfax would already be well north of $1,000 if their investing results over the last 7 or so years wasn't so awful.
  15. Maybe not the worst ever, but Eddie Lampert buying back billions of SLHD stock at prices between $100-$150/share was pretty bad. Pretty sure Michael Dell made a lot of awful buyback decisions as well.
  16. My issue with Tesla is that in 10 or so years all auto manufacturers will be able to produce battery-powered cars, and probably do it cheaper than Tesla.
  17. Boring stocks I guess, but I think Visa and Mastercard still have huge growth potential over the next several decades. In the restaurant industry, I think CMG, Noodles & Company, and BWLD have a lot of room for growth ahead.
  18. So is there any real evidence of an oversupply of cars?
  19. That's assuming they remove their hedges at the right time, and they've been dead wrong on timing for the last 6 or so years. Their hedges have blocked an enormous amount of shareholder value.
  20. Bought some MKL and OXY.
  21. This sounds like the complete opposite of CNBC.
  22. So what happened to the mobile version? Clicking the Mobile button from the homepage as described above doesn't work. It opens the mobile view, but doesn't let me log in, and changes to the desktop view when you open any threads.
  23. Well, how much longer do you expect him to live?
  24. The fact that he's 90, not 80, gave it away for me.
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