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Everything posted by DCG

  1. He is a f**kin' lunatic. https://youtu.be/XRnVdgmnBHA (How do you embed Youtube videos on here? It happens automatically on all other forums I'm on.) Taxpayer funds paying for wall construction and resources spent on "voter fraud" in an election he won Regarding Mexico paying for the stupid wall. [/size]"Ultimately it will come out of what's happening with Mexico". [/size]I’m just telling you, there will be a payment. It will be in a form. Perhaps a complicated form”. [/size]WTF does this even mean?
  2. I got about a 3rd of the way through it, and sort of got bored and moved onto something else. Maybe I should revisit it. I found his writing pretty boring, and thought he included way too much useless information. I don't like how it's a full year-by-year summary of the company.
  3. So yeah, he apparently Tweeted about this shortly after the Boeing CEO hurt his feelings: http://mindy-fischer-writer.com/2016/12/boeing-deal/ So pathetic.
  4. Until the Libertarian party can produce a candidate that isn't a complete joke like Gary Johnson, it's tough for people to take the party seriously on any level.
  5. I don't know, but I do know that doing something and tweeting about it are quite different things.
  6. Well, there's also.. "Trump did not say why he believes the planes will cost "more than $4 billion." Boeing says currently has an Air Force Once contract worth $170 million." and "So far the Air Force has budgeted $2.9 billion through 2021 for two new Air Force Ones, which will replace the aging pair of blue, white and polished aluminum 747-200Bs serving the President. " $2.9 billion still seems like an extreme cost for 2 airplanes, but not sure where trump is getting $4 billion from (other than that he just makes half the shit he says up).
  7. Trump quote aside, I don't understand this board's fascination with Mohnish Pabrai. What are his long term returns? From all that I've seen, he's just another average investor that doesn't do any better than an index fund.
  8. I see Fairfax as an ok insurance company with a terrible investment team.
  9. So incredibly disappointed in our country. Terrifying.
  10. There are so many entrepreneur interview podcasts out there. This one is pretty good, but I could do without the background music.
  11. This should be the nail in the coffin of his trainwreck of a campaign, but nothing he says seems to deter his supporters, so who knows at this point. Seems tough to win an election without a single woman vote.
  12. Did he get bankruptcy protection that year?
  13. I love how trump literally repeated his statement of Clinton not having the look of a president, and then changed it to stamina, and then tried to make it look like it was the media's fault for misreporting that he said 'look. ;D The birther question really destroyed any momentum he had in the debate. His response was incoherent nonsense, and then he tried to change the subject to Isis. He implied he should get a lot of credit for opening a "non-racist club", and then followed it up a few minutes later with saying the DNC hacker might have been a 400 lb person sitting in their bed. Trump melted down after about 30min or so and became an incoherent mess. I was surprised how well Hillary was able to keep with him - I guess that's stamina. Several times tonight after he finished screaming whatever rambling BS was running through his head, I found myself not remembering what the question was or even what he'd just finished saying. Lester Holt will get some knocks for letting Trump run wild, and some are deserved, but honestly there was no containing that man tonight. He was completely out of control - interrupting constantly, like a 5-year-old.
  14. He would likely decide to build the wall out of gold.
  15. I typically have a few beers (or sometimes a glass or two of wine) on Friday and Saturday nights. Once in a while during the week, but not often. I'll smoke weed a few times a year. Haven't touched anything harder in probably over 10 years.
  16. Trump called Obama the 'founder of Isis', and Hillary the co-founder. "It says something that someone can scale a high-rise tower with only suction cups, and still be less of a lunatic than the man who owns it. " - James Martin
  17. Dan Rather's comments: http://money.cnn.com/2016/08/10/media/dan-rather-donald-trump/index.html?sr=fbCNN081016dan-rather-donald-trump0123PMStoryLink&linkId=27514150 [/size]New York Daily News is calling for Trump to end his campaign: http://money.cnn.com/2016/08/10/media/new-york-daily-news-donald-trump-campaign/index.html?iid=EL [/size]What would be the process to have Trump removed from the race? Would it need to be done by the GOP? This is the biggest joke of a campaign ever ran on this level. He is truly dangerous to society.
  18. Does Trump suggesting that someone assassinates Hillary destroy his campaign? It seems like he can say whatever he wants and his supporters could care less. Trump is going to get obliterated in the debates as long as Hillary tries to not say a whole lot, and just let Trump dig his own grave.
  19. I think Bloomberg would've been a good candidate in whichever party he wanted to run in.
  20. I think Bloomberg would've been a good candidate in whichever party he wanted to run in.
  21. well I don't think either of them answered a single question she asked them.
  22. Just...WOW: https://mobile.twitter.com/mikehearn/status/755260215021432832/video/1 Also, the 60 Minutes interview is an absolute trainwreck: http://digg.com/2016/full-interview-trump-pence-60-minutes
  23. I bought a small amount of Amazon at around $190/share, when everyone was saying how overpriced it was then. At current prices though, it seems like either Amazon is over valued or Berkshire is greatly undervalued. Maybe a combination of both.
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