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Everything posted by Xerxes

  1. Henceforward MuddyWater shall be renamed as DummyWater
  2. There is 3-4 page Fortune article on the topic: https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2007/03/19/8402326/index.htm
  3. Maybe, it still take mindshare from CFO and CEO to prepare for tomorrow and deal with it. But what can I say: game is the game dawg.
  4. Xerxes


    The two of them make a great couple !
  5. clawed its way back and locked in a hair above $1,400.
  6. Maybe (just maybe) MuddyWater folks are actually geniuses. They are actually long the stock, but they know just putting a bullish call doesn’t do the trick on a dormant volcano.
  7. Hi Spooky, AKRE Management had removed the original article, all Google searches point to other people' content/review that they have layered on top of that now unavailable article. I thought I had found it, but it looks to be gone. I am going to try to find it. Somewhat related: i noticed that the gentleman who does the Business Brew podcast had an interview with the gentleman who wrote that article (Chris Cerrone) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chris-cerrone-a-simple-quality-discussion/id1540847053?i=1000549877526
  8. In contrast Apple has removed gobbs of shares outstanding at 30x earning.
  9. The Essay "The Art of Not Selling", which was mentioned on the podcast and elsewhere
  10. Xerxes


    I think we are talking pass each other. or I am not getting the subtle jabs. Like it or not, the media in India has tons of propaganda and biases, like everywhere else. Qatar’ Al Jazzera has its own agenda: the soft power of Qatar making waves against its rivals. Where the difference is that WION (or whatever is called) and the likes of it are there to “influence” the thinking of the domestic audience. In contrast, Qatar is an absolute monarchy. So they are in little need of local domestic brainwashing. So the intended audience is outward and they are more subtle. And more factual given their fractured foreign audience. Have you noticed that all (or most) of the English speaking hosts/journalists in Al Jazeera speak with the English accent. To capture the BBC aura, which is a global outlet. By the way, Modi is not perfect. Perhaps he is the leader that India needs at the moment but he is not infallible. And I realize I cannot be saying these things. And since you asked: I enjoy brainwashing myself on a weekly basis with The Economist. I read and watch a lot, but the subtle but yet decisive influence in my thinking comes from The Economist.
  11. I could only imagine how many people Prem pulled in to work over the weekend just for that note that came this morning.
  12. Xerxes


    My most trusted source … lol. you got to be kidding me.
  13. I listened to the full Tucker interview. Clearly Putin is talking to an American audience who will be voting in the next six months. For me the take away, is how cognitive and sharp he was given advanced age. Maybe he had too many espressos. He was in control and on the ball on his intended message. He gave a full 30 minutes of his version of Russian history, with names and years. Debate the content of his message but this is not the Putin of mid-2022 who was derailed, shocked and awed, Wagnored and who appeared pale. PS: I found it funny that although he was quoting dates from centuries ago on Russian history, when he was asked by Tucker what year was it that he met Bush in the US, he was like “check on-line I don’t remember”
  14. I was there for two full days. Stayed in KLCC. At the Trader’ Hotel. Was so proud to see the high rise outside my hotel window was that of an Exxon building. I actually spend an almost full day going south toward Malacca. A must see for anyone who likes history. spend the other day with Batu Caves, and markets. All of which are far away from my hotel. It is good idea to hire a driver or use public transport if you have time. In the same day, I went to other Hindu, Muslim and Chinese places of worship. I found Malaysia fascinating. Three distinct groups of people co exist and you see that in the very fabric of their society. There are multiple dynasties reigning over different regions, and one which becomes the federal sultan as a reigning “federal” monarch on a rotating basis.
  15. wow. Did MuddyWaters helped FFH by establishing a technical floor for a previously “overbought” stock !!
  16. Great episode with The Chuck. This dude is awesome. Covers Mastercard, how he and his team don’t want to talk about Visa and MC enduring advantage (heh?), O’Reilly, 100x bagger book, some folky talk on American Tower, ROIC just an all in great episode.
  17. Yeap Tucker is there for Tucker. Exclusive interview.
  18. Few years I complained about FFH not being on NYSE for that added liquidity etc looks like not being there may actually helping them
  19. That is quite a coup for Tucker ! Man the first half hour Putin is going over a 1,000 year history.
  20. Who knows maybe the “attention” that this thing generates may end up helping in the medium term, bringing it a premium
  21. Why is Becky on CNBC making the comment that “well they survive the last bear attack”. it is not about survival or not. It is about the merit of the last bear attack.
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