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Everything posted by Jaygo

  1. Jaygo


    More insults...well played
  2. Jaygo


    You sir are an embarrassment. I hope in your lifetime you are not treated like shit and discriminated against. But many of your fellow Canadians were, myself included. The "truckers" had a lot of support from other human beings desperate for their liberty. This was evident by the thousands of people gathered on highway overpasses across the country cheering them on, and the the amount of money raised in support. The protests were peaceful and the extreme nature of the protest was justified since the government overreach was also extreme. Your calling other people hicks shows you are clueless, and all together completely unsympathetic to other peoples plight. My guess is you think you are shrewd, educated and all together on a higher level than a man who drives a truck for a living. Our government turned from reasonable to tyrants in a matter of months. Every Canadian, you included, had their rights taken away and you seem blind to that.
  3. Bought a little bit of ATD pre earnings to top up to a 5% holding in my RRSP. Winners win with good earnings but better return to shareholders. However some mildly scary line items of lower fuel volumes, read that as you wish. 45 shares of Tim Hortons parent RBI for my RRSP. Its a work from home is bullshit and everyone better get back to the office unless they want to be the ones getting layed off in the upcoming slowdown play. 50 shares of ATZ to keep my monthly fill. While knowing it will probably get a shit kicking at some point, recession bla bla bla. I do think it is prudent to keep adding slowly as the business expands. I'm convinced the girls buying these cloths are not economically sensitive and this thing will run for a long time. Joe Biden pausing tuition dept payments is a not insignificant tailwind I sold a touch of BRK to add to JOE ( didn't catch the low 30's a few weeks ago but 35 is close enough ) ( Gregmal combined with some random architecture article highlighting the beauty and livability of rosemary beach and seaside got me a little too excited to not average down) I sold some TJX after a 30% gain in a couple months, I still like it very much. However I just wanted to take my profits so I put the proceeds in to Amazon My gut tells me the market is ready to start rolling off again. I like to follow my gut in the least self destructive ways so for the first time ever, I bought a GIC, 30K at %5.08 that i get back in November 23. I did this as a bit of an experiment. I like the idea a will get a slug of cash back at a specified time. I have no idea of the future but i could see this as a way to have "cash" but not have to actually hold cash and make market decisions. Time will tell.
  4. The demonizing of the oil industry is so odd. It really shows how stupid people are. we have this miracle product that has risen our standard of living to 100 fold and people shit on it. I remember front page news when 500 geese died on a tailings pond in fort Mac. Sad to be sure, but on any given day people are out shooting ducks with birdshot and we call it sport. a funnier anecdote was a snowmobile weekend with some great friends. We’re sitting around a huge natural gas fireplace in my buddies 3 bedroom cabin perched by the lake. We’re all drinking spirits from around the world and my friend is going off on how bad fossil fuels are. This is an intelligent person generally but I laid into him with vigor. Dude we just burnt 200 bucks of premium in our sleds, drank wine from New Zealand and had steaks from Alberta, shrimp and veggies from who knows where. Now we’re toasty by a fire in the middle of winter 300 km from our currently heated homes. Yep these fossil fuels are terrible. he did not really see the irony in it all
  5. I’m only down about 6 percent from my all time high. Not too painful nor excited about much yet. Still buying bits of aritzia and tjx. Both doing really well. trading around brk with hits and misses. I was kind of hoping for a swoosh down with lots of fear and angst to get long some North American industrials and a tech index. Nothing yet. I am looking pretty hard at alimentation couche tard thinking they may follow the path of auto zone with significant repurchases now that the market told them the carrefour deal was a no go.
  6. I watched all quiet on the western front last night. It was very well done and nice to see the German side. Not that it needs to be said but war is a terrifying and ultimately shameful part of the human condition. One day humans will evolve to peace but it could very well be many millennia away. there is a scene where they reuse the fallen soldiers uniforms and the industrial scale of the repurposing really hits home. It gives the impression that boots and cloth had a greater value than the young lives ended. It is tragic stuff but I can’t look away. I have been captivated by war since I was in grade school but fully against it in every manner. my grandfather was a pow in France during the Spanish civil war. He spend two years living off rats and gruel while being beaten for his political views. He was a tall man but just over 100 lbs when sent home. Humans are unique in their cruelty.
  7. 1. Teaching and watching my kids learn (science, reading, gymnastics, math, languages, its all amazing) 2. playing donkey kong on Nintendo Wii and board games with my kids, my son is convinced i'm the best gamer in the world. 3. listening to music, drinking wine and making dinner with my wife and kids 4. I pretend that i'm a homesteader. My wife thinks i'm a lunatic but I try and keep our house heated with wood as late into the winter as i can. I love everything that goes along with it. Riding around on my Polaris, cutting up trees, splitting and stacking. the whole bit. I have a wood stove in my basement and in the living room on the main. 5. Drinking with with my buddies, it doesn't happen much anymore since we are all mid thirties and have kids and responsibilities. A night of drinking and talking shit really does soothe the soul. A couple weeks ago I went to a Jays game with my best friend of 31 years. We walked home to his place and hit a dozen bars on the way. Even delivered a round of joints to a homeless camp. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I would put intellectual pursuits, investing or reading good literature in there somewhere but if fun and joy is the question these top five are it.
  8. I read it this morning after a reco by Burry on twitter. If what he says is remotely accurate, is there anyone more geared up for massive capex than Mr Greg Able running our big beautiful baby! May hinder the buybacks though
  9. I follow SRU.u very closely. I live and work right around the largest project and see their properties everywhere. This is a major covered land play with a big distribution. I dont expect to shoot the lights out but see my investment as a very long term 10 % per year. Unless you have millions and want to go into development this is the best way to capitalize on the the flattest land with the fewest natural disasters that has abundant resources and will most likely be home to 40 or 50 million people in the next 50 years. Find me another juridiction like that and i'm all ears. The corridor from Windsor to Quebec city will slowly grow with a very high probability. Smart Centres is right there along for the ride. To me we have an inevitable thing going on in Ontario. We have a culture of acceptance and being the neighbor of the US we will attract as many immigrants as we as a country allow. Currently around 2% population growth for the whole country. Ontario has decent weather and more importantly lots of flat farmland that is cheap to develop on. Smart centres is the best way to play this long term via the stock market. The way i see it is we have this company that is keeping the lights on plus a bit of profit with the most un-cyclical company as their anchor tenant. Sure Walmart gets a great deal on rent but it draws in lots of traffic day after day, that brings smaller tenant to the table and that is where you get the margins from. So we have a major retail footprint in every single large town and medium city in Ontario and Quebec plus a few in the remaining provinces. 185 Centres in total. These towns are the epitome of suburban Canada and most of the centres are on major through fares and and slated for population growth. Smart centres has a few thousand acres ranging from farmland to properties valued at 5 million an acre that they are slowly densifying. They make money on retail leasing, land sales, development and often take a JV role in many of the new businesses such as retirement homes, self storage, hotels and apartments. I am not a financials guy and this is major 1st level thinking by the way.
  10. Atz.to prior to great earnings today for the taxable HDV high Div in the us for my rrsp and LEI etf in Canada for monthly dividends in the tfsa. if we get another 9 to 18 months of downward pressure I want to average in about 15000 per quarter roughly. Today felt good but am prepared to buy anything I bought today considerably lower. My bias is Canadian so if we have a housing crash up here all bets are off.
  11. Blue Jays Playoff tickets. 2 wild card games and game 4 for the next round.
  12. How do you think the would the market price that in? Any semblance of growth would get rebid?
  13. Covered call who? I'm more than happy to pick up dribs and drabs of extra stock here and there. The main reason I do this with my boring stalwart holdings is because Im accumulating them and they dont tend to move too quickly on news so its more market sentiment timing and less business items moving the stock. Realistically if Brk ran away and we were in a bull market id just buy it higher and not worry. I originally bought in the low 1 hundreds and up and up since then. 230 before covid and 168 during. Higher or lower i dont care. I just want the total number of B shares in my hands to go up year after year. These trades make that happen more often than not. My new shiny object is a brand with alot of volatility outside of market sentiment so I wont dare trade it. I expect to buy up and down from here for the next decade as the market whipsaws and it will most likely whipsaw more than the market. The idea is accumulation so I wont trade it since it could shoot up materially and i dont want to be faced with some sort of mind freeze.
  14. I do it all the time in my registered accounts. I figure that if I can lower my cost or get more shares than it’s a bonus. I only do it with holdings that I intend to keep forever so if I’m loosing on a trade I don’t care one bit. I’d say I’m at about a 70% success rate. I do it with brk, Amazon, suncor and csu most often. I have done it with msge a few times as well which has shaved about $16 off my average of $66. one success story was that I sold brk at 323 or so. Sweated hard as it hit 360 but got back in in the low 300’s. Made about 4K round trip. I now have 13 extra shares in my long term holding.
  15. A book that is based on the the Spartan culture and the battle at Thermopylae against the Persian invasion. The book is in an interesting format. It is told by the soul survivor of the Spartan 300 battle group after the battle at the Hell Gate. He is recounting his tale to the Persian King Xerxes himself. It is essentially the story from the movie 300 but it is very detailed. As far a historical fiction goes this book has a elevated tone of philosophy and leadership lessons in it. An excellent read and would definitely put it on my recommendation list going forward.
  16. Bought some google, I give these guys a little over a grand a month and i am a microscopic company. I cant imagine ever stopping this advertising unless a far superior competitor comes up. Other than fuel this is my largest expense after labour. Figure i should start clawing it back, Own what you know kind of thing. This may be highly flawed reasoning but I like that they are not relying on China for their growth like starbucks and many other global American companies have been. Alos bought a bit of TJX and added more Aritzia too. I figure they are both great companies, well run and growing, with people going back to the office these guys should do ok short term, if not I dont really care as I want to own more long term.
  17. I would agree. He is more a speculator and sharp minded too so sprinkle in some charts and Math you get the swings in and out. an investor is someone like akre, Buffett, and lynch who buy businesses for their merit and only sell when the business no longer represents what you want to be an owner of.
  18. We were on the east side in Lake Superior provincial park in Ontario. We Camped on the beach and did some canoeing inland with the kids on calm lakes. in one day we waded through waterfalls, canoed on a glass flat lake without seeing another soul for hours and then finished with a visit to an awesome crescent shaped beach like you see in the Caribbean. this was the cheapest most memorable trip I’ve taken.
  19. Lake Superior is epic. The weather was perfect so that helps but most would not believe this is Ontario. An absolutely amazing trip with the family. the wilderness there is tough to beat from seclusion and raw Beauty
  20. I am also going to lake superior provincial park in the second week of august, 4 nights at Agawa bay campground. It looks amazing
  21. Cubs, this is the problem with high minded aholes like the above. He is willing sacrifice others under the guise of saving the world. Sure, maybe he does not use fossil fuels and is a role model for all of us, if not he should shut his trap because hypocrisy is a really bad look. Aside from the completely amoral idea of a few dictating the fate of the many, these people do not consider the lives and freedom of others or their plight. Sure lets tell starving people who dying today " dont worry, this will be good for our future grandchildren" CO2 caused global warming may or may not be a thing, Ive seen convincing studies showing both sides, some say we have the lowest CO2 levels in history and could just as easily slip into another ice age, some say fire and brimstone. I'm not smart nor stupid enough to say I know for sure. I do know pollution is bad and burning coal increases it and fills the air and ocean with mercury and we need to take steps to clean up our act. Good stewarship of fossil fuels will probably be the saving grace for humanity just like it has been since it started being used. Ask the whales if they were happy about the discovery of kerosene.
  22. Gregmal and perhaps wabuffalo I am wholly in your camp here but sadly only theoretically, my gut tells me i am wrong and so are you. My problem is that as much as I agree the curent inflation is very much tied to poor leadership, more so that errors in policy could quickly be righted thus allowing goods and services to flow smoothly filling demand and adjusting prices to the market. What if the errors in policy dont go away? if you've read atlas shrugged this will feel eerily familiar. What if the people who are pulling the strings dont stop, what if they decide that farmers are evil profiteers next? example is somehow energy has become a dirty word, but people dont realize that they literally would not exist without cheap fossil fuels, no cheap fuel your ass would not be here nor would another 6 billion of your friends. If I am not mistaken the great depression causes come down to a massive waterfall of bad policy decisions globally that increased protectionism and killed animal spirits. Is that not the road we are on now? all of this talk of limiting exports, reshoring and the like are very similar to what they had then. Not a prediction nor prognostication but it rests in my mind to balance my feeling of a good economy once capitalism is allowed to get back to business.
  23. I bought a bit of Aritzia, GFL, Smart centres, and Joe today. All current holdings but just adding on what seem to me like good prices when I had a slug of cash come in. I sold half my Brk at 331 on the way up and was in pain watching it get into the 360's I may just buy it all back now. I need to focus on work and am probably best putting my cash back in here and not watching the markets for a while. My customers are banging the door down so dicking around with stocks would be a poor waste of mental energy considering my trading portfolio size
  24. Its very interesting. I am trying to build out a niche business right now. To be fair and honest with myself If i left the business shit would hit the fan so fast the terminal value would screech to a halt. Id take 1 x sales just for the existing customers. My mom thinks I am a business titan because I have some fortune 50 customers, my kids think im a janitor who is always dirty, my wife and my accountant knows im just another plumber, doctor, architect you name it job masquerading as a mini corp. Time for money or no money without the time. Ive always thought i could expand into a larger operation similar to what you are looking at and then I quickly ducked back into the comfortable dustbin I dared crawl out of. My worry with any of these acquisitions is that the customer and vendor relationship turns out to be the secret sauce, maybe that means better margins or outright customers leaving when the original vendor leaves. I hope it works out for you.
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