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Everything posted by formthirteen

  1. Welcome to the unevenly distributed future.
  2. I switched BOL.PA to EDEN.PA this week. I will keep ODET in my portfolio. I'm a bit disappointed in myself for not putting everything in ODET from the start.
  3. Bye, bye BOL.PA.
  4. Interesting history book. Thank you.
  5. European ignorance and weakness invited Putin and Russia to their backdoor. If you have a Russian bear in your backyard, you don't keep the door wide open. Good riddance to all that. Follow the money: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/03/05/has-europe-spent-more-on-russian-oil-and-gas-than-aid-to-ukraine-as-trump-claims
  6. Started watching Paradise: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27444205/ E1 and E2 were pretty good. Expecting it to get even better...
  7. https://www.morningstar.com/markets/german-fiscal-bazooka-sends-euro-bund-yields-surging
  8. Foundations: Why Britain has stagnated https://archive.ph/JhtDP
  9. What Does Xi’s Meeting With Entrepreneurs Mean for the Private Sector? https://carnegieendowment.org/posts/2025/02/what-does-xis-meeting-with-entrepreneurs-mean-for-the-private-sector?lang=en
  10. It's from ISW (https://understandingwar.org/). I suggest everyone participating in this thread apply for the open position of Russia Researcher in Washington, DC and/or the War Studies Advanced Program (myself included): https://hertogfoundation.org/programs/war-studies Sales pitch: https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/dhOCKjNEDHI4T?
  11. https://x.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1896377255200178305/
  12. Even energy issues are being addressed: https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/articles/cabinet-moves-to-reverse-italys-anti-nuclear-stance https://www.innovationnewsnetwork.com/the-interplay-between-complicated-and-complex-tasks-the-revival-of-swedish-nuclear-power/54727/
  13. Yes, the future is looking good for the EU after the European commission started the war on red tape with the goal of cutting red-tape by 25-35%: https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-making-process/better-regulation/simplification-and-implementation_en They could start by removing banning the cookie popups and save the world millions of hours lost to waiting for and clicking popups. Deregulation is not rocket science. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2025/02/25/deregulation-row-could-overshadow-eus-flagship-clean-tech-plan
  14. How the British Broke Their Own Economy https://archive.ph/2025.03.03-161011/https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/03/uk-needs-abundance/681877/#selection-868.0-868.5 £100 million on a bat shield
  15. Elon seems to be listening to audiobooks.
  16. You are correct. It's mostly macro worries, and I'm not an expert, so I don't care that much about the cycle when it comes to VALE. China steel production was down 5.5% in 2024: https://worldsteel.org/media/press-releases/2025/january-2025-crude-steel-production/ China's property crisis and peak steel demand: https://www.mining.com/web/iron-ores-reset-to-100-heralds-chinas-new-economy-shift/ Overcapacity: https://gmk.center/en/infographic/chinas-steel-market-in-2021-2023-overcapacity-and-export-growth/ It's incredible to see Europe doing mostly nothing so far about their situation: https://luxmetalgroup.com/global-steel-prices-plunge-unraveling-chinas-real-estate-crisis-and-its-ripple-effects/
  17. I think I will be buying VALE even though it could be the top of the cycle. Any iron ore experts here?
  18. Yes, it's not the type of business I would invest in. It seems to be a stock that is on its way to zero. People still like to gamble on these types of stocks.
  19. Yes, the world needs more guys like him: https://archive.is/yNGB0#selection-2376.0-2376.1 But not too many. I don't know where the equilibrium is but we're on the right track.
  20. Thanks. If the countries across the world are smart they will copy the Chinese:
  21. I had a dream where they bought INTC for that piggy bank money. I'm not sure how I could profit from this. I already own OXY. Here's Perplexity's (R1) ”how to position for potential financial gains”:
  22. Definitely possible if someone at the Pentagon takes a look at what is happening in Ukraine and puts 2 and 2 together. Anduril was founded eight years ago and is innovating more than all of those companies together: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anduril_Industries
  23. Seems DOGE is getting ideas from this board:
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