The future is bright for cryptocurrency :P:
China has ~70% of the mining power.
My personal opinion is that cryptocurrency is designed in a way that makes it possible to create the biggest bubble of all time. The crazy thing is that if enough people believe in Bitcoin it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. History repeats itself.
I like to speculate that the biggest use for cryptocurrency today is:
1. Money laundering (Russia, China, etc).
2. Transferring money out of the country (Russia, China, etc). See for example Tether
3. Fundraising through ICOs. People will fund anything. If you had a startup idea before cryptocurrencies, good luck with getting any money. Today, just include "ICO" and "blockchain" in the press release and people will literally sell their house and give you their life savings to fund your luxurious lifestyle and crazy ideas.
4. Speculation that there is a greater fool. This includes believing Bitcoin is gold or a currency.
5. Stealing other people's money online through ransomware and hacking exchanges and computers.
6. Buying drugs and guns illegally.
7. Buying things.
8. Making a bet that, for example, Bitcoin will someday become a useful technology. Today it is not.
9. Destabilizing countries. This will become more popular, or might be the reason Bitcoin was created originally.
As you see, I am speculating that the usefulness of Bitcoin today is close to zero unless you are a criminal or you are raising funds. The only thing I would bet on is #8. About the future, I know nothing so I'm not buying any bitcoins.