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Everything posted by Dalal.Holdings

  1. I concede. You guys are right. Cuomo for President. With him running the country, by now, all the nursing homes would be empty - because all the residents would be dead! Have it your way. You love Cuomo and his nursing homes, can't stop talking about him. Must rhyme with "Benghazi" or "Her e-mails" or "Burisma". Anything to take the attention away from your precious Daddy Bone Spurs!
  2. This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets] Yeah, good thing Cuomo stuffed all those poor sick people into those nursing homes, causing the most deaths in the country. Great job Cuomo! Wow that hard for you to say one bad thing about Trump, huh? Sad! The Trump Brigade from the Politics section with their sharp, unbiased analysis as always! Come to rescue their own whenever they sense danger coming in the way of their savior... Ya’ll are making CoBF Great Again just like you made the country! A paradise of prosperity! Good thing your hero Cuomo wasn't President - think of the death toll with him running the country. You just never learn! Why you keep deflecting from Trump? Can’t say his name anymore? You gonna blame the southern states on your scapegoat Cuomo ? Sad how you delude yourself! Still waiting for your assessment of your Daddy Trump.
  3. This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets] Yeah, good thing Cuomo stuffed all those poor sick people into those nursing homes, causing the most deaths in the country. Great job Cuomo! Wow that hard for you to say one bad thing about Trump, huh? Sad! The Trump Brigade from the Politics section with their sharp, unbiased analysis as always! Come to rescue their own whenever they sense danger coming in the way of their savior... Ya’ll are making CoBF Great Again just like you made the country! A paradise of prosperity!
  4. This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom. Tell me about it - kind of like your own "hero worship" of Mayor De Blasio and Gov Cuomo - NOW there are two real leaders that handled this well! Yep they could have done better, but I think Cuomo did well considering the hand he was dealt, though some mistakes were made with a never before seen Pandemic. He's doing a good job with the reopenings though. De Blasio is a straight up clown though and I've said that from day one. Now I challenge you to say one critical thing about your God-Emperor Trump & this Pandemic...[crickets]
  5. This is how they roll. Just look at the "scientists" they find that agree with them on climate change (while dismissing what is a consensus on the opposing side). Astounding level of delusion and/or intentional effort to mislead. Amusing that he says "lockdowns are too expensive". Now watch most of Europe move on from this and leave the U.S. in the dust while we struggle with our "isolate elderly" strategy and economy continues to take a long term beating even without lockdowns... If we follow the lead of folks like this, it will lead us to our doom.
  6. I think some of what we are seeing in the US is a result of what I bolded above. What is unique vs the other countries in that graph is the span of climates the US has. We know that indoor activities increase spread and maybe the largest factor. NY,NJ,CT are indoors more in Feb, March, April, TX, AZ, FL much less so. Now during summer TX, AZ, FL have tropical climates and are seeing outbreaks like Central America. Cuomo said most cases were coming from inside houses in NYC. Most cases likely coming from inside houses/enclosed spaces now. As we all know this is multifactorial but I think comparing graphs of NY, NJ, CT, to UK, Italy makes as much sense as comparing TX, AZ, FL to central america now. In the fall this will likely flip again. Anyone able to find graphs comparing the above states/regions? As much as we believe we can control and stop the virus we cannot control the factors above pushing populations indoors and outdoors. Sweden puts a huge hole in this thesis. It is a very Northerly latitude country... The key variable is obvious and most of the developed world has figured it out--smart lockdowns paired with reopening using objective criteria (and lots of testing). For some reason, Americans just can't figure it out though... "You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.” --WC
  7. Now with that kind of attitude, how will we ever be Great Again?
  8. Maybe he's bored of being President. Onto more important things--protecting us from ANTIFA, CHAZ (all caps makes it scarier), statue vandals, and other things that keep Hannity up at night... Virus that killed 120k? A hoax (duh), and the pandemic was declared "nearly over" on Tuesday in his great AZ speech anyway. Here is our dear leader at work: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1276999704153337859 Mark Cuban is right--this guy enjoys campaigning (by stirring up division and discord), not being President. Oh, and that intel about bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan ? Probably didn't read it...
  9. Scott Gottlieb for the "lockdowns are not worth it" crowd: "See how quickly you can find Sweden on this map...." Now do one with the United States, Scott...
  10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-27/pence-events-postponed-in-arizona-florida-as-virus-cases-spike?sref=zRDgFQcM Funny--your boss just held an indoor rally with thousands on Tuesday...What changed so suddenly? What a clown show. You can no longer accuse this administration of mere negligence when it comes to pandemic--the AZ and OK rallies held in just the past 1 week amount to active spreading of the virus. People will die and healthcare workers in these areas will face the brunt, working night and day dealing with the consequences and exposing themselves... How Great are we now?
  11. I have very clearly distinguished outdoor vs indoor gatherings as have many studies...In fact, indoor interaction in winter time is thought to contribute to seasonality of other viruses that spread via respiratory droplets such as influenza... Bottom line is that lockdowns can work if everyone takes part and then you do phased reopening based on strict criteria. If you have some states that choose not to (thanks to federal lack of leadership and attempts to minimize the pandemic), then you will not do well. The trick is to squash the virus with lockdowns then reopen carefully, but some US states skipped lockdowns or just reopened bc they felt like it. That is why you are seeing vast difference for USA vs most developed countries. My answer to reopening is what NY, NJ, CT are doing...reopening counties in phases based on objective criteria while testing a lot. So now the USA has screwed up the pregame (Jan to Mar), the game itself (Mar to May), and the postgame (June onwards)...but not really surprising considering the managers we have.
  12. Massive protests in early June...in Paris... Nantes, France too And yet... Derp...but I was told to blame the liberal protestors...
  13. Again, simplifying the situation. Yes, it slows down transmission. But then what? Should we be in the lockdown until a vaccine is developed? That could be anywhere between 18 months to forever, based on the initial estimation of experts. Then there are countries like S. Korea, where they never had any lockdown as we have it here or in Europe. Yet, they kept the virus under control. I think that's a strong sign that there are other much more effective measures than the lockdown. LMAO! Ladies and gents, it's thinking like this which is the reason why the U.S. is the outlier on this graph: Science is hard! Ignore the warnings of doctors and epidemiologists and go with Joe Sixpack's gut! We'll do the same with climate change because America is Special and science does not apply here! FYI, here's some places inside the U.S. that used lockdowns with phased reopenings and oh btw had a lot of protests in early June too (note the resemblance with developed countries that did the same):
  14. It is true that 30,000 cases today is not the same as 30,000 cases in April. But, the "just doing more testing" is wrong and is essentially a cover-up. Ontario is testing at roughly the same per-capita rate as Florida. And as I posted up-thread, there is actually an inverse correlation between testing in Ontario and cases. I agree that we aren't at a "gloom and doom" phase. But Texas needed to cancel elective hospital procedures because they reopened bars. This seems like a poor use of your "Rt budget". Don't think that you can attribute solely reopened bars for the increased spread. I think the widespread protests that has been occurring for a month now likely created plenty of vectors for spread. That some places are now seeing outbreaks shouldn't come as a surprise. What is a bit surprising is that NYC, by far the hardest hit city in the US, keeps seeing declines. Both are culprits but to different degrees. Bars are inside an enclosed place exposure, protests (and beaches and parks) are outside in open space exposure. This has dramatic impact on viral load and consequent spread and severity. Doesn’t explain why places with biggest protests are fine tho does it ?? FYI lots of protests happened in big EU cities too a few weeks ago after they saw what happened to Floyd. I think the most likely factor here is that the cities that saw very low levels of spread earlier on are now seeing more. That places like NYC and London continue to see declines in positivity rate despite widespread protests signals that the level of immunity in the population is an important factor. Nope, antibody positive rate in NYC is only about 15-20%. Also many EU cities had big Floyd protests and did not have spread like NYC previously. Try again.
  15. It is true that 30,000 cases today is not the same as 30,000 cases in April. But, the "just doing more testing" is wrong and is essentially a cover-up. Ontario is testing at roughly the same per-capita rate as Florida. And as I posted up-thread, there is actually an inverse correlation between testing in Ontario and cases. I agree that we aren't at a "gloom and doom" phase. But Texas needed to cancel elective hospital procedures because they reopened bars. This seems like a poor use of your "Rt budget". Don't think that you can attribute solely reopened bars for the increased spread. I think the widespread protests that has been occurring for a month now likely created plenty of vectors for spread. That some places are now seeing outbreaks shouldn't come as a surprise. What is a bit surprising is that NYC, by far the hardest hit city in the US, keeps seeing declines. Both are culprits but to different degrees. Bars are inside an enclosed place exposure, protests (and beaches and parks) are outside in open space exposure. This has dramatic impact on viral load and consequent spread and severity. Doesn’t explain why places with biggest protests are fine tho does it ?? FYI lots of protests happened in big EU cities too a few weeks ago after they saw what happened to Floyd.
  16. It is true that 30,000 cases today is not the same as 30,000 cases in April. But, the "just doing more testing" is wrong and is essentially a cover-up. Ontario is testing at roughly the same per-capita rate as Florida. And as I posted up-thread, there is actually an inverse correlation between testing in Ontario and cases. I agree that we aren't at a "gloom and doom" phase. But Texas needed to cancel elective hospital procedures because they reopened bars. This seems like a poor use of your "Rt budget". Don't think that you can attribute solely reopened bars for the increased spread. I think the widespread protests that has been occurring for a month now likely created plenty of vectors for spread. That some places are now seeing outbreaks shouldn't come as a surprise. What is a bit surprising is that NYC, by far the hardest hit city in the US, keeps seeing declines. Nice attempt to spin the narrative to protestors. Last I checked, largest protests were in MN, NYC, DC which are not seeing the spikes. Instead it’s AZ, TX, FL. This is really not that complicated. The physics of droplet spread outdoors with protestors wearing masks is not a significant source of spread. Oh I forgot we like economic tools like regressions on here instead of physics. Sorry to burst your political narrative. Deflect from the guy in charge who runs indoor, maskless rallies in AZ and OK in just the past week.
  17. ...And we just hit a record high for daily new covid cases in the U.S... Just "hype" from the "media". Nothing. To see. Here. Carry on.
  18. Pretty much. Unfortunately, the R governors of FL and TX who Daddy "Hydroxychloroquine 'n Bleach" Trump whispers into the ears of will have a much higher threshold before they consider lockdowns. They may even try to avoid them. It will not be pretty. Just watch as all the Cuomo bashing goes quiet over the next weeks...
  19. Speaking of Arizona, from today: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2020/06/23/phoenix-rally-president-donald-trump-barely-mentions-covid-19-crowd-mostly-unmasked-supporters/3239570001/ First OK and now AZ. This guy just wants to seed it throughout the nation I guess. And AZ which is not looking too good right now...SMH Someone said this is like Global Warming--true in the sense that the same people who want to pretend Global Warming is not real are the same ones who want to pretend the Pandemic is not real. And the overlap is not a coincidence. Nonlinear, multi-order effects are very hard (for some people) to understand, especially when you're incentivized to not understand it. Apparently, so is invoking precaution in the face of risky outcomes. We Americans are getting more than a taste of what happens when we put these folks in the driver's seat...
  20. Smart move. They ate their vegetables, now they move onto dessert. USA? Stuck in futile "isolate seniors/vulnerables" until/if a vaccine ever emerges. Oh, and economy takes on water over longer term now even without any more lockdowns. "Isolate seniors strategy" a.k.a. prepare for long term hits to tourism, entertainment, no spending by those who have money to spend (seniors/retirees), less spending even by young folks who also really don't want covid themselves, restaurant/hotel volume hits, etc etc. Oh, and good luck completely sealing off seniors from the rest of the population. Maybe we can pull some seniors out of retirement to run the nursing homes...
  21. An absolute travesty of leadership.
  22. I would not say the situation is same across the globe. EU countries, even Italy and Spain, have much fewer new cases by the day now and doing much better. USA in similar basket as Brazil and India with persistent new case formation. Guess we are like an emerging country now... Are we Great Again yet?
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